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10 Endianness and Integers

We’ve done some work transmitting text over the network. But now we want to do something else: we want to transfer binary integer data.

Sure we could just convert the numbers to strings, but this is more wasteful than it needs to be. Binary representation is more compact and saves bandwidth.

But the network can only send and receive bytes! How can we convert arbitrary numbers to single bytes?

That’s what this chapter is all about.

We want to:

And in this chapter we’ll look at:

Key points to look out for:

10.1 Integer Representations

In this section we’ll dive deep into how an integer can be represented by a sequence of individual bytes.

10.1.1 Decimal Byte Representation

Let’s look at how integers are represented as sequences of bytes. These sequences of bytes are what we’ll send across the network to send integer values to other systems.

A single byte (in this context well define a byte to be the usual 8 bits) can encode binary values from 00000000 to 11111111. In decimal, these numbers go from 0 to 255.

So what happens if you want to store number larger than 255? Like 256? In that case, you need to use a second byte to store the additional value.

The more bytes you use to represent an integer, the larger the range of integers you can represent. One byte can store from 0 to 255. Two bytes can store from 0 to 65535.

Thinking about it another way, 65536 is the number of combinations of 1s and 0s you can have in a 16-bit number.

This section is talking about non-negative integers only. Floating point numbers use a different encoding. Negative integers use a similar technique to positive, but we’ll keep it simple for now and ignore them.

Let’s take a look what happens when we count up from 253 to 259 in a 16-bit number. Since 259 is bigger than a single byte can hold, we’ll use two bytes (holding numbers from 0 to 255), with the corresponding decimal value represented on the right:

  0 253   represents 253
  0 254   represents 254
  0 255   represents 255
  1   0   represents 256
  1   1   represents 257
  1   2   represents 258
  1   3   represents 259

Notice that the byte on the right “rolled over” from 255 to 0 like an odometer. It’s almost like that byte is the “ones place” and the byte on the left is the “256s place”… like looking at a base-256 numbering system, almost.

We could compute the decimal value of the number by taking the first byte and multiplying it by 256, then adding on the value of the second byte:

1  * 256 +   3 = 259

Or in this example, where two bytes with values 17 and 178 represent the value 4530:

17 * 256 + 178 = 4530

Neither 17 not 178 are larger than 255, so they both fit in a single byte each.

So every integer can be perfectly represented by a sequence of bytes. You just need more bytes in the sequence to represent larger numbers.

10.1.2 Binary Byte Representations

Binary, hexadecimal, and decimal are just all different “languages” for writing down values.

So we could rewrite the entire previous section of the document by merely translating all the decimal numbers to binary, and it would still be just as true.

In fact, let’s do it for the example from the previous section. Remember: this is numerically equivalent–we just changed the numbers from decimal to binary. All other concepts are identical.

00000000 11111101    represents  11111101 (253 decimal)
00000000 11111110    represents  11111110 (254 decimal)
00000000 11111111    represents  11111111 (255 decimal)
00000001 00000000    represents 100000000 (256 decimal)
00000001 00000001    represents 100000001 (257 decimal)
00000001 00000010    represents 100000010 (258 decimal)
00000001 00000011    represents 100000011 (259 decimal)

But wait a second–see the pattern? If you just stick the two bytes together you end up with the exact same number as the binary representation! (Ignoring leading zeros.)

Really all we’ve done is take the binary representation of a number and split it up into chunks of 8 bits. We could take any arbitrary number like 1,256,616,290,962 decimal and convert it to binary:


and do the same thing, split it up into chunks of 8 bits:

1 00100100 10010100 00101010 11101010 10010010

Since we’re packing it into bytes, we should pad that leading 1 out to 8 bits like so:

00000001 00100100 10010100 00101010 11101010 10010010

And there you have it, the byte-by-byte representation of the number 1,256,616,290,962.

10.1.3 Hexadecimal Byte Representations

Again, it doesn’t matter what number base we use–they’re just all different “languages” for representing a numeric value.

Programmers like hex because it’s very compatible with bytes (each byte is 2 hex digits). Let’s do the same chart again, this time in hex:

00 fd    represents 00fd (253 decimal)
00 fe    represents 00fe (254 decimal)
00 ff    represents 00ff (255 decimal)
01 00    represents 0100 (256 decimal)
01 01    represents 0101 (257 decimal)
01 02    represents 0102 (258 decimal)
01 03    represents 0103 (259 decimal)

Look at that again! The hex representation of the number is the same as the two bytes just crammed together! Super-duper convenient.

10.2 Endianness

Ready to get a wrench thrown in the works?

I just finished telling you that a number like (in hex):


can be represented by these two bytes:

45 f2

But guess what! Some systems will represent 0x45f2 as:

f2 45

It’s backwards! This is analogous to me saying “I want 123 pieces of toast” when in fact I really wanted 321!

There’s a name for putting the bytes backward like this. We say such representations are little endian.

This means the “little end” of the number (the “ones” byte, if I can call it that) comes at the front end.

The more-normal, more-forward way to write it (like we did at first, where the number 0x45f2 was reasonably represented in the order 45 f2) is called big endian. The byte in the largest value slot (also called the most-significant byte) is at the front end.

The bad news is that virtually all Intel CPU models are little-endian.

The good news is that Mac M1s are big-endian.

The even better news is that all network numbers are transmitted as big-endian, the sensible way.

And when I say “all”, I mean “a certain amount”[^—Monty Python]. If both sides agree to transmit in little endian, there’s no law against that. This would make sense if the sender and receiver were both little-endian architectures—why waste time reversing bytes just to reverse them back? But the majority of protocols specify big-endian.

Big-endian byte order is called network byte order in network contexts for this reason.

10.3 Python and Endianness

What if you have some number in Python, how do you convert it into a byte sequence?

Luckily, there’s a built-in function to help with that: .to_bytes().

And there’s one to go the other way: .from_bytes()

It even allows you to specify the endianness! Since we’ll be using this to transmit bytes over the network, we’ll always use "big" endian.

10.3.1 Converting a Number to Bytes

Here’s a demo where we take the number 3490 and store it as bytestring of 2 bytes in big-endian order.

Note that we pass two things into the .to_bytes() method: the number of bytes for the result, and "big" if it’s to be big-endian, or "little" if it’s to be little endian.

Newer versions of Python default to "big". In older versions, you still have to be explicit.

n = 3490

bytes = n.to_bytes(2, "big")

If we print them out we’ll see the byte values:

for b in bytes:

Those are the big-endian byte values that make up the number 3490. We can verify that 13 * 256 + 162 == 3490 easily enough.

If you try to store the number 70,000 in two bytes, you’ll get an OverflowError. Two bytes isn’t large enough to store values over 65535–you’ll need to add another byte.

Let’s do one more example in hex:

n = 0xABCD
bytes = n.to_bytes(2, "big")

for b in bytes:
    print(f"{b:02X}")  # Print in hex



It’s the same digits as the original value stored in n!

10.3.2 Convert Bytes Back to a Number

Let’s take the full tour. We’re going to make a hex number and convert it to bytes, like we did in the previous section. Then we’ll even print out the bytestring to see what it looks like.

Then we’ll convert that bytestring back to a number and print it out to make sure it matches the original.

n = 0x0102
bytes = n.to_bytes(2, "big")


gives the output:


The b at the front means this is a bytestring (as opposed to a regular string) and the \x is an escape sequence that appears before a 2-digit hex number.

Since our original number was 0x0102, it makes sense that the two bytes in the byte string have values \x01 and \x02.

Now let’s convert that string back and print in hex:

v = int.from_bytes(bytes, "big")


And that prints:


just like our original value!

10.4 Reflect

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