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37 Trusting User Data

“You won’t know who to trust…”

–Gregor Ivanovich, Sneakers

When your server receives data from someone on the Internet, it’s not good enough to trust that they have good intentions.

There are lots of bad actors out there. You have to take steps to prevent them from sending things that crash your server processes or, worse, give them access to your server machine itself.

In this chapter we’re going to take a high-level look at some issues that might arise from users trying to send malicious data.

The two big ideas here are:

37.1 Buffer Overflow/Overrun

This is something that mostly affects memory-unsafe languages like C or C++.

The idea is:

  1. Your program allocates a fixed size region of memory to use.

  2. Your program reads some data into that memory region over a network connection.

  3. The attacker sends more data than can fit in that memory region. This data is carefully constructed to contain a payload.

  4. Your program, without thinking about it, writes the data from the attacker, filling the memory region and overflowing into whatever is in memory after that.

  5. Depending on how things are written, the attacker could overwrite the return address value on the stack, causing the function to return into the attacker’s payload and run that. The payload manipulates the system to install a virus or change the system to otherwise allow remote access.

Modern OSes try to mitigate by making the stack and heap regions of memory non-executable, and the code region of memory non-writable.

As a developer, you need to write code in C that properly performs bounds-checking and never writes to memory it doesn’t intend to.

37.2 Injection Attacks

These attacks are ones where you build a command using some data the user has provided to you. And then run that command.

A malicious user can feed you data that causes another command to be run.

37.2.1 System Commands

In many languages, there’s a feature that allows you to run a command via the shell.

For example, in Python you can run the ls command to get a directory listing like this:

import os


Let’s say you write a server that receives some data from a user. The user will send 1, 2 or 3 as data, depending on the function they want to select.

You run some code in your server like this:

os.system("mycommand " + user_input)

So if the user sends 2, it will run mycommand 2 as expected and return the output to the user.

To be safe, the mycommand program verifies that the only allowable inputs are 1, 2, or 3 and returns an error if something else is passed.

Are we safe?

No. Do you see how?

The user could pass the input:

1; cat /etc/passwd

This would cause the following to be executed:

mycommand 1; cat /etc/passwd

The semicolon is the command separator in bash. This causes the mycommand program to execute, followed by a command that shows the contents of the Unix password file.

To be safe, all the special characters in the input need to be stripped or escaped so that the shell doesn’t interpret them.

37.2.2 SQL Commands

There’s a similar attack called SQL Injection, where a non-carefully crafted SQL query can allow a malicious user to execute arbitrary SQL queries.

Let’s say you build a SQL query in Python like this, where we get the variable username over the network in some way:

q = f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '{username}'

So if I enter Alice for the user, we get the following perfectly valid query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Alice'

And then I run it, no problem.

But let’s think like a villain.

What if we entered this:

Alice' or 1=1 --

Now we get this:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Alice' or 1=1 -- '

The -- is a comment delimiter in SQL. Now we’ve put together a query that shows all user information, not just Alice’s.

Not only that, but a naive implementation might also support the ; command separator. If so, an attacker could do something like this:

Alice'; SELECT * FROM passwords --

Now we get this command:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Alice'; SELECT * FROM passwords -- '

And we get the output from the passwords table.

To avoid this trap, use parameterized query generators. This will be something in the SQL library that allows you to safely build a query with any user input.

Never try to build the SQL string yourself.

37.2.3 Cross-Site Scripting

This is something that happens with HTML/JS.

Let’s say you have a form that accepts a user comment, and then the server appends that comment to the web page.

So if the user enters:

This site has significant problems. I feel uncomfortable using it.

Love, FriendlyTroll

That gets added to the end of the page.

But if the user enters:


Now everyone will see that alert box whenever they view the comments!

And that’s a pretty innocuous example. The JavaScript could be anything and will be executed on the remote site (meaning it can perform API calls and fetches as that domain). It could also rewrite the page so that the login/password input submitted that information to the attacker’s website.

“It would be bad.”

Egon Spengler, Ghostbusters

Most HTML-oriented libraries come with a function to sterilize strings so that the browser will render them and not interpret them (e.g. all < replaced with &gt; and so on).

Definitely run any user-generated data through such a function before displaying it on a browser.

37.3 Reflect

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