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40 Appendix: Bitwise Operations

In this section, we’ll refresh on bitwise operations.

The bitwise operators in a language manipulate the bits of numbers. These operators act as if a number is represented in binary, even if its not. They can work on numbers of any base in Python code, but it makes the most sense to us as humans in binary.

Protip: remember that different number bases like hex, binary, and decimal are just different ways of writing a value down. Kind of like different languages for representing the same numeric value.

When a value is stored in a variable, it’s best to think of it as existing in a pure numeric sense–no base at all. It’s only when you write it down (in code or print it out) that the base matters.

For instance, Python prints everything in decimal (base 10) by default. It has various methods to override that and output in another base.

We’ll look at:

40.1 Coding Different Bases in Python

What value is 110101?

Your brain might think I’m asking “What is this binary number in decimal?” But you’d be wrong!

I did not specify a number base along with that number, so you don’t know if it’s binary or decimal or hex!

For the record, I meant it to be decimal, so it’s one hundred ten thousand one hundred one.

Python and most other languages assume the numbers in your code are decimal unless you specify otherwise.

If you wanted it to be a different base, you have to prefix the number to indicate the base.

These prefixes are:

Base Base name Prefix
2 Binary 0b
8 Octal 0o
10 Decimal None
16 Hexadecimal 0x

So let’s write some numbers in different bases:

  110101 decimal!
0b110101 binary!
0x110101 hex!

Let’s look at the decimal value 3490. I can convert that to hex and get 0xda2.

It’s important to remember these two values are identical:

>>> 3490 == 0xda2

It’s just a different “language” for representing the same value.

40.2 Printing and Converting

Remember that there’s no such thing as a value “stored in hex” or “stored in decimal” in a variable. The variable holds just a numeric value and we shouldn’t consider it to have a base.

It only acquires a base when we write in our code or print it out. Then we have to specify the base. (Although Python uses decimal by default in all cases.)

You can convert a value to a hex string with the hex() function. All “converted” values end up as strings. What else would they be?

>>> print(hex(3490))

You can convert a value to a binary string with the bin() function.

>>> print(bin(3490))

You can also use f-strings to get the job done:

>>> print(f"3490 is {3490:x} in hex and {3490:b} in binary")
3490 is da2 in hex and 110110100010 in binary

The f-strings have a nice feature of being able to pad to a field width with zeros. Let’s say you wanted an 8-digit hex number representation, you could do it like this:

>>> print(f"3490 is {3490:08x} in hex")
3490 is 00000da2 in hex

40.3 Bitwise-AND

Bitwise-AND mashes two numbers together with an AND operation. The result of an AND operation is 1 if both of the two input bits are 1. Otherwise it’s 0.

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Let’s do an example and AND two binary numbers together. Bitwise-AND uses the ampersand operator (&) in Python and many other languages.

  0     0     1     1
& 0   & 1   & 0   & 1
---   ---   ---   ---
  0     0     0     1

You see the result is 1 only if both of the two input bits are 1.

Larger inputs are AND’d by pairs of individual bits, which are what appears in each column of the large numbers below. (For completeness, the decimal result is shown on the right, but this is derived from the binary representation. It’s not easy to look at two decimal numbers and ascertain their bitwise-AND.)

  0100011111000101010      146986
& 1001111001001111000    & 324216
---------------------    --------
  0000011001000101000       12840

See how any particular output bit is 1 only if both bits in the column above it are 1.

40.4 Bitwise-OR

Bitwise-OR mashes two numbers together with an OR operation. The result of an OR operation is 1 if either or both of the two input bits are 1. Otherwise it’s 0.

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

Let’s do an example and OR two binary numbers together. Bitwise-OR uses the pipe operator (|) in Python and many other languages.

  0     0     1     1
| 0   | 1   | 0   | 1
---   ---   ---   ---
  0     1     1     1

You see the result is 1 if either of the two input bits are 1.

Larger inputs are OR’d by pairs of individual bits, which are what appears in each column of the large numbers below. (For completeness, the decimal result is shown on the right, but this is derived from the binary representation. It’s not easy to look at two decimal numbers and ascertain their bitwise-OR.)

  0100011111000101010      146986
| 1001111001001111000    | 324216
---------------------    --------
  1101111111001111010      458362

See how any particular output bit is 1 if either or both bits in the column above it are 1.

40.5 Bitwise-NOT

Bitwise-NOT inverts a value by changing all the 1 bits to 0 and all the 0 bits to 1 This is a unary operator–it just works on a single number.

0 1
1 0

Let’s do an example and NOT a single bit number. Bitwise-NOT uses the tilde operator (~) in Python and many other languages.

~ 0   ~ 1
---   ---
  1     0

You see the result is simply flipped to the other bit value.

Larger inputs are NOT’d by individual bits, which are what appears in each column of the large numbers below. (For completeness, the decimal result is shown on the right, but this is derived from the binary representation. It’s not easy to look at two decimal numbers and ascertain their bitwise-NOT.)

~ 0100011111000101010    ~ 146986
---------------------    --------
  1011100000111010101      377301

See how any particular output bit is 1 only if both bits in the column above it are 1.

Python note: the bitwise-NOT of a number will frequently be negative because of Python’s arbitrary-precision arithmetic. If you need it to be positive, bitwise-AND the result with the number of 1 bits you need to represent the final value. For instance, to get a byte with 37 inverted, you can do any of these:

(~37) & 255
(~37) & 0xff
(~37) & 0b11111111

(Because, of course, those are all the same number in different bases!)

40.6 Bitwise shift

This is an interesting one. Using this, you can move a number back and forth by a certain number of bits.

Check out how we’re moving all the bits left by 2 in this example:

000111000111  left shifted by 2 is:

Or we can shift right:

000111000111  right shifted by 2 is:

New bits on the left or right are set to zero, and bits that fall off the ends vanish forever.

I’m lying a little because of how a lot of languages handle right shifting of negative numbers. If you shift a negative number right, the new bits might be 1 instead of 0 depending on the language. Python uses arbitrary precision integer math, so there are actually an infinite number of 1 bits on the left of any negative number in Python, making things even weirder.

For now, best to just think about positive numbers.

The operator is << for left shift and >> for right shift in most languages (sorry, Ruby!). Let’s do an example:

>>> v = 0b00000101
>>> print(f"{v << 2:08b}")

There we had a byte in binary and we left-shifted it by 2 with v << 2. And you can see the 101 has moved over 2 bits to the left!

40.7 Setting a Given Number of 1 bits

This is a little bit-hack we can do if we want to get a number with a certain number of contiguous bits set to 1.

For example, what if I want a number with 12 bits set to one, namely:


What would I have to do?

We can make use of a couple tricks here. Let’s start with trick #1.

If you want to set the nth bit to 1 (where the rightmost bit is bit number 0), you can raise 2 to that power and get there.

Let’s set bit #5 to 1. We can take 2**5 which gives us 32. And 32 in binary is 100000. There we are.

Another option is to left-shift a 1 by 5 bits: 1 << 5 is 100000 in binary, which is 32 decimal.

That works.

But how do we get to our bit run of 1s from there?

Check this out: what’s 32 minus 1? 31. Not a trick question. But let’s look at those in binary:

32   100000
31   011111

Hey! It’s a run of 1s! Not only that, but it’s a run of 5 1s, just like we wanted! (This is analogous to subtraction in decimal. 10,000 - 1 is 9,999. Just in binary we roll over to all 1s, not 9s.)

run_of_ones = (1 << count) - 1

Here’s our run of 12 1s:

>>> bin((1 << 12) - 1)

If you like these sorts of bit-twiddling hacks, you might enjoy the book Hacker’s Delight. Chapter 2, which covers a lot of these techniques had historically been distributed for free; you might be able to find a PDF floating around.

40.8 Reflect

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