| Contents |

13 Reading Files

13.1 Objective

13.2 Project

Write a line editor.

Back in the day, before terminals were very capable and before we had nice editors and IDEs like we do today, people used line editors. These were bare-bones file editors that used simple commands to edit files.

For example:

$ python lineedit.py foo.txt
> l 1
1: This is some text that was already in the file.
> a 1
This is some text that I'm appending to the file.
And some more.
> l 1
1: This is some text that was already in the file.
2: This is some text that I'm appending to the file.
3: And some more.
> e 3
And really some more.
> l 1
1: This is some text that was already in the file.
2: This is some text that I'm appending to the file.
3: And really some more.
> d 2
> l 1
1: This is some text that was already in the file.
2: And really some more.
> w
> q

In the example, everything following a > prompt is a line editor command.

In order:

  1. list the file starting from the given line.
  2. append multiple lines of text after the given line (until the user types . on its own line).
  3. list the file from line 1.
  4. edit line 3.
  5. list the file from line 1.
  6. delete line 2.
  7. list the file from line 1.
  8. write the file to disk.
  9. quit.

The commands are:

From the user standpoint, lines are numbered starting from 1.

Keep this project in mind while you read through this chapter.

13.3 What are Files, Anyway?

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

We’re sort of used to them, already, right? I mean, you have MP3 files, GIF files, or MPEG files…

“So this guy comes up to me and he says, ‘What do you do?’

“‘Well,’ I says, ‘I work on computers.’

“An’ he says, ‘Wow—if you work on computers? Do you use files?’

“An’ I says, ’Do I use files? Why I use… ARJ files, GIF files, JPEG files, JAR files, RAR files, PNG files, DOC files, MPEG files, TXT files, PUB files, PY files, LOG files…

“‘An’ I use files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files, files… files all the time!’—Take shots! 11!”

—With sincere apologies to Jughead and The Hockey Song.

We’re going to take a look at files from a high level, look at how to do some basic operations on files, and we’ll leave it there for now. Later we’ll revisit some more advanced techniques.

But what is a file actually?

Let’s start by saying a file is a collection of characters stored in a particular order on your disk or SSD on your computer.

We’ve already seen a bunch of examples—our Python source files that we’ve been saving this whole time! They’re sequences of characters stored in a specific order and saved on disk.

Now, files are actually far more general-purpose than that, but let’s start with this. We can always chase the rabbit further down the rabbit hole later.

For this chapter, we’re going to use a type of file commonly called a text file. This is also just a sequence of characters, just like a Python source file. But text files can be anything. Love letters, The Gettysburg Address, the lyrics for the latest hit single by that one band, the number \(\pi\) computed to a million decimal places, or whatever.

Technically, Python source files are text files, as well, but they’re a specific type. All Python source files are text files, but not all text files are Python source files.

As a human, you can identify the type of file by its extension. That is, the part of the filename after the last period in the file.

For Python, we’ve been using .py (pronounced “dot-pie”) as the extension, identifying this file as a Python source file.

General text files use .txt (“dot-text”) as an extension. And you can make them with the same editor you’ve been using to write Python code.

Go ahead and open a new file, and call it wargames.txt. Enter some text into it, like this:

What he did was great! He designed his computer so that it could learn from its own mistakes. So, they’d be better the next time they played. The system actually learned how to learn. It could teach itself!

Now, the question is, how do you run a Python program that reads this file in, and stores or manipulates the data in memory?

13.4 Reading Files, The Classic Way

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

In many programming languages, there are three steps to reading a file:

  1. Open the file for reading.
  2. Read data from the file.
  3. Close the file.

This is super-duper common.

What does it mean to “open” and “close” the file?

Well, it’s analogous to when you open the file in your editor, and then close it.

“Opening” is asking the operating system137 (OS) to give you access to the file. You can open for reading, for writing, or both.

For this section, we’ll want to ask the OS to open the file for reading.

“Closing” the file is the opposite of opening. We’re telling the OS that we’re done with the file. The OS does any cleanup it has to. You should always close any files you open. (All files that you open will automatically be closed when your program completes its run, but you still should explicitly close them anyway138.)

And “reading” is actually pulling the data from the file on disk into strings in memory.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

Let’s write some code139 to read our wargames.txt file and print out the contents on the screen.

Our steps will be:

  1. Open the file
  2. Read the data
  3. Close the file
  4. Print the data

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

# Open the file
f = open("wargames.txt")

# Read all data from the file
data = f.read()

# Close the file

# Print out the data we read earlier

Some things to note:

Since we have a copy of the data, we can do all kinds of stuff to change it.

If you modify the last two lines to be:

# Print out the data we read earlier

we’ll get the output in uppercase. (But the original file is still lowercase, of course!) It’s our copy of the data to do with as we please!

13.5 Opening Files with with

Now there is a more canonical140 approach to reading files using the with statement in Python.

Earlier, we read a file

f = open("wargames.txt")
data = f.read()

The equivalent using the with statement looks like this:

with open("wargames.txt") as f:
    data = f.read()

If you’re looking closely, you’ll notice that the f.close() is missing. That’s because when you use with to open the file, that gets handled automatically for you! Not only that but even if some error occurs, the file will be properly closed.

Although the pattern of open-read-close is really common in other languages and Python supports it, the preferred way of doing things is with the fantastic with statement.

13.6 Reading Data a Line at a Time

Check this out: in our previous examples, we read the entire file into memory at once. That’s what the .read() method does.

For small files, that’s no problem.

But what if you have a file that’s 200 GB of data? You (probably, as of this writing in 2020) don’t have that much memory. How can you deal with big files like this?

The answer is to read them a little bit at a time.

With text files like this, a common thing to do is to read them a line at a time. Then you process that line, and then move on to the next one. This way you only need to have a single line from the file in memory at once, instead of the whole 200 GB worth.

Let’s use the with statement to open a file, and then read a line at a time.

line_num = 1
with open("wargames.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        print(f'{line_num}: {line}')
        line_num += 1

And we get this output:

1: What he did was great! He designed his computer so that it could learn

2: from its own mistakes. So, they'd be better the next time they played.

3: The system actually learned how to learn. It could teach itself!

Pretty neat, eh? We just get to use a for loop on the opened file to read one line at a time.

But wait! Why is there an extra newline being printed out? What are those blank lines between the lines?

This is a common beginner mistake. The reason is that there is a newline at the end of every line of the file already (because that’s where the line breaks are). And, in addition, print() adds its own newline! So we get both of them printed.

The easiest workaround is to use the end keyword argument on print() to stop it from adding a newline of its own:

print(f'{line_num}: {line}', end='')

Another option is to use .rstrip() on the string to strip newlines from the end.

line = line.rstrip('\r\n')

That’ll strip carriage returns or newlines from the right side of the string. We have to specify both since some OSes use different characters to represent the end of the line, somewhat irksomely.

An even-more-portable way to write this is to first:

import os


line = line.rstrip(os.linesep)

and Python will automatically use the proper end-of-line character no matter what system you’re running the program on.

13.7 Writing files

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

So far we’ve been dealing with getting data out of files, but now let’s talk about creating a new file and writing data to them.

This is how programs permanently save data that they need to use later. If you don’t save the data to disk, then it all vanishes once the program exits.

The process is similar to reading, except when we open the file, we need to specify that we want to write. (If we don’t tell open() otherwise, it assumes we’re opening for reading.)

WARNING: if you open an existing file for writing, the contents of that file is instantly lost!

Let’s open a file and write some data to it using the write() method.

with open("newfile.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("Hello, world!\n")

There we go! If you run this, then have a look, you’ll see a file called newfile.txt that has the magic words in it.

Now you have the power to save data to disk and read it back again!

13.8 Chapter Project

If you need to, review the specification at the top of the chapter.

This project is a bit bigger than the others, eh? I mean, writing an entire editor is kinda biting off a lot, isn’t it?

Sure! Yeah, it’s a lot. But we can do it using the problem-solving framework just like always.

Something else a little different here is that I’m not going to include line numbers in the listings. You’ll have to work out the proper place to put the code based on my descriptions and what makes sense. With practice, it should get clearer how things piece together.

Let’s start!

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Review the spec from earlier if you have to, but the basic chunks of this program are:

So first, make sure we know what all those do.

Then we’ll attack.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

We’re going to do something a little different this time. We’re going to make an overarching plan, and then jump back and forth between Planning and Carrying Out the sub plans the larger plan is comprised of.

This is a little more like how software dev actually works. You have a general idea of where you’re going, and you work out the details as you get to them.

This is a bit of a double-edged sword, and it takes practice and experience to get it right. You don’t want to over-plan, because you’re undoubtedly going to have to change things and you don’t want to waste your time. And you don’t want to under-plan, because then hidden gotchas might… get you later. You want to plan just the right amount. Whatever that is.

In reality, devs consistently under-plan. And they still make it work somehow, like MAGIC.

And by “MAGIC”, I mean tons of sweat, tears, and off-color language.

Being able to do this is a really, really important skill to practice. This is where software development really happens. The rest of coding is just writing things down.

So let’s do the rough overall, based on the outline, above in Understanding The Problem.

That’s a pretty loose plan. I mean, “We’ll do that thing,” isn’t exactly well-fleshed-out. But we know it’s possible to do them, and we can work on those individual command components one at a time (since none of them are really dependent on one another).

Looks like some of those we can work on right away.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

Let’s start simple. Simplifying the problem is always a good way to get bits and pieces done. Also, getting a minimum working piece going as soon as possible can help direct our efforts and keep motivation up. Get a core piece in place, and then keep adding on.

What’s a simple version of the program?

Well, we could start by looking at the command line to see if there’s a filename there or not, and storing it if there is.

Remember the user has the option to run the program without specifying a filename (since maybe they’re creating a new file).

So we want to check the command line args in sys.argv. If the user specified a filename, we’ll store it. If they didn’t, we’ll store None to indicate that case. If they specify more than one argument, we’ll print out a usage message.

Great! Let’s go!

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

import sys

# Parse the command line

if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    filename = sys.argv[1]

elif len(sys.argv) == 1:
    # We'll use this as a sentinel value later if we need to prompt for
    # a filename when writing the file.
    filename = None

    print("usage: lineedit.py [filename]", file=sys.stderr)

# Let's just print it here to make sure it's working

That last line is only there temporarily. This lets us test things out.

$ python lineedit.py

$ python lineedit.py test

$ python lineedit.py test something
usage: lineedit.py [filename]

Perfect. What’s next?

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

Looks like the next reasonable step is to read the file into memory so that we can manipulate it later.

So a couple of questions:

As for the first, hopefully, you’ve been reading this chapter and know about how to open a file for reading and read individual lines from it.

But how to keep all those lines?

Think about all the data structures we’ve talked about so far… lists, dicts, objects… What is the file the most like?

Go ahead and give it some thought before I spoil it in the next couple sentences.

You might argue that each line is like an object. And it is. It wouldn’t be wrong to have a class that represents a line. But somehow you still need to store a list of lines.

Gah, what a giveaway!

Yeah, a list seems like a good idea. In a way, a text file is simply a list of lines.

So let’s read the file a line at a time, storing each into a list as we go.

This seems like a self-contained piece of code, so I’m going to go ahead and write a function that accepts a filename as an argument, and then returns a list of all the lines in that file.

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

def read_file(filename):
    """Read a file from disk"""
    lines = []

    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:

    return lines

if filename is not None:
    lines = read_file(filename)
    lines = []

# Print it out just to make sure it works right

Now if we run that, and specify an input filename, it should print out a list with all the lines in that file.

Of course, we need a sample input file. You can make one in VS Code—just edit a new file called lines.txt and put whatever you want in it. (About five lines is good for testing.) If you don’t want to bother, there’s a file lines.txt in the examples directory141.

Running it, we get our list, just like we wanted!

$ python lineedit.py lines.txt 
['This is line 1\n', 'This is line 2\n', 'This is line 3\n',
'This is line 4\n', 'This is line 5']

$ python lineedit.py

Take a moment to digest what we did there: we made a copy of the data that was on disk and stored that copy in memory.

What’s next in the big overall plan? Looks like it might be time for a user-input loop.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

This is like so many other input loops we’ve done so far:

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

Your standard input loop. All it does is let you type q:

# Main loop

done = False

while not done:
    command = input("> ").strip()

    if command[0] == 'q':
        done = True

If you hit RETURN it pukes right away because command[0] isn’t a thing if the string is empty.

A common thing to do here is just print another prompt if the user enters a blank line. We can add this after the input() line to do that:

    # If the user entered a blank line, just give them another prompt
    if command == '':

And finally, let’s add some output as an else to tell the user if they input something we didn’t recognize:

        print("unknown command")

OK! Now if we run it, we should be able to handle blank lines, unknown commands, and q for quit.

$ python lineedit.py lines.txt 
> x
unknown command
>                       [ user hit RETURN a few times here ]
> q

Not much of an editor so far, but Facebook wasn’t built in a day. We’re just slowly getting the pieces in place.

What’s a good piece to do next? Lots of options, because now we’re to the point of implementing the handlers for the various commands (besides the one for quitting, which we just did).

Personally, if we have things that display data and things that modify data, I prefer to do the ones that display the data first. They’re less likely to mess things up (since we’re not modifying data), and if you can’t display the data correctly, your odds of modifying it correctly are low, indeed.

So let’s hit up that “list” command that will show us lines from the file.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

The list command takes a single argument representing the line number to start listing from. And then it should list for 10 lines.

Since we have all the lines in a list already, this isn’t too entirely horrible. We just have to:

Since we have all these different kinds of functionality, let’s put them in individual functions to keep the code well organized.

We’ll make a handle_list() function that is called when the user asks to list the file. It’ll take a couple of arguments: the arguments the user typed after a command, as well as the list of lines we’re going to manipulate.

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

Firstly, let’s check and see if the user wants to list lines by checking to see if the first letter of the command is l. If it is, then it’s on.

But there’s an argument after the l, right? The user has to specify which line to start listing from. And we have to get that into our handle_list() function somehow.

So let’s do two things. Let’s parse those arguments, if any, out of the overall command. We’ll use split() to break the command apart on spaces, and then we’ll use a slice from [1:] (that is, from the second element to the end) to get all the arguments.

The result will have any arguments following the command in a list, or an empty list if there were no arguments.

And then we’ll pass that to our handler function:

    # Grab the arguments after the command
    args = command.split(" ")[1:]

    if command[0] == 'q':
        done = True

    # List lines
    elif command[0] == 'l':
        handle_list(args, lines)

And let’s code up a stub142 of the function to handle it, just to see if it’s working:

def handle_list(args, lines):
    print(f'Handle list: {args}, {lines}')

Running, we get this:

$ python lineedit.py lines.txt
> l
Handle list: [], ['This is line 1\n', 'This is line 2\n',
'This is line 3\n', 'This is line 4\n', 'This is line 5\n']
> l 99
Handle list: ['99'], ['This is line 1\n', 'This is line 2\n',
'This is line 3\n', 'This is line 4\n', 'This is line 5\n']

So you can see that the lines are all coming in right. But, more importantly, our argument is coming in right.

In the first call, it prints out as [] empty.

But on the second, we see ['99'] which is the number we told it to list.

We just have to extract that number somehow.

But before we do, we’d better test to see if the user entered an argument at all. It’s required for the list command, after all.

Then we’ll use the start and end lines to print out everything in between.

def handle_list(args, lines):

    if len(args) == 1:
        # Compute start and end lines
        start = int(args[0])
        end = start + 10  # print 10 lines

        print("usage: l line_num")

    # Print all the lines
    for i in range(start, end):
        # end="" to suppress newlines (since lines already have them)
        print(f'{i}: {lines[i]}', end="")

Now, if we run this, we see a problem:

$ python lineedit.py lines.txt
> l 1
1: This is line 2
2: This is line 3
3: This is line 4
4: This is line 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lineedit.py", line 71, in <module>
    handle_list(args, lines)
  File "lineedit.py", line 43, in handle_list
    print(f'{i}: {lines[i]}', end="")
IndexError: list index out of range

So clearly things have gone awry. There’s that huge error message that’s dominating the accident scene and it’s hard to notice anything else other than the lines of the file being printed at the top.

At least nothing went wrong before that error, right?

…Or did it?

Notice anything weird about those first printed lines? Sure, the numbers start at 1, but the first line says This is line 2! That sets off some alarm bells. (Especially since when you opened the file in your real editor, you see the first line says This is line 1.)

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

We have two problems.

  1. That list index out of range error
  2. Our off-by-one error143 that’s causing our lines to be off by one.

Yes, off-by-one errors are famous enough to have their own Wikipedia page.

As the name suggests, our computations are one-off. But why? How?

This is a really common disagreement between humans and computers. We humans like to have our lists start at index “1”, and computers like them to start at index “0”. It’s the age-old battle. Even the Romans started with “I”, but that was mainly because Roman numerals didn’t have a character for zero until 725 AD—latecomers!

And in this case, we have a human entering numbers that start indexing at “1”. And we print them out for the human to see starting with index “1”…

But in Python, the lines are in a list starting from index “0”!

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

We need to do some math.

Since we’re using start and end to index the list, I feel a bit better having them 0-based because the list is 0-based.

There’s a general rule of thumb at play here:

Keeping these conversions to a minimum and doing them only on input and output can save you a lot of headaches.

What not to do: don’t just jump in and start adding +1s and -1s all over the place and hoping for the best. That way lies madness, assuredly. Stop, understand, and plan. And then carry it out.

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

I’m going to write a little helper function here to convert from 0-based to 1-based since I think we’re going to be using this all over the place. And it helps clarify the code a bit; instead of having a bunch of +1s and -1s all over, you have a function name that has some meaning to future readers.

def one_to_zero(n):
    """Convert a number from a 1-based index to a 0-based index."""
    return n - 1

And now we can make use of that. Let’s make start 0-based and try it out.

        start = one_to_zero(int(args[0]))

Now running it gives:

$ python lineedit.py lines.txt
> l 1 
0: This is line 1
1: This is line 2
2: This is line 3
3: This is line 4
4: This is line 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lineedit.py", line 76, in <module>
    handle_list(args, lines)
  File "lineedit.py", line 48, in handle_list
    print(f'{i}: {lines[i]}', end="")
IndexError: list index out of range

Same pukey error, but let’s look at the lines before then. The good news is we’re getting all the lines printed. The bad news is that the line number on the left is in computer 0-based land, and we need it in human 1-based land. Let’s add another helper function:

def zero_to_one(n):
    """Convert a number from a 0-based index to a 1-based index."""
    return n + 1

And then let’s call that in our print output line:

        print(f'{zero_to_one(i)}: {lines[i]}', end="")

Now a run gives:

$ python lineedit.py lines.txt
> l 1
1: This is line 1
2: This is line 2
3: This is line 3
4: This is line 4
5: This is line 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lineedit.py", line 80, in <module>
    handle_list(args, lines)
  File "lineedit.py", line 52, in handle_list
    print(f'{zero_to_one(i)}: {lines[i]}', end="")
IndexError: list index out of range

Bam! That’s what we want. All lines printed with correct line numbers.

Now, what about that error? It’s telling us the list index is out of range, which isn’t too surprising since it’s going off the end of the file.

Before our for-loop, let’s just add some code that makes sure the start and end are sane. (Remember we’ve decided that they are 0-based indexes.)

    # Make sure start isn't before the beginning of the list
    if start < 0:
        start = 0

    # Make sure end isn't past the end of the list
    if end > len(lines):
        end = len(lines)

And then you can run the for-loop after that with impunity!

$ python lineedit.py lines.txt
> l 1
1: This is line 1
2: This is line 2
3: This is line 3
4: This is line 4
5: This is line 5
> l 3
3: This is line 3
4: This is line 4
5: This is line 5

Perfection! That’s the list functionality complete!

Things only tend to get easier from here on out. The first part of the implementation is the worst, but now we just have variants on a theme:

  1. Check for the proper command on input
  2. Pass the args to a handler function for that command
  3. Build out the handler function
  4. Repeat

What’s the next simplest thing to work on? How about “delete a line”?

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

So we want to delete a single line. This is as easy as removing an element from the list containing all the lines.

We just need to know the element number to remove.

Of course, the user enters it after the d command, so we can grab it from there.

But remember: what the user enters is 1-based! We have to convert it to 0-based before we use the number to delete a line… otherwise we’ll delete the wrong line.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

So we should be able to:

A little digging in the help reveals that the pop() method removes an element from a list at a given index:

pop(self, index=-1, /)

    Remove and return item at index (default last).

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

To our main input loop, let’s go ahead and add a call to the handler if the user requests a deletion:

    # Delete a line
    elif command[0] == 'd':
        handle_delete(args, lines)

And now let’s write the delete handler. This is going to be similar to the line listing handler at first: we have to get the line number the user entered, and convert it to 0-based.

And then make sure it’s in range.

And then delete that line with the pop() method.

def handle_delete(args, lines):
    """Delete a line in the file."""

    if len(args) == 1:
        # Get the line number to delete
        line_num = one_to_zero(int(args[0]))

        print("usage: d line_num]")

    # Make sure we're in range
    if line_num < 0 or line_num >= len(lines):
        print("no such line")

    # Delete the line

And that’s all there is to it. Let’s try it:

> l 1
1: This is line 1
2: This is line 2
3: This is line 3
4: This is line 4
5: This is line 5
> d 3
> l 1
1: This is line 1
2: This is line 2
3: This is line 4
4: This is line 5
> d 0
no such line
> d 5
no such line

Looks good!

What’s next easiest? Probably the “edit” functionality.

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem

When we edit a single line, we want to replace the element in the lines list completely with a new element that we input from the keyboard.

The only line is thrown away.

For this, the user enters e for “edit”, followed by a line number.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

Let’s do the same as with delete, except that instead of using pop() to remove a line, we’ll just use input() to get another one and store it directly on the list.

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

Firstly, let’s add that command handler to the main loop:

    # Edit a line
    elif command[0] == 'e':
        handle_edit(args, lines)

Secondly, let’s implement the edit handler. Same code and rationale until the last line:

def handle_edit(args, lines):
    """Edit a line in the file."""

    if len(args) == 1:
        # Get the line number to edit
        line_num = one_to_zero(int(args[0]))
        print("usage: e line_num")

    # Make sure we're in range
    if line_num < 0 or line_num >= len(lines):
        print("no such line")

    # Edit the line
    lines[line_num] = input()

Notice how we just replace the named line in the list with whatever line is returned by input().

Let’s try it!

> l 1
1: This is line 1
2: This is line 2
3: This is line 3
4: This is line 4
5: This is line 5
> e 2
> l 1
1: This is line 1
2: NEW LINE 2!3: This is line 3
4: This is line 4
5: This is line 5

Wait a second! Lines 2 and 3 are all bunched up after I edited it! That can’t be right.

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem

This all ties back to the newlines we keep at the end of lines in the list.

Remember that we’re storing each line with the newline attached to the end.

But input() strips the newline off! Not what we were after.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

So we have to add the newline to the end of the, er, new line that we just entered. We’ll just tack it on with the + string concatenation operator.

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

Modify the last line of the handle_edit() function to add the newline:

    # Edit the line, adding a newline to the end (since input() strips
    # it off).
    lines[line_num] = input()# + '\n'

And done with that one!

What’s the next easiest thing to code up? Well, looks like there’s only one more editing command: “append”.

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem

This one’s a little different. It looks like we go ahead and read the line to append just like with any other command. But then we go into a weird mode where we repeatedly enter lines until the user enters a single period on a line by itself.

And each of those lines are appended in turn.

If the user says to append after line 0, the lines should be inserted at the top of the file.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

So let’s go ahead and do the usual command-line parsing to see which line we want to insert after.

And then let’s loop until the user enters a single period.

Inside the loop, we’ll read a line and append it into the list in the right place.

Looking at the documentation, there is an append() method for lists, but it only appends onto the end of the list.

We want ours to be able to do that, but also to be able to put those lines in the middle, or at the top.

Let’s keep looking down the documentation.

There’s insert() to put an object before an index. This seems to work for the beginning and the middle, but what about appending to the end? Do we have to use the append() method in that special case?

The docs aren’t entirely clear on the matter. Let’s bring up the REPL and try some tests.

I’ll make a list and then try to insert() values in various places.

First, let’s try inserting before element 0, which should insert at the beginning:

>>> a = [11, 22, 33]
>>> a.insert(0, 99)
>>> a
[99, 11, 22, 33]

Great! The 99 went in first, just like I wanted.

Let’s insert another number before index 2:

>>> a.insert(2, 999)
>>> a
[99, 11, 999, 22, 33]

That worked, too.

Now, the list only has up to element index 4… but let’s go out on a limb and try inserting before index 5 (which doesn’t exist) and see if that appends on the end:

>>> a.insert(5, 9999)
>>> a
[99, 11, 999, 22, 33, 9999]

Yes! It worked! We don’t have to special-case a call to append().

It is a little weird, but if you put any index past the last one in for append, it’ll put the value at the end of the list.

If we make a small list and try to insert the value 3490 at index 99, it just puts it at the end:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a.insert(99, 3490)
>>> a
[1, 2, 3, 3490]

This kind of experimentation to see what works and what doesn’t is really common, and is a great way to explore and learn how the system works.

Ok, so we:

Now, you might wonder why bother subtracting one just so we could add one right after?

And you’re right—it does nothing. We don’t have to do that.

But there’s an argument to be made that it’s clearer to a future reader of the code. We clearly subtract one to get to a 0-based indexing method as soon as possible. And we add one to get insert() to insert after a line instead of before it. Two different reasons to do the arithmetic clearly spelled out. If we were to just leave them both off, that information wouldn’t be obvious to the next developer reading the code.

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

First, let’s do our standard parsing of the command argument:

def handle_append(args, lines):
    """Append a line in the file."""

    if len(args) == 1:
        # Get the line number to append at. +1 because we want to line_num
        # adding lines one _after_ the specified line.
        line_num = one_to_zero(int(args[0]))

        print("usage: a line_num")

Then, continuing down the function, do our adding one:

    # +1 because we want to line_num adding lines one _after_ the
    # specified line.
    line_num += 1

Then, continuing again, let’s put in our loop to read lines until the user enters a period, and insert them into the correct location in the list.

    done = False

    # We're going to loop until the user enters a single `.` on a line
    while not done:

        # Read a line of input
        line = input()

        # Check if we're done
        if line == '.':
            done = True
            continue  # Jump back to the `while`

        # Otherwise, insert the line, adding a newline to the end (since
        # input() strips it off).
        lines.insert(line_num, line + '\n')

        # And now on to the next line
        line_num += 1

All right, let’s test it. Let’s insert lines at the beginning:

> l 1
1: This is line 1
2: This is line 2
3: This is line 3
4: This is line 4
5: This is line 5
> a 0
NEW line 1
NEW line 2
> l 1
1: NEW line 1
2: NEW line 2
3: This is line 1
4: This is line 2
5: This is line 3
6: This is line 4
7: This is line 5


Let’s insert lines in the middle:

> a 4 
NEW line in the middle
> l 1
1: NEW line 1
2: NEW line 2
3: This is line 1
4: This is line 2
5: NEW line in the middle
6: This is line 3
7: This is line 4
8: This is line 5


Let’s insert some lines at the end:

> a 8
NEW end line 1
NEW end line 2
> l 1
1: NEW line 1
2: NEW line 2
3: This is line 1
4: This is line 2
5: NEW line in the middle
6: This is line 3
7: This is line 4
8: This is line 5
9: NEW end line 1
10: NEW end line 2

Also works! Woot!

Although it’s not automated, this is good test coverage. We looked at the common case (insert in the middle), but we also looked at the edge cases (insert at the beginning and end) just to make sure those worked properly. When testing, always think about which cases aren’t common and test those explicitly.

Now there’s but one thing remaining: saving the file to disk with the “w” (write) command.

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem

We already wrote some code back in the day to read a file a line at a time and store the results in a list.

This time, we want to do the opposite. Go through our list and write the file a line at a time until we’re done.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

Compared to the append command, this is cake.



Since “write a bunch of lines to disk” is a good self-contained operation, I plan to write a function that does just that and nothing more. I’ll write a different function to get called when a write is requested which will make sure the args are correct and so on. Keep it modular!

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

First, let’s add a function to write the file to disk. As arguments, it’ll take the list of lines to write and a filename to write it to.

When we open the file, we’ll pass the "w" argument to it to indicate that we’re writing this file.

Note that as soon as you open a file for writing, it erases that file if it exists. But this should be OK in this case since we’re about to write it again.

And since every line already has a newline at the end, we don’t have to add one when we write it to disk.

def write_file(lines, filename):
    """Write a file to disk"""
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        for line in lines:

Now let’s write the handler for the command. This will check if the arg was specified and print an error if not. And then write the file.

def handle_write(args, lines):
    """Handle the write command"""

    if len(args) == 1:
        filename = args[0]
        print("usage: w filename")

    write_file(lines, filename)

Lastly, we need to add a handler to the main command loop so that when we type “w”, it saves the file:

    # Write (save) the file
    elif command[0] == 'w':
        handle_write(args, lines, filename)

And that’s that!

Problem-solving step: Looking Back

There are a lot of things we can do to improve the code here.

What’s crazy is that you can use this to write Python programs. Let’s do one!

$ python lineedit.py
> a 0
print("Hello, world!")
print("I wrote this with my own editor!")
> l 1
1: print("Hello, world!")
2: print("I wrote this with my own editor!")
> w my_hello.py
> q
$ python3 my_hello.py 
Hello, world!
I wrote this with my own editor!

Well, you can probably tell that’s not quite as easy as using VS Code (or any other editor, for that matter). But, believe it or not, line editors were the way to enter programs for a long time.

Be thankful for standing on the shoulders of giants!


13.9 Exercises

Remember: to get your value out of this book, you have to do these exercises. After 20 minutes of being stuck on a problem, you’re allowed to look at the solution.

Use any knowledge you have to solve these, not only what you learned in this chapter.

Always use the four problem-solving steps to solve these problems: understand the problem, devise a plan, carry it out, look back to see what you could have done better.

  1. You’ve been misbehaving in class and the teacher sentences you to write 500 lines as punishment. Shrewdly, you ask if you can type the lines, and the teacher agrees145.

    The program should accept command line arguments of the filename to output to and the number of lines. All command line arguments after that are the punishment line itself that should be repeated that many times in the output file.

    For example:

    python writelines.py outfile.txt 500 I will not talk in class.

    would generate a file outfile.txt with the line

    I will not talk in class.

    repeated 500 times.

    WARNING: Apostrophes and quotes (and other punctuation) often have special meaning to the shell. Avoid any characters other than periods or you might get strange results. If weird things happen, hit CTRL-c to get out of it.


  2. Write a program to read comma-separated values (CSV) files.

    A CSV file has a bunch of values separated by commas, one record per row.

    Here’s the file we want to read147. Look through it and see how all the information for a particular record is in each row:

    Title,Release Year,Studio,Publisher
    Minecraft,2011,Mojang,Microsoft Studios
    M.U.L.E.,1983,Ozark Softscape,Activision
    X-Men The Official Game,2006,Z-AXIS,Activision
    Populous,1989,Bullfrog Productions,Electronic Arts
    DOOM,1993,id Software,id Software
    Lemmings,1991,DMA Design,Psygnosis

    Your goal is to read the file and store each record in an object. (Make a class that defines the same fields you have in the CSV file to instantiate the objects from.)

    Then print out the data, like so:

    M.U.L.E.                  1983   Ozark Softscape        Activision            
    Populous                  1989   Bullfrog Productions   Electronic Arts       
    Lemmings                  1991   DMA Design             Psygnosis             
    DOOM                      1993   id Software            id Software           
    X-Men The Official Game   2006   Z-AXIS                 Activision            
    Minecraft                 2011   Mojang                 Microsoft Studios

    The printout, above, is shown in sorted-by-year order. That’s a stretch goal if you want to take it on. (Hint: check out the key keyword argument to the .sort() method. Also, the solution code talks about it in detail.)

    Also, incidentally, M.U.L.E.148 is one of the greatest games ever written. Despite it being over 25 years old, PC World magazine rated it the 5th-greatest game of all time in 2009. If you haven’t played it, grab an Atari 800 emulator, four gamepads, and four friends, and have some fun. (Or play solo against the computer.)

    Now, a quick word of warning: this exercise assumes you’re going to implement the logic for parsing this file yourself. But in real life, in Python, you’d never do this. Python has built-in functionality to parse CSV files, and it’s far more robust and correct than what we’re doing here. We’re just reinventing the wheel in this case as a programming exercise.

    Notice that the first line of the CSV file is a header. It describes what the columns are, but isn’t actual data. You’ll have to skip this line when you’re reading the file. (Hint: call the next() function on the file iterator returned by open() to get the next line one time at the beginning.)


  3. Modify your multiplication table generator from the chapter on strings to save the table to disk instead of printing it to the screen.

    The program should accept both the dimension of the table and the output filename on the command line, e.g.:

    python multtablefile.py 12 table12x12.txt


  4. Write a program to count the number of words in a file specified on the command line. The number of words should be printed out.

    This is a simplified clone of the Unix wc (word count) command.

    For this one, we’ll define a word as something separated by whitespace. (Hint: the .split() string method151.)

    Example (wargames.txt is in the examples directory152):

    $ python ex_wc.py wargames.txt 


  5. Write a program that sorts lines of a file in alphabetical order and prints the result on the screen. Note that you don’t need to alphabetize every word in each line—just treat the line as one big word to be alphabetized.

    This is a simplified version of the Unix sort command.

    Example run:

    $ python ex_sort.py rocks.txt

    (And so on. The rocks.txt file has more lines in it than I’ve shown here.)


13.10 Summary

What a chapter! That was like a 50% project, eh?

But look at what we learned!

We covered how to open and read and write text files. We talked about how to read and write a line at a time, as well.

And we wrote a simple line-based text editor! Most developers go their entire careers without doing that.

More Python goodness in the next chapter—see you there!

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