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6 Flow Control and Looping

6.1 Objective

6.2 Chapter Project Specification

For this chapter, we want to write a program that asks the user for a number between 5 and 50, inclusive.

If a number outside that range is entered, an error message is printed and the user is asked again to enter a valid number.

Once the number is obtained, the program will print out that many # characters in a row. EXCEPT all characters at position 31 and above should print out a *. (Characters before that position will still be a #.)

For example, an input of 10 would result in:


whereas an input of 37 would result in:


Keep this program in mind as we learn the techniques to implement it.

6.3 What is Flow Control?

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

What is flow control? To understand, let’s look at a simple program:

print("Are we not drawn onward")
print("We few")
print("Drawn onward to new era?")

When this program runs, Python keeps track of the current instruction, or line, if you will.

First, Python runs the first line.

Then it goes to the next.

Then it goes to the last.

And then it falls off the end and completes.

Kind of monotonous, right? I mean, it just brainlessly goes to the next instruction every time.

What if you want to transfer the program flow elsewhere instead of just blindly going to the next instruction?

This is where you get your first taste of what it means to be a developer. You can ask the computer to make smart decisions based on the criteria you specify. Figuring out which criteria to specify is the job of a programmer and where most of the hard work comes in.

Eventually, we’re going to code up things that say “If some condition is true, do one thing” or “If some condition is false, do another thing”.

But before that, we have to meet someone: George Boole.

6.4 Boolean Algebra and Expressions

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

George Boole27 was quite an interesting character. From humble beginnings in the early 1800s, he went on to develop the mathematics that became, in many ways, the foundation of modern computation. Pretty awesome.

What he developed is what we call today Boolean Algebra.

Don’t worry–it’s easier than that algebra you’re thinking of. In fact, you already know it, just not formally and not by that name.

With Boolean, we’re interested in whether or not expressions are true or false. And then we can make decisions on whether or not they are.

Let’s do some human ones before we get into the computer stuff.

Level: Easy. Are these expressions true or false for you?

Hopefully, that wasn’t particularly challenging. Let’s take it up a notch by introducing the concept of AND. For these, the entire expression is true only if all subexpressions are true.

For example, the statement “I’m over 190 cm tall AND I’m under 30 years of age” is false. Though I am over 190 cm tall, am I not under 30 years, so the entire expression is false.

By comparison, “I like dogs AND I like motorcycles” is true, because both of those subexpressions are true.

And if neither of them is true, the result is also false.

Level: Intermediate. Are these expressions true or false for you?

All right! Let’s do a variant on AND, namely OR. With OR, the entire expression is true if either or both of the subexpressions is true.

For example, I don’t like running, but I do like bicycling. Nevertheless, the following statement is true, because at least one of the subexpressions is true: “I like running OR I like bicycling”. True.

This is the basis for the smarty-pants answer to the question:

“Would you like soup or salad?”

“True. I would like soup or I would like salad.”

“Get out of my restaurant, Boolean fanatic!”

Level: Intermediate. Are these expressions true or false for you?

All right! Now one more thing to remember: unless there are parentheses in an expression saying otherwise, AND takes precedence over OR. That is, do the ANDs first, and then do the ORs.

Level: Advanced.

Let’s say it’s raining, I’m over 25, and this fish is big. We could evaluate this expression:

It’s sunny AND this fish is big OR I’m over 25.

We do the AND first. It’s not sunny, and the fish is big. So that’s “false AND true”, which evaluates to “false”.

So replace that AND expression with “false”. And then we’ll do the OR:

false OR I’m over 25.

Now I am over 25, so that evaluates to “false OR true”, which is “true”.

So the entire expression is true.

And you can override with parentheses:

It’s sunny AND (this fish is big OR I’m over 25).

Do the work in parens first. So now we evaluate the OR, which evaluates to “true OR true” which is “true”. Then we evaluate the AND, which is “It’s sunny AND true”, which is “false AND true”, which is “false”.

So the entire expression is false.

Let’s do some examples with numeric conditional expressions. Do these evaluate to true or false?


Sometimes developers (but more usually hardware folks) describe these operations in what are called truth tables. A truth table shows what the result of a Boolean expression will be for some given inputs.

Often these tables use 1 to represent True and 0 to represent False28.

Here are some truth tables for the operations we’ve seen so far.

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
0 1
1 0

Now we’re about ready to go. Let’s learn how to do this in Python.

6.5 Boolean Operations in Python

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

The comparison operators in Python are:

Operator Effect
< Less than, e.g. x < y
> Greater than, e.g. x > y
== Equal to, e.g. x == y
!= Not equal to, e.g. x != y
<= Less than or equal to, e.g. x <= y
>= Greater than or equal to, e.g. x >= y

So we can take a variable and convert it to a true or false value by comparing it to numbers or other variables.

What is true and false in Python?

Boolean Python Keyword
True True
False False

Easy enough.

Let’s try a quick demo29:

print(True)     # True
print(False)    # False

x = 10
print(x == 10)  # True
print(x < 5)    # False

# You can store the Boolean result in a variable!
r = x >= 7
print(r)        # True

Check that out! You can store the Boolean result of a comparison in a variable, like we did with r, above!

It’s important to note that True and False are not strings. They represent Boolean values.

So now, for data types, we know about strings, ints, floats, and Booleans (sometimes called bools for short). Add that to the collection of tools we have at our disposal.

But what about our good friends AND and OR?

Boolean Python Keyword
AND and
OR or
NOT not

Pretty easy, but I threw in a NOT! What is that? It’s pretty easy: it just inverts whatever you give it. “NOT true” is false. And “NOT false” is true.

print(not False)  # Prints True

Seems mundane, but we’ll make good use of it in a minute.

6.6 The Almighty if Statement

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

It’s all well and good for Python to tell me that 1 < 5 is True, but how can we actually use that to make choices in a program?

Let’s consider a small program that will let the user input a number and it will tell the user if the number is between 50 and 59, inclusive.

Before coding, let’s think about how to approach it. If the number is stored in x, what would the Boolean expression in Python be that would be True if x were between 50 and 59?

I’m talking ands and ors and nots and <s and >s… not necessarily all of them, but the ones needed.

Did you get it? Spoilers ahead!

x >= 50 and x <= 59  # True if x in that range!

Let’s take that knowledge and turn it into a complete program30 using if, and then we can take it apart in more detail:

x = input("Enter a number: ")
x = float(x)

if x >= 50 and x <= 59:
    print(x, "is between 50 and 59, inclusive")
    print("Well done!")
    print(x, "is not between 50 and 59, inclusive")

So if x >=50 and x <= 59 is True, then we execute the block that is indented afterward.

Blocks can be indented with any combination of tabs or spaces, as long as each line in the block begins with the same pattern of tabs or spaces. The official recommendation is to use 4 spaces for indentation in Python.

Indented blocks in Python are one of the things most devs are pretty opinionated about in terms of loving or hating. Personally, I say be a good dev in any language, regardless of how you feel about their idiosyncrasies.

And then what’s this pesky else? That’s a super-handy feature of if. If the condition is False, then the block under the else is evaluated instead. Basically, we’re saying, “If the condition is true, then do this, otherwise do this.”

There’s one more construct we can use in the if-else family: elif. This is short for else if and is used if you need to check multiple conditions.

if x < 10:
    print("x is less than 10")
elif x < 20:
    print("x is less than 20")
elif x < 30:
    print("x is less than 30")
    print("x is greater than or equal to 30")

In that example, first we check if x is less than 10. If that’s False, the next condition is tested, and so on. If none of them match, then we get to the else case.

The if statement is the core of what allows us to use Boolean logic to control the flow of our program. It’s how computers can make decisions based on input. Without if, there would be no computing–that’s how important it is!

And your job as a dev is to come up with that logic, those if statements and conditions, that cause your program to give the proper output for a given input.

6.7 And Now: while Loops!

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

We’re going to divert ever-so-slightly, and talk about another important concept in programming: loops. A loop is what allows us to execute the same piece of code repeatedly without repeating ourselves.

Here’s a real-life example. Let’s say you have to add some shingles to a roof. The steps to do so are to place a shingle, nail it in place, and then move to the next spot.

Instructions for four shingles might be:

But that’s irksomely verbose. It would be nicer to do something like this:

That’s us looping. We’re running the same piece of code while a condition is True. At the very least, this can save us a lot of typing!

Python has several looping statements, but for this section, we’ll concentrate on what’s called the while-loop. It does something while a condition is true.

Here’s an example31 that counts from 1200 to 1210:

x = 1200

while x <= 1210:
    x += 1

print("All done!")

It repeats the body of the loop (everything that’s indented) as long as the condition x <= 1210 is True.

You see inside the body of the loop, we increment (add one to) x every iteration so that it increases toward 1210.

What would happen if we didn’t increment x? In that case, it would loop forever. We call this an infinite loop. If your program’s running for a long time with no output (or repeating output), it might be in an infinite loop.

How do you get out of your program if it’s caught in an infinite loop? You hit CTRL-C (AKA “break”). That’ll get you back to your shell prompt.

Remember one of our goals for this chapter’s program is to ask the user for a number between 5 and 50. And we need to ask them again if they enter a number outside that range. That is, we need to loop while the user has not given us valid input. Give that some thought now, and we’ll come back to it later.

6.8 Looping: for Loops

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

In addition to while loops, we also have a beast called a for loop. These are quite powerful as we’ll find out later, but for now, I just want to talk about looping for a certain number of times. (As opposed to looping while a condition is true.)

Here’s an example of printing out the numbers from 0 to 9 using a for loop and a function called range(). (range() returns something called an iterator. More on iterators in upcoming chapters—for now, just look at how they can be used with for loops.)

for i in range(10):  # loop from 0 to 9

Notice a few things:

But wait, there’s more! range() is multi-talented! Not only can it count up from zero to almost-a-number, but you could give it another starting point, as well:

for i in range(5, 10):  # loop from 5 to 9

Now how much would you pay? It slices, it dices! But we’re not done yet! You can also tell range() how far to skip each step!

Let’s print out only the even numbers between 4 and 18 (that is, print from 4 to 18, stepping by 2 each time):

for i in range(4, 20, 2):  # loop from 4 to 18, skipping by 2 each time

Question: let’s say I wanted to count down from 10 to 1 using range(). How would I do that?

for i in range(???, ???, ???):

What do you think? Spoilers upcoming!

You can give range() a negative “step” to make it walk backward:

for i in range(10, 0, -1): # Step backward from 10 to 1

Like before, the final value isn’t included in the results.

Python2 had an additional function called xrange(). Python3 doesn’t have that. If you’re ever reading old Python2 code and see xrange(), know that it’s the same as range() in Python3.

Now, for does a lot more than just looping for a range, but that’s a story for another time.

6.9 When while and When for?

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Which of these looping constructs should you use, and when?

Generally speaking, whichever one is the easiest for the problem. Or makes the easiest-to-read code.

Okay, I know that’s not much to go on.

If you want to loop a number of times that you know in advance, like 10 times, or the number stored in x times, then use a for loop with range().

If you just want to loop until some condition is True or False, but you don’t know when that’ll be, use a while loop.

6.10 Chapter Project

Let’s jump into that project from the beginning of the chapter. Revisit the project spec if you need a refresher.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan.

Let’s break this program into two parts, and tackle them individually.

  1. We want to get some valid user input in the range 5-50, inclusive.
  2. We want to print out some # and xs based on the input.

By breaking down the problem, we make it more approachable. We can even break down step 1 into more:

While user input isn't valid:
    Ask the user for input
    If input invalid, print an error message

Don’t look now, but our “plan” is looking like really good pseudocode at this point.

Let’s go ahead and code up the user input portion. We’ll do printing asterisks later.

Problem-solving step: Carrying out the Plan.

Asking the user for input, we already know.

But how do we ask them repeatedly until they enter something valid? We need to loop! How about looping while the input is invalid? Sure!

input_valid = False  # Assume it's invalid to start

while not input_valid:   # While not input valid ("while input invalid")
    x = input("Enter a number, 5-50 inclusive: ")
    x = int(x)

    if x >= 5 and x <= 50:
        input_valid = True   # We got a good number!

Let’s study that pattern because it’s a common use of while.

We start by assuming that the success condition isn’t met. And then we check every iteration of the loop, with if, to see if it is met. And we loop while the success condition is not true.

Now, we’re also supposed to print an error if the input is out of range. How? We can do it in two lines.

If the if condition is True, then we have good input. Otherwise we have bad input and should print a message… ifelse!

(Note: the code below is a continuation of the program, above. Pay attention to the line numbers!)

    if x >= 5 and x <= 50:
        input_valid = True   # We got a good number!
        print("The number must be between 5 and 50, inclusive!")

If you haven’t already, code that up and run it. No, it’s not the complete program, but it’s the complete first step of the program, and we can test it before moving on just to be confident that this part works.

Run it and try it with some numbers. If you enter an invalid number, it should tell you so and ask again. If you enter a valid number, input_valid becomes True and the while loop exits (because the continuation condition is not input_valid).

Once you’re satisfied it’s working correctly, let’s move back to the spec and concentrate on printing out the asterisks.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan.

If the user enters x, we want to print out x count of characters, total. The first 30 of these will be #, and any after that will be *.

Before we start things out, let’s use a different planning technique: simplify the problem.

Let’s forget about the * for now and just print out # characters, however many the user-specified. Later we’ll add the code for *.

Simplifying the problem allows you to more easily tackle it, and leads you to see ways to add the missing features later.

The plan for this simplified phase isn’t that tough:

For however many numbers the user inputs:
   Print a `#`.

Problem-solving step: Carrying out the Plan.

Since we know how many #s we want to print (the user entered the number!) this would be a great place for a for loop. Let’s print those:

# Print the line
for i in range(x):

Run it! How did it do?

Hmmm. Looks like it’s printing a hash on each line. The print() function puts a newline at the end of the line. We need to override that behavior, and there’s an easy way to do it.

# Print the line
for i in range(x):
    print("#", end="")  # Set the end-of-line character to nothing

print()  # Add a newline to the end of the line

We did a bit of magic there. We passed another argument to print() that told it we wanted it to put nothing (an empty string, "") at the end of the line instead of the newline character it normally tacks on.

You could go crazy and say end="Beej" and it would put the word “Beej” after every hashmark. Do it. Go crazy.

Getting there! But we’re not out of the woods yet. We need to make it so that for character more than 30 characters out, we print a * instead of a #.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan.

This is like the plan for printing the line from before, but we simplified that, remember? So we have to add some complexity to meet the spec.

For however many numbers the user inputs:
    If we're at the 30th character or earlier:
        Print a `#`.
        Print a `*`.

And that’s looking like a good case for if inside our for loop!

Problem-solving step: Carrying out the Plan.

Let’s add that if logic to the for loop at the end:

# Print the line
for i in range(x):
    if i < 30:
        print("#", end="")  # Set the end-of-line character to nothing
        print("*", end="")

print()  # Add a newline to the end of the line

There’s something here to note that’s subtle and important:

But there we have it!

Be sure to test with the edge cases. These are inputs that are at the edges of conditions in your program.

For example, we have conditions testing input against 5 and 50. So test with 4, 5, 50, and 51, both sides of those conditions.

Where else do we have an edge case in the code? That right: the if when printing. The first 30 are supposed to be # with * after that. So test with 30 and make sure it’s all #s, and then test with 31 and make sure there’s a single *.

Testing the edge cases is an all-powerful programming technique that all devs use to great effect.

And, while you’re at it, test a bunch of other numbers to make sure it behaves as you’d expect.

Bonus Question: Can you think of another way to draw the line of characters without using an if inside the loop? (There’s a hint at this footnote33.) Coding is creative! There’s more than one way to do these things. Try them and see which you like better.


6.11 Exercises

Remember: to get your value out of this book, you have to do these exercises. After 20 minutes of being stuck on a problem, you’re allowed to look at the solution.

Always use the four problem-solving steps to solve these problems: understand the problem, devise a plan, carry it out, look back to see what you could have done better.

  1. Print out the sum of the numbers from 1 to (and including) 10000. (Solution35.)

  2. Print out values for x and x**4 for all x between 0 and 99, inclusive. (Solution36.)

  3. Ask the user to input a number, or the word quit. If the user enters a number, print out that number times 10. If the user enters quit, the program should complete. (Solution37.)

  4. Prompt the user for two numbers. Print out all the odd numbers between and including those two numbers. (Solution38.)

  5. Print out the numbers from 1 to 100. Except if the number is divisible by 339, print Fizz instead. If the number is divisible by 5, print Buzz instead. And if the number is divisible by 3 and divisible by 5, print FizzBuzz40. There are a lot of ways to solve this one. (Solution41.)

  6. Make up two more exercises and code them up.

6.12 Summary

We covered all kinds of super-important things in this chapter.

Guess what! You now know enough Python syntax to solve any computing problem! I’m not kidding42!

See, it’s not knowing all the syntax that’s important; it’s the ability to figure out how to put it all together in the right way.

That said, we haven’t learned enough Python syntax to necessarily make solving every computing problem easy. In the upcoming chapters, we’ll learn more tools that Python gives you to increase the size of your problem-solving toolkit.

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