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17 IP Subnets and Subnet Masks

[Everything in this chapter will use IPv4, not IPv6. The concepts are basically the same; it’s just easier to learn with IPv4.]

If you’re needing to review your Bitwise Operations, please see the Appendix: Bitwise Operations.

In this chapter:

17.1 Address Representation

Remember that IPv4 addresses are commonly shown in dots-and-numbers notation, e.g.

And recall that each of those numbers is a byte, which can have values 0-255, decimal (which is the same as 00-FF hexadecimal, and 00000000-11111111 binary).

So really, the dots-and-numbers is just there for our human convenience.

Protip: remember that different number bases like hex, binary, and decimal are just different ways of writing a value down. Kind of like different languages for representing the same numeric value.

When a value is stored in a variable, it’s best to think of it as existing in a pure numeric sense–no base at all. It’s only when you write it down (in code or print it out) that the base matters.

For instance, Python prints everything in decimal (base 10) by default. It has various methods to override that and output in another base.

Let’s look at that address in hex: c6.33.64.0a.

Now let’s cram those bytes together into a single hex number: c633640a.

Converting c633640a into decimal, we get: 3325256714.

So in a way, these all represent the same IP address:

Fair enough?

But why?

Well, we’re about to do some math on IP addresses. Now, we could do that math one byte at a time and it would work just fine.

But it turns out that if we pack all those bytes into a single number, we can do the math on all the bytes at once, and it becomes easier. Stay tuned!

17.2 Converting from Dots-and-Numbers

Our goal in this section is to take a dots-and-numbers string like and convert it into the corresponding value, like 3325256714 (decimal).

We could do it with string manipulation like in the previous section, but let’s do it in a more bitwise sense.

Let’s extract the individual numbers from an IP address (Python can do this with .split().)

The string:


becomes the list of strings:

["198", "51", "100", "10"]

Now let’s convert each of those to integers. (Python could do this with a loop and the int() function, or map(), or a list comprehension.)

[198, 51, 100, 10]

Now I’m going to write these numbers in hex because it makes the future steps more clear. But remember that they’re just stored as numeric values, so Python won’t print them as hex unless you ask it to.

[0xc6, 0x33, 0x64, 0x0a]

To build our number, we’re going to rely on a couple bitwise operations: bitwise-OR and bitwise-shift.

For the sake of example, let’s hardcode the math:

(0xc6 << 24) | (0x33 << 16) | (0x64 << 8) | 0x0a

Running that in Python gives the decimal number 3325256714. Converted to hex, we’re back to 0xc633640a.

You can use the above formula to convert any set of 4 bytes to a packed number.

There’s also a clever loop you can run to do it one byte at a time. See if you can figure that out as an added challenge! DM the instructor to see how clever you were.

17.3 Converting to Dots-and-Numbers

What if you have that value from the previous section, 3325256714, and you want to get it back as an IP address?

We can use some shifting to make that happen, too! But we have to do some AND masking to get just the parts of the number we want.

Let’s convert to hex because each byte is exactly 2 hex digits and it’s a little easier to see them: 0xc633640a.

Now let’s look at that number shifted by 0 bits, 8 bits, 16 bits, and 24 bits:

0xc633640a >> 24 == 0x000000c6
0xc633640a >> 16 == 0x0000c633
0xc633640a >> 8  == 0x00c63364
0xc633640a >> 0  == 0xc633640a

If you look at just the two digits on the right, you’ll see they’re the bytes of the original number:

0xc633640a >> 24 == 0x000000 c6
0xc633640a >> 16 == 0x0000c6 33
0xc633640a >> 8  == 0x00c633 64
0xc633640a >> 0  == 0xc63364 0a

So we’re onto something, except looking at the right shift 8, for example, we get this:

0xc633640a >> 8  == 0x00c63364

So yes, I’m interested in the byte 0x64 like we see on the right, but not the 0xc633 part of it. How can I zero that higher part out, leaving just the 0x64?

We can use an AND mask! The bitwise-AND operator can work like a stencil letting some of the number through and zeroing other parts of it. Let’s do a bitwise-AND on that number with the byte 0xff, which is all 8 bits set to 1 and all bits over the first 8 have implied value 0.

& 0x000000ff

Hey! 0x64 is the byte from the IP address we wanted! See how where there were binary 1s in the mask (except here represented in hex) it let the value “show through”, while everywhere that had a zero it was masked out?

Now we can extract our digits:

(0xc633640a >> 24) & 0xff == 0x000000c6 == 0xc6
(0xc633640a >> 16) & 0xff == 0x00000033 == 0x33
(0xc633640a >> 8)  & 0xff == 0x00000064 == 0x64
(0xc633640a >> 0)  & 0xff == 0x0000000a == 0x0a

And those are the individual bytes of the IP address.

To get from there to dots-and-numbers, you can use an f-string or .join() in Python.

17.4 Subnet and Host Refresher

Recall that IP addresses are split into two portions: the subnet number and the host number. Some of the bits on the left side of the IP address are the network number, and the remaining bits on the right are the host number.

Let’s look at an example where the left 24 bits (3 bytes) are the subnet number and the right 8 bits (1 byte) holds the host number.

 Subnet   | Host

So that represents host 10 on subnet (We replace the host bits with 0 when talking about the subnet number.)

But I just said above, unilaterally, that there were 24 network bits in that IP address. That’s not very concise. So they invented slash notation.    24 bits are used for subnet

Or you could use it with an IP address:   Host 10 on subnet

Let’s try it with 16 bits for the network:    Host 2.17 on subnet

Get it?

In those examples we used a multiple of 8 so it would align visually on a byte boundary, but there’s no reason you can’t have a fractional part of a byte left over for a subnet:    Host 4 on subnet

If you don’t see where the 4 and 64 came from in the previous example, try writing the bytes out in binary!

17.5 Subnet Mask Refresher

What is the subnet mask? This is a run of 1 bits in binary that indicates which part of the IP address is the network portion. It is followed by a run of 0s in binary that indicate which part is the host portion.

It’s used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to, or what part of the IP represents the host number.

Let’s draw one in binary. We’ll use this example IP address:   Host 10 on subnet

Let’s first convert to binary. (There’s a hint here that the subnet mask is a bitwise-AND mask!)


And now, above it, let’s draw a run of 24 1s (because this is a /24 subnet) followed by 8 0s (because the IP address is 32 bits total).

11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000  subnet mask!

That is the subnet mask that corresponds to a /24 subnet!!

17.6 Computing the Subnet Mask from Slash Notation

If I tell you a subnet is /24, how can you determine the subnet mask is Or if I tell you it’s /28 that the mask is

For a subnet /24, we need a run of 24 1s, followed by 8 0s.

Look at the Appendix: Bitwise for ways to generate runs of 1s in binary and shift them over.

Once you have that big binary number, it’s a matter of switching it back to dots-and-numbers notation, using the technique we outlined, above.

Remember that subnets can end on any bit boundary. /17 is a fine subnet. It doesn’t have to be a multiple of 8!

17.7 Finding the Subnet for an IP address

If you’re given an IP address with slash notation like this:   Host 10 on subnet

How can you extract just the subnet ( and just the host

You can do it with bitwise-AND!

We can compute the subnet mask for /24 and get, as above.

After that, let’s take a look in binary and AND these together:

  11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000  subnet mask
& 11000110.00110011.01100100.00001010  IP address
  11000110.00110011.01100100.00000000  network number!

We can operate on the whole thing at once instead of a byte at a time, as well… we just need to cram those numbers together into a single value, like we did in the section above:

  11111111111111111111111100000000  subnet mask
& 11000110001100110110010000001010  IP address
  11000110001100110110010000000000  network number

The AND works on the whole thing at once! Then we can convert back to dots-and-numbers notation like we did in the previous sections.

Now what if you had the IP address and the subnet mask and wanted to get the host bits out of the IP address, not the network bits. Do you see how you could do it? (Hint: bitwise NOT!)

Routers use this all the time–they are given an IP address and they need to know if it matches any subnets the router is connected to. So it masks out the IP address’s network number and compares it to all the subnets that router knows. And then forwards it toward the right one.

17.8 Reflect is the network number, but it’s not the subnet mask. The subnet mask is the dots-and-numbers value obtained from the slash notation. In this case it’s /24, which gives us

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