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18 IP Routing

This chapter is all about routing over IP. This task is handled by computers called routers that know how to direct traffic down different lines that are connected to them.

As we’ll see, every computer attached to the Internet is actually a router, but they all rely on other routers to get the packets to their destinations.

We’re going to talk about two big ideas:

Let’s get into it!

18.1 Routing Protocols

Routing protocols in general have this goal: give routers enough information to make routing decisions.

That is, when a router receives a packet on one interface, how does it decide which interface to forward it to? How does it know which route leads to the packet’s eventual destination?

18.1.1 Interior Gateway Protocols

When it comes to routing packets over the Internet, we’ll take a higher view. Let’s look at the Internet as a bunch of clumps of networks that are more loosely connected. “Clump” is not an official industry term, for the record. The official term is autonomous system (AS), which Wikipedia defines as:

[…] a collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators on behalf of a single administrative entity or domain, that presents a common and clearly defined routing policy to the Internet.

But let’s think of it as a clump for now.

For example, OSU has a clump of network. It has its own internal routers and subnets that are “on the Internet”. A FAANG company might have another clump of Internet.

Within these clumps of Internet, an interior gateway protocol is used for routing. It’s a routing algorithm that is optimized for smaller networks with a small number of subnets.

Here are some examples of interior gateway protocols

Abbreviation Name Notes
OSPF Open Shortest Path First Most commonly used, IP layer
IS-IS Intermediate System to Intermediate System Link layer
EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol Cisco semi-proprietary
RIP Routing Information Protocol Old, rarely used

But of course you need to be able to communicate between these clumps of Internet–the whole Internet is connected after all. It would be a bummer if you couldn’t use Google’s servers from Oregon State. But clearly Google’s servers don’t have a map of OSU’s network… so how do they know how to route traffic?

18.1.2 Exterior Gateway Protocols

Having every router have a complete map of the Internet isn’t practical. Works fine on smaller clumps, but not on the whole thing.

So we change it up for communication between these clumps and use an exterior gateway protocol for routing between the clumps.

Remember the official term for “clump”? Autonomous Systems. Each autonomous system on the Internet is assigned an autonomous system number (ASN) that is used by the border gateway protocol (BGP) to help determine where to route packets.

Abbreviation Name Notes
BGP Border Gateway Protocol Used everywhere
EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol Obsolete

BGP can work in two different modes: internal BGP and external BGP. In internal mode, it acts as an interior gateway protocol, while external mode acts as an external gateway protocol.

There’s a great video from Eye on Tech8 that concisely covers it. I highly recommend spending the two minutes watching this to tie it all together.

18.2 Routing tables

A routing table is a definition of where to forward packets to get them farther along to their destination. Or, if the router is on the destination LAN, the routing table directs the router to send the traffic out locally at the physical layer (e.g. Ethernet).

The goal of the routing protocols we talked about above is to help routers across the Internet build their routing tables.

All computers connected to the Internet–routers and otherwise–have routing tables. Even on your laptop, the OS has to know what to do with different destination addresses. What if the destination is localhost? What if it’s another computer on the same subnet? What if it’s something else?

Looking at the typical laptop as an example, the OS keeps localhost traffic on the loopback device and it typically doesn’t go out on the network at all. From our programmer standpoint, it looks like it’s doing network stuff, but the OS knows to route traffic internally.

But what if you ping another computer on the same LAN as you? In that case, the OS checks the routing table, determines it’s on the same LAN, and sends it out over Ethernet to the destination.

But what if you ping another computer on a completely different LAN than you? When that happens, the OS can’t just send out an Ethernet frame and have it reach the destination. The destination isn’t on the same Ethernet network! So your computer instead forwards the packet to its default gateway, that is, the router of last resort. If your computer doesn’t have a routing table entry for the destination subnet in question, it sends it to the default gateway, which forwards it to the greater Internet.

Let’s look at an example routing table from my Linux machine, which in this example has been assigned address

Source Destination Gateway Device
1 lo
2 lo
3 lo
4 wlan0
5 wlan0
6 wlan0
7 default wlan0

Let’s take a look at connecting from localhost to localhost ( In that case, the OS looks up what route matches and sends the data on the corresponding interface. In this case, that’s the loopback interface (lo), a “fake” interface that the OS pretends is a network interface. (For performance reasons.)

But what if we send data from to anything on the subnet? It uses the lo interface as well. And the same thing happens if we send data to the broadcast address (on the subnet).

The other entries are more interesting. Remember as you look at these that my machine has been assigned

So if we look at line 4, above, we’re looking at the case where I send from my machine to itself. This is like localhost except I’m deliberately using the IP attached to my wireless LAN device, wlan0. So the OS is going to use that system, but is smart enough to not bother sending it over the wire–after all, this is the destination.

After that, we have the case where we’re sending to any other host on the subnet. So this is like my sending from my machine as to another machine, for example, say. Or any other machine on that subnet.

And then on line 6 we have a broadcast address for the LAN, which also goes out on the WiFi device.

But what if all that fails? What if I’m sending from to That’s not an IP or subnet listed on my destinations in my routing table.

This is what line 7 is for: the default gateway. This is where a router sends packets if it doesn’t know how to otherwise route them.

At your house, this is the router that you got from your ISP. Or that you bought and installed yourself if you were so-inclined.

So when I ping example.com ( as of this writing) from my home computer, those packets get sent to my default gateway because that IP and its corresponding subnet don’t appear in my computer’s routing table.

(And they don’t appear in my default gateway’s routing table, either. So it forwards them to its default route.)

18.3 Routing Algorithm

Let’s assume now that the routing protocols have done their job and all the routers have the information they need to know where to forward packets along the way.

When the packet arrives, the router follows a sequence of steps to decide what to do with it next. (For this discussion we’ll ignore the loopback device and assume all traffic is on an actual network.)

If multiple matching routes exist, the one with the longest subnet mask is chosen.

If there is still a tie, the one with the lowest metric is used.

If there is still a tie, ECMP (Equal Cost Multi-Path) routing can be used–send the packet down both paths.

18.4 Routing Example

Let’s run some examples. You can download a PDF of this diagram for greater clarity9.

In this diagram there are lot of missing things. Notably that every router interface has an IP address attached to it.

Also note that, for example, Router 1 is directly connected to 3 subnets, and it has an IP address on each of them.

Trace the route of these packets:

Source Destination and are private networks and don’t get routed over the outside Internet

18.5 Routing Loops and Time-To-Live

It should be apparent that it would be possible to set up a loop where a packet traveled in a circle forever.

To solve this problem, IP has a field in its header: time to live (TTL). This is a one-byte counter that starts at 255 and gets decremented every time a router forwards a packet.

When the counter reaches zero, the packet is discarded and an ICMP “Time Exceeded” error message is returned to the sender.

So the most hops that a packet can make is 255, even in a loop.

The traceroute utility function works by sending a packet toward a destination with a TTL of 1 and seeing who sends back the ICMP message. Then it sends out another with a TTL of 2 and sees who responds. And it keeps increasing the TTL on subsequent packets until the ultimate destination responds.

18.6 The Broadcast Address

There’s a special address in IPv4 called the broadcast address. This is an address that sends a packet to every computer on the LAN.

This is an address on a subnet with all the host bits set to 1.

For example:

Subnet Subnet Mask Broadcast Address

There’s also the broadcast address: This goes to everyone…

…And by everyone I mean everyone on the LAN. None of these broadcast packets make it past the router, not even The routers don’t forward them anywhere.

The world would be a very noisy place if they did.

One of the main uses for it is when you first open your laptop on WiFi. The laptop doesn’t know its IP, the subnet mask, the default gateway, or even whom to ask. So it sends out a broadcast packet to with a DHCP packet asking for that information. A DHCP server is listening and can then reply with the info.

And since you’re all wondering: IPv6 doesn’t have a broadcast address; its obviated by a thing called IPv6 multicast. Same idea, just more focused.

18.7 Reflect

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