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9 Project: A Better Web Server

Time to improve the web server so that it serves actual files!

We’re going to make it so that when a web client (in this case we’ll use a browser) requests a specific file, the webserver will return that file.

There are some interesting details to be found along the way.

9.1 Restrictions

In order to better understand the sockets API at a lower level, this project may not use any of the following helper functions:

After coding up the project, it should be more obvious how these helper functions are implemented.

9.2 The Process

If you go to your browser and enter a URL like this (substituting the port number of your running server):


The client will send a request to your server that looks like this:

GET /file1.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close

Notice the file name is right there in the GET request on the first line!

Your server will:

  1. Parse that request header to get the file name.
  2. Strip the path off for security reasons.
  3. Read the data from the named file.
  4. Determine the type of data in the file, HTML or text.
  5. Build an HTTP response packet with the file data in the payload.
  6. Send that HTTP response back to the client.

The response will look like this example file:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 357
Connection: close

<!DOCtype html>


[The rest of the HTML file has been truncated in this example.]

At this point, the browser should display the file.

Notice a couple things in the header that need to be computed: the Content-Type will be set according to the type of data in the file being served, and the Content-Length will be set to the length in bytes of that data.

We’re going to want to be able to display at least two different types of files: HTML and text files.

9.3 Parsing the Request Header

You’ll want to read in the full request header, so your probably doing something like accumulating data from all your recv()s in a single variable and searching it (with something like string’s .find() method to find the "\r\n\r\n" that marks the end of the header.

At that point, you can .split() the header data on "\r\n" to get individual lines.

The first line is the GET line.

You can .split() that single line into its three parts: the request method (GET), the path (e.g. /file1.txt), and the protocol (HTTP/1.1).

Don’t forget to .decode("ISO-8859-1") the first line of the request so that you can use it as a string.

We only really need the path.

9.4 Stripping the Path down to the Filename

SECURITY RISK! If we don’t strip the path off, a malicious attacker could use it to accesss arbitrary files on your system. Can you think of how they might build a URL that reads /etc/password?

Real web servers just check to make sure the path is restricted to a certain directory hierarchy, but we’ll take the easy way and just strip all the path information off and only serve files from the directory the webserver is running in.

The path is going to be made up of directory names separated by a slash (/), so the easiest thing to do at this point is to use .split('/') on your path and filename, and then look at the last element.

fullpath = "/foo/bar/baz.txt"

file_name = fullpath.split("/")[-1]

A more portable way is to use the standard library function os.path.split. The value returned by os.path.split is will be a tuple with two elements, the second of which is the file name:

fullpath = "/foo/bar/baz.txt"

=> ('/foo/bar', 'baz.txt')

Select the last element:

fullpath = "/foo/bar/baz.txt"

file_name = os.path.split(fullpath)[-1]

Use that to get the file name you want to serve.

9.5 MIME and Getting the Content-Type

In HTTP, the payload can be anything–any collection of bytes. So how does the web browser know how to display it?

The answer is in the Content-Type header, which gives the MIME type of the data. This is enough for the client to know how to display it.

Some example MIME types:

MIME Type Description
text/plain Plain text file
text/html HTML file
application/pdf PDF file
image/jpeg JPEG image
image/gif GIF image
application/octet-stream Generic unclassified data

There are a lot of MIME types to identify any kind of data.

You put these right in the HTTP response in the Content-Type header:

Content-Type: application/pdf

But how do you know what type of data a file holds?

The classic way to do this is by looking at the file extension, everything after the last period in the file name.

Luckily, os.path.splitext() gives us an easy way to pull the extension off a file name:


returns a tuple containing:

('keyboardcat', '.gif')

You can just map the following extensions for this assignment:

Extension MIME Type
.txt text/plain
.html text/html

So if the file has a .txt extension, be sure to send back:

Content-Type: text/plain

in your response.

If you really want to be correct, add charset to your header to specify the character encoding:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

but that’s not necessary, since browsers typically default to that encoding.

9.6 Reading the File, Content-Length, and Handling Not Found

Here’s some code to read an entire file and check for errors:

    with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
        data = fp.read()   # Read entire file
        return data

    # File not found or other error
    # TODO send a 404

The data you get back from .read() is what will be the payload. Use len() to compute the number of bytes.

The number of bytes will be send back in the Content-Length header, like so:

Content-Length: 357

(with the number of bytes of your file).

You might be wondering what the "rb" thing is in the open() call. This causes the file to open for reading in binary mode. In Python, a file open for reading in binary mode will return a bytestring representing the file that you can send straight out on the socket.

What about this 404 Not Found thing? It’s common enough that you’ve probably seen it in normal web usage from time to time.

This just means you’ve requested a file or other resource that doesn’t exist.

In our case, we’ll detect some kind of file open error (with the except block, above) and return a 404 response.

The 404 response is an HTTP response, except instead of

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

our response will start with

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

So when you try to open the file and it fails, you’re going to just return the following (verbatim) and close the connection:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 13
Connection: close

404 not found

(Both the content length and the payload can just be hardcoded in this case, but of course have to be .encode()’d to bytes.)

9.7 Extensions

These are here if you have time to give yourself the additional challenge for greater understanding of the material. Push yourself!

9.8 Example Files

You can copy and paste these into files for testing purposes:

9.8.1 file1.txt

This is a sample text file that has all kinds of words in it that
seemingly go on for a long time but really don't say much at all.

And as that weren't enough, here is a second paragraph that continues
the tradition. And then goes for a further sentence, besides.

9.8.2 file2.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Test HTML File</title>

<h1>Test HTML</h1>

<p>This is my test file that has <i>some</i> HTML in in that the browser
should render as HTML.</p>

<p>If you're seeing HTML tags that look like this <tt>&lt;p&gt;</tt>,
you're sending it out as the wrong MIME type! It should be


The idea is that these URLs would retrieve the above files (with the appropriate port given):


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