| Contents |

7 Strings

7.1 Objective

7.2 Chapter Project Specification

Compute and print out a multiplication table. Allow the user to enter a number between 1 and 19, inclusive, and then print out a times table up to that value.

For example, if the user enters 4, the output should be:

  1   2   3   4
  2   4   6   8
  3   6   9  12
  4   8  12  16

Be sure to leave enough room for the maximum number of digits you’ll need in the largest product.

7.3 What is a String?

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

A string in Python is a sequence of characters (letters, punctuation, numbers, foreign characters, etc.). You enclose it in either single quotes (') or double quotes ("), your choice, as long as they match on either side.

Here are some strings:

"This is test #37"
"3490"                 # string of digits
"         "            # string of spaces
""                     # empty string, 0 characters
"Beej's String"        # string with an apostrophe
'Beej says, "hi!"'     # string with double quotes in it

You can also embed double quotes in double-quoted strings (or single quotes in single-quoted strings by putting a backslash character in front of them (\) . This is called escaping the character, which means “Hey, Python, treat this like a literal quote mark—just print a quote mark out,” as opposed to “Hey, Python, this is the end of the string.”

'Beej\'s string'        # Equivalent to the example, above
"Beej says, \"hi!\""

Strings are commonly used when:

7.4 Creating Strings

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Strings are generally created one of two ways:

The former we’ve already seen. Here’s another example of a string constant:

x = "This is a constant string!"

But we’ve also already seen functions that produce strings:

y = input("Enter a string: ")

input() returns a string that gets stored in y.

But wait—there’s clearly a constant string there, as well! The prompt "Enter a string:" is a string! Strings everywhere!

Later we’ll learn about file and network I/O and how they’re used with strings and other data types. But for now, we’ll stick to some basics.

7.5 Converting Other Types To Strings and Vice Versa

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

We’ve already mentioned this in a previous chapter, but it’s worth covering again as a review.

You can convert a lot of other types to strings with the str() function. We’ll see how to make use of this later.


x = str(3490)    # "3490"
y = str(3.14159) # "3.14159"
z = str("Hi!")   # "Hi!" (does nothing, since "Hi!" was already a string!)

Likewise, you can convert from strings to other types, like int and float with those respective functions:

x = int("3490")         # Integer 3490
y = float("3.14159")    # Float 3.14159

In this way, if you have a string with a number in it, you can convert it to a numeric value so that you can perform math on it.

7.6 String Concatenation with +

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

You’re used to using + to add two numbers, but did you know you could also “add” strings? It doesn’t do it arithmetically, but it will glue the strings together, a process known as concatenation (cən-CA-tən-ay-shun—“cat” in the middle pronounced like the animal.) You can concatenate two strings.

x = "Hello, "
y = "world!"
z = x + y      # z becomes "Hello, world!"

This is how you build smaller strings together into larger ones.

You often find the assignment-concatenation operator in use to add to the end of a string:

x = "B"   # start with "B"
x += "e"  # add an "e" to the end of the string
x += "e"  # add an "e" to the end of the string
x += "j"  # add a "j" to the end of the string
x += "!"  # add an "!" to the end of the string

print(x)   # Beej!

7.7 Midterm Challenge

Use what we’ve learned so far to concatenate a string "Hello" with the number 3490 (an integer, not a string).

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan.

OK, so let’s use + to concatenate the number onto the end of the string.

Problem-solving step: Carrying out the Plan.

x = "Hello"
y = 3490
print(x + y)

But running it, we get this output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "foo.py", line 3, in <module>
    print(x + y)
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Let’s take a close look at that. It’s telling us that on line 3 of foo.py, where we have print(x + y) we’re getting this error:

TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

y is an int, but x is a str. This error is telling us that we can’t concatenate an int onto a str. What to do now?

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan.

Since we can’t concatenate an int to a str, can we turn the int into a str? Sure! New plan: convert the int to a str with the str() function, and then concatenate it onto the first string with +.

Problem-solving step: Carrying out the Plan.

x = "Hello"
y = str(3490)
print(x + y)    # Hello3490


Problem-solving step: Looking Back.

Any other ways to solve this? We could have done the str() call later:

x = "Hello"
y = 3490
print(x + str(y))    # Hello3490

and that would have worked just as well.

Also ponder a related problem: what if you had a string "3490" and you wanted to arithmetically add 1000 to it, and then produce a final string of "4490"? What kinds of conversions and operations would you have to do?

7.8 Getting Individual Characters From Strings

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

What if we want to extract a single character from a string?

We can do it, but we have to introduce new notation to allow it: [ and ], AKA square brackets.

Let’s print out just the first two characters in a string:

x = "Beej!"

print(x[0])  # Print character in position 0, "B"
print(x[1])  # Print character in position 1, "e"
print(x[4])  # Print character in position 4, "!"

When reading this code, x[1] would be read aloud as “x sub 1”, a nod to classic mathematical notation \(x_1\). The 1 in this case is called the index into the string.

Really important: index numbers start at 0!! The first character in a string is sometimes referred to in speech as the zeroth character and the second character is sometimes referred to as the oneth character, and twoth, and threeth, and so on, in an attempt to avoid ambiguity. Say “The character at index 3” if you want to be sure.

Fun Indexing Fact: every programming language in serious use today uses 0-based indexing (that is, indexes start at 0). There are some useful mathematical implications for doing so, even if it’s trickier to think about.

Do some experimentation here. Try getting characters past the end of the string? What happens? (We’ll learn to mitigate this later.)

What if you try a negative index? What do you think will happen? What does happen?

Turns out if you specify a negative index in Python, it gets the character starting from the end of the string!

x = "Beej!"

print(x[-1])  # Print 1st from the end character: "!"
print(x[-4])  # Print 4th from the end character: "e"
print(x[-5])  # Print 5th from the end character: "B"

We’re going to use these next when we talk about slices.

7.9 Slices

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

A slice is part of a string. You specify them by knowing the starting index and ending index into a string, and separating them by a colon :.

x = "Beej!"
print(x[1:4])   # "eej"

The slice starts at the first index number and stops just before the second index number. (Remind you of anything? Yes—just like range()!)

In this way, you can pull out any substring from a string.

7.10 Midterm Challenge

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Write a program that will allow the user to input a string, then will print out the entire string except the first and last characters. You can assume the string will be at least 3 characters long.

So if the user enters Beej!, we want to print out eej. If they enter Python, we want to print out ytho.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan.

We need to:

  1. Input a string.
  2. Get a slice of the string not including the first and last characters.
  3. Print the slice.

Steps 1 and 3 are pretty straightforward. But what about step 2?

Since we don’t know how long the string will be (other than it’s three or more characters), we can’t just get a slice from 1 to, say, 5. We have to get a slice from index 1 to the second-from-the-end character.

Fortunately, we know how to index to the second from the end: index -2! But wait–there’s a catch: slices only go up to, but not including, the second index! So we need to end the slice at index -1 to cause it to not include the last character.

Problem-solving step: Carrying out the Plan.

x = input("Enter a string of at least 3 characters: ")
y = x[1:-1]  # all but the first and last

Easy peasy!

Problem-solving step: Looking Back.

What could we have done better?

We didn’t need the intermediate variable y. We could have simply:

x = input("Enter a string of at least 3 characters: ")
print(x[1:-1])  # all but the first and last

Also, we’re not actually enforcing the user to enter at least 3 characters. How would we do that? Remember how we used a while loop before to verify input? We could do the same.

But how can we tell if a string is at least a certain length? There are a couple of ways. Turns out, your slice will be an empty string ("") if the length of the string is less than 3, and you could use that to detect.

In a bit, we’ll also discuss the len() function that will give you the length of any string you pass in.

7.11 Interlude: Mutable versus Immutable Types

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

So far we’ve learned about three data types: integer, float, and string. All of these share a common characteristic: they’re all immutable. (That is, you cannot change them. Note that you can always change the thing a variable refers to—that is, you can assign the variable to refer to something else—but you can’t change the immutable thing, itself.)

What this means is that any time you do an operation on any of the types, you get a new entity back. Maybe the old one is kept, or maybe it is forgotten depending on how your code works.

In short, there’s no way to add something to the end of a string. You can take a string and add something to it to make a completely new string with the new stuff on the end, but it’s a new string. The original is never modified since it’s immutable.

x = "hello"
y = x + " world"

print(x)  # hello
print(y)  # hello world

See in that example how the value of x is unchanged? We couldn’t change it if we wanted to. Check this out:

x = "hello"
print(x[2])  # print character 2, namely "l"

x[2] = "z"   # ERROR! Python won't allow you to change the string!

If you wanted to make a string where character number 2 is swapped out, you’ll have to slice it up and build it yourself.

x = "hello"
y = x[:2] + "z" + x[3:]  # Make a new string

print(y)  # hezlo

Or you could use regular expressions43 or some other string methods to replace the letter… but remember that these methods produce a new string—they have to since strings are immutable!

It’s the same story with numbers, although this is behavior that you might take for granted, it’s so expected.

x = 12
y = x + 2  # This creates a new number--it doesn't change 12

print(x)  # 12
print(y)  # 14

Like I said, so far all the types we’ve learned about are immutable. But later, we’ll talk about lists, dictionaries, and sets, which are the three mutable types in Python.

So remember: any time you think you are “changing” a string, you’re actually making a completely new one. It’s important to keep this model in mind because it will prevent all kinds of bugs and misunderstandings as we progress.

7.12 for-loops with Strings

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Remember how we used for with range() earlier to count up to a certain number? Turns out for is far more capable than just doing that. It’s just full of surprises!

We can use a for loop on a string to process the characters individually.

s = "Hello!"

for c in s:
    print("character:", c)

If you run this, you’ll see it prints each of the characters in turn:

character: H
character: e
character: l
character: l
character: o
character: !

You can use this if you ever need to traverse a string a character at a time. Of course, if you only want to traverse part of a string, you can slice it first!

Another little tidbit here that might be useful is the enumerate() function. This will return a series of index-value pairs. That is, it returns both the index into the string and the character at that index.

s = "Hello!"

for i, c in enumerate(s):
    print("character at index", i, "is:", c)


character at index 0 is: H
character at index 1 is: e
character at index 2 is: l
character at index 3 is: l
character at index 4 is: o
character at index 5 is: !

That’s useful if you need to know the index and the character. More on the enumerate() function later.

7.13 String Functions and Methods

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Python has a lot of built-in functions to help you manipulate and use strings.

Here are a few of them:

Function Example Description
bool() bool(s) Convert to Boolean value. The only string that converts to False is the empty string "". (This means that an empty string will count as False in an if condition.)
float() float(s) Convert to floating point value.
input() input(s) Print prompt s, then return string entered on keyboard.
int() int(s) Convert to integer point value.
len() len(s) Return the length of a string.
print() print(s) Print a string.

Take note of the len() function—we’ll use that to tell us how many characters there are in a string.

But now I want to introduce a new term and style of coding that you’ll frequently encounter moving forward: methods.

Methods are functions that work on a specific object. We’re getting ahead of ourselves with this “method” and “object” talk, but for now think of them as functions that work on a specific string.

But isn’t that just like the functions we just saw?

Yes, you got me. But we use these differently! Yay! This will all make more sense someday in the future, but bear with me for now.

Let’s look at an example with the .upper() method. (Usually pronounced “dot upper” or “upper method”.)

a = "Beej!"
b = a.upper()
print(b)       # BEEJ!

print(a)       # Beej! -- unchanged since .upper() returns a new string

The upper method converts a string to uppercase.

Now, conversationally, I said “converts to”, but remember that strings are immutable, so it really doesn’t change the string in a at all. It makes a new uppercase version of the string and returns it, and we refer that to the new string by b.

As for methods, there are a whole bunch of them attached to strings. So you can take any string, add a dot (.), and then put the method name to operate on that string. They work just like regular functions, except have this different notation.

Fun Objected-Oriented Programming Fact: all this talk about methods and objects has its roots in a programming paradigm called Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). A programming paradigm is a way of modeling problems so that you can solve them. So far, we’ve been using the imperative programming paradigm, which means we think of a problem as a sequence of steps and conditions. But with OOP, you think of a problem as a collection of objects that you can do things with.

Python is “multiparadigm”, which means it can do OOP or imperative as we see fit. We’ll use a mix of them from now on, and we’ll cover OOP in more detail in its own chapter.

Here are some common string methods:

Method Description
.split() Split a string into a list44 on the given string.
.strip() Strip whitespace45 from both ends of the string.
.upper() Convert string to all uppercase.
.lower() Convert string to all lowercase.
.replace() Replace all occurrences of one word with another in the string.
.find() Find the index of the substring in the string, or -1 if it’s not found.
.count() Count the number of occurrences of the substring.
.startswith() Return True if the string starts with the given string.
.endswith() Return True if the string ends with the given string.
.capitalize() Capitalize the first character of the string, if possible.
.title() Capitalize the first character in each word of the string.

Here are some examples:

s = "hello, goats! "

s.split(",") # [ "hello", "goats! " ]
s.strip()    # "hello, goats!"
s.upper()    # "HELLO, GOATS! "
s.lower()    # "hello, goats! "

s.find("goats")          # 8 (index of "goats" in the string)
s.count("goats")         # 1
s.startswith("Goats")    # False
s.endswith("goats! ")    # True
s.capitalize()           # "Hello, goats! "

s.replace("goats", "world")  # "hello, world! "

You can also chain them together and they evaluate in turn, left to right:

s = "   another EXAMPLE!    "

s.strip().lower().capitalize()  # "Another example!"

There are a whole lot of string methods46 you can use, more than we’re going to talk about here. But go peruse them just so you have an idea of what you have at your disposal.

7.14 Formatted Output with F-Strings

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

So far we’ve just been using print() like so:

x = 10
print("x is", 10)

which works, but doesn’t offer as much control over the output.

Let’s take a look at something called F-strings which are new in Python 3.6. (“Formatting strings”.)

These offer us a really powerful method of formatting output. So powerful we’ll only be scratching the surface here.

The gist is that we can make a new string where we inject the value of variables (or expressions) into a string at a specific spot.

Simple example:

x = 10
print(f"x is {x}")  # x is 10

Notice a couple of things:

  1. There’s an f in front of the quotes. This signifies that this is an F-string, as opposed to a regular string.
  2. We inject the expression to evaluate inside curly braces47 { and }.

Python automagically evaluates that expression and puts the result into the F-string at that point.

Here’s another:

x = 10
print(f"x plus 10 is {x + 10}")   # x plus 10 is 20

But that’s not all!

We can also put a field width in there which controls how big the “cell” is in which the number is printed.

Compare this:

print(f"a number: {1000}")
print(f"a number: {50}")
print(f"a number: {250}")

which outputs:

a number: 1000
a number: 50
a number: 250

to this:

print(f"another number: {1000:4}")
print(f"another number: {50:4}")
print(f"another number: {250:4}")

which outputs:

another number: 1000
another number:   50
another number:  250

The :4 says to output the expression in a 4-space-wide field. This gives us a great way to make columns align on subsequent rows, like if you were printing out a spreadsheet.

Another thing it can do is specify a number of decimal places to print out floating-point numbers.

x = 3.1415926
print(f"Pi is {x:.2f}")  # Pi is 3.14

That format string says “print x as a floating-point number, with 2 decimal places”.

F-strings are really powerful when it comes to controlling your output. We’ll explore more as we go.

7.14.1 .format() Method

There is yet-another method of printing formatted strings that are really similar to F-strings: using .format():

x = 3.1415926
print("Pi is {:.2f}".format(x))  # Pi is 3.14

This form has fallen out of favor due to the popularity of F-strings.

7.14.2 % printf Operator

If you go back even farther in time, you might find instances of % being used as the printf operator to format output. An example:

x = 3.1415926
print("Pi is %.2f" % x)  # Pi is 3.14

It’s even farther out of favor. F-strings are the new thing.

Fun Computing History Fact: printf() is a function in the C programming language that was considered so awesome that the creators of Python decided to immortalize it with the % operator that does the same thing. And even now, the format specifiers used in F-strings to describe the type of data being printed match those from the C language. Not bad for a language invented in the 1970s, eh?

Note that the printf % operator is the same as the arithmetic modulo (remainder) operator %. Python looks at the arguments to the operator and does the right thing. If the left argument is a string, it’s printf. If it’s a number, it’s modulo.

7.15 Chapter Project

It’s time to do that project… way back from the beginning of the chapter! Remember? If not, jump back to the top and refresh.

We’re going to print a times table. This will use knowledge from this chapter, as well as from previous chapters. Use any means you know to solve the problem.

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Let’s take another look at the sample output when the user enters 4:

  1   2   3   4
  2   4   6   8
  3   6   9  12
  4   8  12  16

(If you’re rusty on your multiplication tables, what you do to multiply \(3\times4\) is to look up 3 along the top edge, then look up 4 along the left edge, and then look in the table where they cross. There you’ll find 12, the answer.)

How can do we attack this? Let’s look at a couple of things.

First, look for patterns. See any?

I’ll wait while you look.

There are several in there.

Can we use any of those to our advantage? Maybe…!

Second, let’s try to simplify the problem.

What if the problem were to print:

  1   2   3   4

and that’s all. How would you solve that?

What if it were to print only this:

  3   6   9  12

How would you solve that?

Fun Realism Fact: There are a lot of ways to program this. As I write this, at least four are immediately coming to mind. Remember: coding is creative and there’re almost always many ways to get the same result. Be creative! It’s your sandbox to mess around in! You can’t break the computer.

Problem just some simple for loops, right? We could do this with three for loops:

  1   2   3   4
  2   4   6   8
  3   6   9  12

Something like this (pseudocode):

for i in range(1, 5, 1): print(...)
for i in range(2, 10, 2): print(...)
for i in range(3, 15, 3): print(...)

But of course, we don’t just want to print rows three times… the end result is going to have the number of rows that the user input. We need to loop to make it happen. A loop of loops! A nested loop!

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan.

Before we jump into this, I’d like you to take the time to think about this. Set a timer and work on it for 3 minutes.

Do it.

Timer. Do it. You will gain valuable experience points for the attempt.

I’ll be back in 3 minutes.

[Elevator music—do it now!]

Okay, I’m back. What did you come up with?

I’ll go over one solution here, but if you came up with one and it’s different, don’t worry! There are no wrong answers here. There are only answers that you, personally, like better or worse than others. Part of being skilled in the art is that you can get better at making these assessments as you progress.

One possible plan for this is to have an inner loop (the nested loop) that prints a complete row out. In other words, it’s printing out all the columns in the row. And then outside of that, we have the outer loop that is responsible for printing out a bunch of rows.

And then inside there, we have to compute what values to print for each row, based on which row we’re on.

First, we have to get user input. Let’s do that, and validate that it’s between 1 and 19 similar to the last project.

while input isn't between 1 and 19:
    ask the user for input

After that, we’ll print the table:

outer loop over rows:
    inner loop over columns:
        print value for column

Of course, printing the value for the column is the tricky bit.

Remember when we did our sample with three hardcoded loops, above?

for i in range(1, 5, 1): print(...)
for i in range(2, 10, 2): print(...)
for i in range(3, 15, 3): print(...)

See any patterns in there? 1 2 3 is a pretty easy one. But what about that 5 10 15? Clearly, it’s multiples of 5, but where does “5” come from?

In that example, we were printing rows and columns from 1 to 4. (That is, the user inputs the number 4.) And 5 is one more than 4. That’s a pattern. Is it the right one? Let’s try!

If we take the first 3 numbers in the ranges (that is, 1 2 3), and multiply by 4+1, we end up with 5 10 15, just like we want.

So there’s a formula in there for that middle number in the range. Assuming the user enters x as the value, then the middle number for any range() call would be:

row_number * (x + 1)

and the first and last numbers in the range would simply be the row number!

The last thing we need to do is make sure we have the times table all formatted correctly so that the columns line up. The biggest number we’ll print is 361 (\(19\times19\)) so we’ll need a space between columns and three spaces for the number. We can use an F-string with a field width of 4 to make this happen.

Problem-solving step: Carrying out the Plan.

Let’s start by entering a number and make sure this works:

valid_input = False

while not valid_input:
    x = input("Enter a number between 1 and 19: ")
    x = int(x)

    if x >= 1 and x <= 19:
        valid_input = True

We just loop until we get valid input, just like in the last project.

Now for the times’ table part. We want to go from 1 to the number entered, so we’ll start at 1 and go to x + 1.

And then we’ll compute the max number for each row, just like we planned, above. And we’ll print the value!

One gotcha is that we want to print a bunch of things on the same line and print() goes to the next line by default. We’ll use our friend end="" in the print() call to keep it on the same line, and then add another empty print() after the loop to go to the next line.;

(Continuation of the code above!)

for row in range(1, x + 1):
    for product in range(row, row * (x + 1), row):
        print(f"{product:4}", end="")

Let’s try it!

Enter a number between 1 and 19: 6
   1   2   3   4   5   6
   2   4   6   8  10  12
   3   6   9  12  15  18
   4   8  12  16  20  24
   5  10  15  20  25  30
   6  12  18  24  30  36


Did you have another solution that worked? There are plenty others!

Problem-solving step: Looking Back.

What are the corner cases that you should test? (Look for the if statements, and test on either side of those. 0 and 1 and 19 and 20.)

If you didn’t come up with a different solution, try to do so now. What if you used while loops instead of for loops?


7.16 Exercises

Remember: to get your value out of this book, you have to do these exercises. After 20 minutes of being stuck on a problem, you’re allowed to look at the solution.

A lot of these can use for loops in the solution! Use any knowledge you have to solve these, not only what you learned in this chapter.

Always use the four problem-solving steps to solve these problems: understand the problem, devise a plan, carry it out, look back to see what you could have done better.

  1. Given the following varibles:

    x = 3490
    y = 3.14159

    write code that prints out the following:

    x is    3490.00
    y is       3.14
    x + y = 3493.14


  2. Write code to count the number of occurrences goat in this string:

    s = "How many goats could a goat goat goat if a goat could goat"


  3. Using this string, create a copy of it where all the vowels are uppercase and all the consonants are lowercase.

    s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs."

    Hint: think like a human. If you had a physical set of blocks with letters on them in front of you, what would be the process and steps for building a new string with the required changes?


  4. Allow the user to input a string, and also a number. Print out the character at that index number in the string. Don’t allow the user to enter a number that’s out of range.

    (After you solve this, check out the solution52 for a twist on checking for valid input.)

  5. Allow the user to input a string, and also two numbers. Print out the slice from those index numbers in the string. Don’t allow the user to enter numbers that are out of range.

    (In the solution53, there’s duplicated code to enter two numbers. Later, when we get to functions, we’ll learn how to remove this duplicated code.)

  6. Makeup two more exercises and code them up.

7.17 Summary

In this chapter, we did all kinds of crazy things with strings.

Coming up, we’re going to learn even more built-in data types that we can use. After that, we’ll talk about functions, and then you’ll be dangerously close to being able to write real programs!

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