It’s time to put it all together into this, the final project!
We’re going to build a multiuser chat server and a chat client to go along with it.
The chat server should allow an arbitrary number of connections from clients. All the clients will see what the other ones are saying.
Not only that, but there should be messages for when a user joins or leaves the chat.
Here’s a sample screenshot. The prompt where this user (“pat” in this example) is typing what they’re about to say. The region above it is where all the output accumulates.
*** pat has joined the chat
pat: Hello?
*** leslie has joined the chat
leslie: hi everyone!
pat: hows it going
*** chris has joined the chat
chris: OK, now we can start!
pat: lol
leslie: Why are you always last?
*** chris has left the chat
pat> oh no!! :)█
There will be one server, and it will handle many simultaneous clients.
The server will run using select()
to handle multiple connections to see which ones are ready to read.
The listener socket itself will also be included in this set. When it shows “ready-to-read”, it means there’s a new connection to be accept()
ed. If any of the other already-accepted sockets show “ready-to-read”, it means the client has sent some data that needs to be handled.
When the server get a chat packet from one client, it rebroadcasts that chat message to every connected client.
Note: when we use the term “broadcast” here, we’re using it in the generic sense of sending a thing to a lot of people. We’re not talking about IP or Ethernet broadcast addresses. We won’t use those in this project.
When a new client connects or disconnects, the server broadcasts that to all the clients, as well.
Since multiple clients will be sending data streams to the server, the server needs to maintain a packet buffer for each client.
You can put this is a Python
that uses the client’s socket itself as the key, so it maps from a socket to a buffer.
The server will be launched by specifying a port number on the command line. This is mandatory; there is no default port.
python 3490
When the client is launched, the user specifies their nickname (AKA “nick”) on the command line along with the server information.
The very first packet it sends is a “hello” packet that has the nickname in it. (This is how the server associates a connection with a nick and rebroadcasts the connection event to the other clients.)
After that, every line the user types into the client gets sent to the server as a chat packet.
Every chat packet (or connect or disconnect packet) the client gets from the server is shown on the output.
The client has a text user interface (TUI) that helps keep the output clean. Since the output is happening asynchronously on a different part of the screen than the input, we need to do some terminal magic to keep them from overwriting each other. This TUI code will be supplied and is described in the next section.
Since there can be data arriving while the user is typing something, we need a way to handle that. The client will be multithreaded. There will be two threads of execution.
Since there is no shared data between those threads, no synchronization (mutexes, etc.) will be required.
They do share the socket, but the OS makes sure that it’s OK for multiple threads to use that at the same time without an issue. It’s threadsafe.
If you need more information on threading in Python, see the Appendix: Threading section.
The client will be started by specifying the user’s nickname, the server address, and the server port on the command line. These are all required arguments; there are no defaults.
python chris localhost 3490
The client screen is split into two main regions:
(The Client TUI section, below, has details about how to do this I/O.)
The client input line at the bottom of the screen should be the user’s nickname followed by >
and a space. The input takes place after that:
alice> this is some sample input
The output area of the screen has two main types of messages:
Chat messages: these show the speaker nickname followed by :
and a space, and then the message.
pat: hows it going
Informational messages: these show when a user has joined or left the chat, or any other information that needs printing. They consist of ***
followed by a space, then the message. Joining and leaving messages are shown here:
*** leslie has joined the chat *** chris has left the chat
If the user input begins with /
, it has special meaning and should be parsed farther to determine the action.
Currently, the only special input defined is /q
: if the user enters this, the client should exit. Nothing is sent to the server in this case.Download the Chat UI code and demo here16.
In the file
, there are four functions you need, and you can get them with this import:
from chatui import init_windows, read_command, print_message, end_windows
The functions are:
init_windows(): call this first before doing any other UI-oriented I/O of any kind. It should also be called before you start the receiver thread since that thread does I/O.
end_windows(): call this when your program completes to clean everything up.
read_command(): this prints a prompt out at the bottom of the screen and accepts user input. It returns the line the user entered once they hit the ENTER
For example:
= read_command("Enter something> ") s
The function takes care of screen placement of the element.
print_message(): Prints a message to the output portion of the screen. This handle scrolling and making sure the output doesn’t interfere with the input from read_command()
Do not include a newline in your output. It will be added automatically.
Known Bug: on Mac, if something gets written by print_message()
, then next backspace you type will show a ^R
and scroll down a line. It’s unclear why this happens.
If the chatui
library is causing you trouble, you could try the alternate version chatuicurses
. It has the exact same functions and is used in the exact same way.
Before you use it, you have to install the unicurses library:
python3 -m pip install uni-curses
After that installs, you should just be able to use chatuicurses
instead of chatui
in the import line.
Known Mac Issue: my attempt complained that the curses library wasn’t installed when in fact it was. This doesn’t seem to affect Linux or Windows.
One caveat here is that the input routine doesn’t obey CRTL-C
to get out of the app. As such, you might have to hit CTRL-C
followed by RETURN
to actually break out. On Windows, you might try CTRL-BREAK
The client and server will communicate over TCP (stream) sockets using a defined packet structure.
In a nutshell, a packet is a 16-bit big-endian number representing the payload length. The payload is a string containing JSON-format data with UTF-8 encoding.
You can encode the JSON string to UTF-8 bytes by calling
on the string..encode()
takes an argument to specify the encoding, but it defaults to"UTF-8"
So the first thing you’ll have to do when looking at the data stream is make sure you have at least two bytes in your buffer so you can determine the JSON data length. And then after that, see if you have the length (plus 2 for the 2-byte header) in your buffer.
If you don’t, you’ll have to keep receiving data in a loop until you have enough. Also remember that you might receive some data from the next packet in a single recv()
Your code has to work no matter how many bytes are returned by recv()
, even if it’s more or fewer than you expected!
Have a get_next_packet()
function that will extract and return the next packet, like you’ve done in earlier projects. Abstracting the byte stream into packets like this will make your life easier.
Also: be sure to use sendall()
so that all the data you want sent actually gets sent!
If your JSON is rusty, check out the Appendix: JSON section.
Each packet starts with the two-byte length of the payload, followed by the payload.
The payload is a UTF-8 encoded string representing a JSON object.
Each payload is an Object, and has a field in it named "type"
that represents the type of the payload. The remaining fields vary based on the type.
In the following examples, square brackets in strings are used to indicate a place where you need to put in the relevant information. The brackets are not to be included in the packet.
When a client first connects to a server, it sends a hello
packet with the user’s nickname. This allows the server to associate a connection with a nick.
This MUST be sent before any other packets.
From client to server:
"type": "hello"
"nick": "[user nickname]"
This represents a chat message. It has two forms depending on whether or not the chat message originated with the client (i.e. the user wants to send a message) or the server (i.e. the server is broadcasting someone else’s message).
From client to server:
"type": "chat"
"message": "[message]"
From server to clients:
"type": "chat"
"nick": "[sender nickname]"
"message": "[message]"
The client doesn’t need to send the sender’s nick along with the packet since the server can already make that association from the hello
packet sent earlier.
The server sends this to all the clients when someone joins the chat.
"type": "join"
"nick": "[joiner's nickname]"
The server sends this to all the clients when someone leaves the chat.
"type": "leave"
"nick": "[leaver's nickname]"
These aren’t worth any points, but if you want to push farther, here are some ideas. Caveat! Be sure whatever you turn in has the official functionality as already described. These mods can be a strict superset of that, or you can fork a new project to hold them.
At the very least, I recommend branching from your working version so it doesn’t get accidentally messed up!
Add direct messaging–if the user “pat” sends:
/message chris how's it going?
then “chris” will see:
pat -> chris: how's it going?
(What if the user doesn’t exist? Maybe you need to define an error packet to get back from the server!)
Add a way to list the names of all the people in the chat
Add emotes–if the user “pat” sends:
/me goes out to buy some snacky cakes
everyone else sees:
[pat goes out to buy some snacky cakes]
(The right way to do this is to add a new packet type!)
Add chat rooms–there could be a default room everyone is in when they first join, but additions could be to add chat rooms, join or leave chat rooms, and list available chat rooms.
Turn the whole thing into a MUD. That should keep you busy!
Here are some pointers that might help.
Have the server use the set of connected sockets that it passes to select()
as its canonical list of everyone who is connected.
If a client disconnects, remove them from the set.
If a new client connects, add them to the set.
The set will always reflect everyone who is connected at this time.
Have a buffer per connection on the server. Remember how we had a buffer in earlier projects that would accumulate data until there was a complete packet? We need one of those buffers per connection. And in this project, we have a lot of connections.
Use a dict
to store the buffers. The key is the socket itself, and the value is a string with the buffer for that socket in it.
Remember the project where we wrote code to extract packets from the bytestring buffer?
Use that strategy again.
You’ll want to use .to_bytes()
and .from_bytes()
to get and set the packet length.
Use old projects as much as you can.