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38 Project: Port Scanning

We’re going to do some port scanning!

NOTE: We’re only going to run this on localhost to avoid any legal trouble.

To make this happen, we need to install the nmap too.


brew install nmap

Windows WSL:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nmap
  1. Portscan All Common Ports

    This command will portscan 1000 of the most common ports:

    nmap localhost

    What’s the output?

  2. Portscan All Ports

    This will scan all the ports–starting from 0 on:

    nmap -p0- localhost

    What’s the output?

  3. Run a Server and Portscan

    Run any TCP server program that you wrote this quarter on some port.

    Run the all-port scan again (above).

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