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41 Function Specifiers, Alignment Specifiers/Operators

These don’t see a heck of a lot of use in my experience, but we’ll cover them here for the sake of completeness.

41.1 Function Specifiers

When you declare a function, you can give the compiler a couple tips about how the functions could or will be used. This enables or encourages the compiler to make certain optimizations.

41.1.1 inline for Speed—Maybe

You can declare a function to be inline like this:

static inline int add(int x, int y) {
    return x + y;

This is meant to encourage the compiler to make this function call as fast as possible. And, historically, one way to do this was inlining, which means that the body of the function would be embedded in its entirety where the call was made. This would avoid all the overhead of setting up the function call and tearing it down at the expense of larger code size as the function was copied all over the place instead of being reused.

The quick-and-dirty things to remember are:

  1. You probably don’t need to use inline for speed. Modern compilers know what’s best.

  2. If you do use it for speed, use it with file scope, i.e. static inline. This avoids the messy rules of external linkage and inline functions.

Stop reading this section now.

Glutton for punishment, eh?

Let’s try leaving the static off.

#include <stdio.h>

inline int add(int x, int y)
    return x + y;

int main(void)
    printf("%d\n", add(1, 2));

gcc gives a linker error on add()231. The spec requires that if you have a non-extern inline function you must also provide a version with external linkage.

So you’d have to have an extern version somewhere else for this to work. If the compiler has both an inline function in the current file and an external version of the same function elsewhere, it gets to choose which one to call. So I highly recommend they be the same.

Another thing you can do is to declare the function as extern inline. This will attempt to inline in the same file (for speed), but will also create a version with external linkage.

41.1.2 noreturn and _Noreturn

This indicates to the compiler that a particular function will not ever return to its caller, i.e. the program will exit by some mechanism before the function returns.

It allows the compiler to perhaps perform some optimizations around the function call.

It also allows you to indicate to other devs that some program logic depends on a function not returning.

You’ll likely never need to use this, but you’ll see it on some library calls like exit()232 and abort()233.

The built-in keyword is _Noreturn, but if it doesn’t break your existing code, everyone would recommend including <stdnoreturn.h> and using the easier-to-read noreturn instead.

It’s undefined behavior if a function specified as noreturn actually does return. It’s computationally dishonest, see.

Here’s an example of using noreturn correctly:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdnoreturn.h>

noreturn void foo(void) // This function should never return!
    printf("Happy days\n");

    exit(1);            // And it doesn't return--it exits here!

int main(void)

If the compiler detects that a noreturn function could return, it might warn you, helpfully.

Replacing the foo() function with this:

noreturn void foo(void)
    printf("Breakin' the law\n");

gets me a warning:

foo.c:7:1: warning: function declared 'noreturn' should not return

41.2 Alignment Specifiers and Operators

Alignment234 is all about multiples of addresses on which objects can be stored. Can you store this at any address? Or must it be a starting address that’s divisible by 2? Or 8? Or 16?

If you’re coding up something low-level like a memory allocator that interfaces with your OS, you might need to consider this. Most devs go their careers without using this functionality in C.

41.2.1 alignas and _Alignas

This isn’t a function. Rather, it’s an alignment specifier that you can use with a variable declaration.

The built-in specifier is _Alignas, but the header <stdalign.h> defines it as alignas for something better looking.

If you need your char to be aligned like an int, you can force it like this when you declare it:

char alignas(int) c;

You can also pass a constant value or expression in for the alignment. This has to be something supported by the system, but the spec stops short of dictating what values you can put in there. Small powers of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16) are generally safe bets.

char alignas(8) c;   // align on 8-byte boundaries

If you want to align at the maximum used alignment by your system, include <stddef.h> and use the type max_align_t, like so:

char alignas(max_align_t) c;

You could potentially over-align by specifying an alignment more than that of max_align_t, but whether or not such things are allowed is system dependent.

41.2.2 alignof and _Alignof

This operator will return the address multiple a particular type uses for alignment on this system. For example, maybe chars are aligned every 1 address, and ints are aligned every 4 addresses.

The built-in operator is _Alignof, but the header <stdalign.h> defines it as alignof if you want to look cooler.

Here’s a program that will print out the alignments of a variety of different types. Again, these will vary from system to system. Note that the type max_align_t will give you the maximum alignment used by the system.

#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stdio.h>     // for printf()
#include <stddef.h>    // for max_align_t

struct t {
    int a;
    char b;
    float c;

int main(void)
    printf("char       : %zu\n", alignof(char));
    printf("short      : %zu\n", alignof(short));
    printf("int        : %zu\n", alignof(int));
    printf("long       : %zu\n", alignof(long));
    printf("long long  : %zu\n", alignof(long long));
    printf("double     : %zu\n", alignof(double));
    printf("long double: %zu\n", alignof(long double));
    printf("struct t   : %zu\n", alignof(struct t));
    printf("max_align_t: %zu\n", alignof(max_align_t));

Output on my system:

char       : 1
short      : 2
int        : 4
long       : 8
long long  : 8
double     : 8
long double: 16
struct t   : 16
max_align_t: 16

41.3 memalignment() Function

New in C23!

(Caveat: none of my compilers support this function yet, so the code is largely untested.)

alignof is great if you know the type of your data. But what if you’re woefully ignorant of the type, and only have a pointer to the data?

How could that even happen?

Well, with our good friend the void*, of course. We can’t pass that to alignof, but what if we need to know the alignment of the thing it points to?

We might want to know this if we’re about to use the memory for something that has significant alignment needs. For example, atomic and floating types often behave badly if misaligned.

So with this function we can check the alignment of some data as long as we have a pointer to that data, even if it’s a void*.

Let’s do a quick test to see if a void pointer is well-aligned for use as an atomic type, and, if so, let’s get a variable to use it as that type:

void foo(void *p)
    if (memalignment(p) >= alignof(atomic int)) {
        atomic int *i = p;
    } else
        puts("This pointer is no good as an atomic int\n");


I suspect you will rarely (to the point of never, likely) need to use this function unless you’re doing some low-level stuff.

And there you have it. Alignment!

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