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42 Appendix: Multithreading

Multithreading is the idea that a process can have multiple threads of execution. That is, it can be running a number of functions at the same time, as it were.

This is really useful if you have a function that is waiting for something to happen, and you need another function to keep running at the same time.

This would be useful in a multiuser chat client because it has to do two things at once, both of which block:

If we didn’t use multithreading, we wouldn’t be able to receive messages from the server while we were waiting for user input and vice versa.

Side note: select() actually has the capability to add regular file descriptors to the set to listen for. So it technically could listen for data on the sockets and the keyboard. This doesn’t work in Windows, however. And the design of the client is simpler overall with multithreading.

Let’s take a look at how this works in Python.

42.1 Concepts

There are a few terms we should get straight first.

It’s important to note that global objects are shared between threads! This means one thread can set the value in a global object and other threads will see those changes. You don’t have to worry about this if the shared data is read-only, but do have to consider this if it’s writable.

We are about to get into the weeds with concurrency and synchronization here, so for this project, let’s just not use any global shared objects. Remember the old proverb:

Shared Nothing Is Happy Everybody

That’s not really an old proverb. I just made it up. And it sounds kind of selfish now that I read it again.

Back on track to a related notion: local objects are not shared between threads. This means threads get their own local variables and parameter values. They can change them and those changes will not be visible to other threads.

Also, if you have multiple threads running at the same time, the order in which they are executed is unpredictable. This really only gets to be a problem if there is some kind of timing or data dependency between threads, and again we’re starting to get out in the weeds. Let’s just be aware that the order of execution is unpredictable and that’ll be OK for this project.

That should be enough to get started.

42.2 Multithreading In Python

Let’s write a program that spawns three threads.

Each thread will run a function called runner() (you can call the function whatever you wish). This function takes two arguments: a name and a count. It loops and prints the name out count times.

The thread exits when the runner() function returns.

You can create a new thread by calling the threading.Thread() constructor.

You can run a thread with its .start() method.

And you can wait for the thread to complete with its .join() method.

Let’s take a peek!

import threading
import time

def runner(name, count):
    """ Thread running function. """

    for i in range(count):
        print(f"Running: {name} {i}")
        time.sleep(0.2)  # seconds

# Launch this many threads

# We need to keep track of them so that we can join() them later. We'll
# put all the thread references into this array
threads = []

# Launch all threads!!
for i in range(THREAD_COUNT):

    # Give them a name
    name = f"Thread{i}"

    # Set up the thread object. We're going to run the function called
    # "runner" and pass it two arguments: the thread's name and count:
    t = threading.Thread(target=runner, args=(name, i+3))

    # The thread won't start executing until we call `start()`:

    # Keep track of this thread so we can join() it later.

# Join all the threads back up to this, the main thread. The main thread
# will block on the join() call until the thread is complete. If the
# thread is already complete, the join() returns immediately.

for t in threads:

And here’s the output:

Running: Thread0 0
Running: Thread1 0
Running: Thread2 0
Running: Thread1 1
Running: Thread0 1
Running: Thread2 1
Running: Thread1 2
Running: Thread0 2
Running: Thread2 2
Running: Thread1 3
Running: Thread2 3
Running: Thread2 4

They’re all running at the same time!

Notice the execution order isn’t consistent. It might ever vary from run to run. And that’s OK for this program since the threads don’t depend on one another.

42.3 Daemon Threads

Python classifies threads in two different ways:

The general idea is that a daemon thread will keep running forever and never return from its function. Unlike non-daemon threads, these threads will be automatically killed by Python once all the non-daemon threads are dead.

If you kill the main thread with CTRL-C and there are no other non-daemon threads running, all daemon threads will also be killed.

But if you have some non-daemon threads, you have to CTRL-C through all of them before you get back to the prompt.

In the final project, we’ll be running a thread forever to listen for incoming messages from the server. So that should be a daemon thread.

You can create a daemon thread like this:

t = threading.Thread(target=runner, daemon=True)

Then at least CTRL-C will get you out of the client easily.

42.4 Reflect

42.5 Threading Project

If you’re looking to flex your muscles a bit, here’s a little project to work on.

42.5.1 What We’re Building

The client who has hired us in this case has several ranges of numbers. They want the sum total of all the sums of all the ranges.

For example, if the ranges are:


We want to:

They want the range sums and the total sum printed out. For the example above, they’d want it to print:

[15, 63]

42.5.2 Overall Structure

The program MUST use threads to solve the problem because the client really likes parallelism.

You should write a function that adds up a range of numbers. Then you’ll spawn a thread for each range and have that thread work on that range. If there are 10 ranges of numbers, there will be 10 threads, one processing each range.

The main thread will:

42.5.3 Useful Functions

42.5.4 Things the Thread Running Function Needs

All the threads are going to write into a shared array. This array can be set up ahead of time to have zeros in all the elements. There should be one element per thread, so that each thread can fill in the proper one.

To make this work, you’ll have to pass the thread’s index number to its run function so it knows which element in the shared array to put the result in!

42.5.5 Example Run

Example input (you can just hardcode this in your program):

ranges = [
    [10, 20],
    [1, 5],
    [70, 80],
    [27, 92],
    [0, 16]

Corresponding output:

[165, 15, 825, 3927, 136]

42.5.6 Extensions

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