| Contents |

12 Importing Modules

12.1 Objective

12.2 Chapter Project Specification

Open a ZIP archive and print out a directory of the files that are in there, their size in bytes, and the time they were last modified.

If you’re unfamiliar with the ZIP format, it’s a way to take multiple files and compress them into a single file, called a ZIP archive. The table of contents shows what files exist within the ZIP file. They can be recovered later by extracting them, but we’re not going to do that for this project.

An example ZIP file can be found in the examples directory115.

Output should be:

File Name                         Modified             Size
hello.txt                  2020-02-09 15:12:20            6
world.txt                  2020-02-09 15:12:24            7

(Spacing in the above example was changed to fit the margins—you don’t have to match spacing exactly.)

Keep this project in mind as we go through this chapter’s material.

12.3 What and Why of Modules

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Modules are pieces of self-contained code that you can import into your code and use. Think of them as prefabricated building blocks that you can put together in your project to accomplish tasks without needing to write out the details yourself.

This is actually a really powerful concept that you have at your disposal. Tons of code have already been written, and you can just use it!

Do you want to compute anything to do with date and time? Python has a module for that.

Do you want to draw graphics on the screen? Python has a module for that.

Do you want to generate animated GIFs from a sequence of stills? There’s a module for that.

Do you want to download an image from a URL and save it to disk? There are modules for that.

There are tons of modules built-in to Python_116. Give the list a skim so you know what’s there, but you don’t need to drill down at all unless you’re dying of curiosity over a particular module.

Are there are zillions of third-party modules117 you can use, as well.

You can import as many modules as you want into an individual project.

12.4 Using a Module

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

You declare your intent to use a module with the import keyword. We’re going to do an example with the built-in sys module118, which contains all kinds of useful information about the system.

Let’s see what platform Python thinks we’re running.

But first, some syntax.

When using a function or variable inside a module, you use the dot operator to get the variable, similar to how you get attributes from objects. In fact, very similar. When you import a module, Python gives you an object by that name with functions and data attached to it as attributes.

Step one is to import the module. Then you can access the members of that module.

For example, if we:

import sys

we’ll end up with an object called sys with attributes that you can access!

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

Digging through the documentation for the sys module, we find there’s something called sys.platform that looks really promising.

Let’s print it!

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

import sys    # Gets us access to all the sys goodies


What does it output for you?

For me, on Linux or Windows WSL, it prints “linux”. On Windows, it prints “win32”.

Notice there was nothing we had to do ourselves to make this determination. (Which is good, because it would be a pain to write!) Fortunately, the sys module had everything we needed right there.

12.5 Command Line Arguments

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

I’ve been hiding something.

In terms of how you run Python programs from the command line.

It turns out you can add things after the Python program name.

Say what?

Let’s say you have a program called foo.py. You can run it like this, of course:

python foo.py

You can also run it like this:

python foo.py something another antelopes

Those extra words after the program name are called command line arguments.

But why would you do this?

So you can control the behavior of the program from the command line! When you run it, it’s nice to be able to influence behavior this way instead of having to call input() with prompts and everything else.

But how do you get those extra command-line arguments?

Our good friend sys module can help us again here.

The variable sys.argv is a list that contains the program name followed by all the command line arguments.

Run this program with a variety of command-line arguments and see what it outputs:

import sys


Example output:

$ python foo.py
$ python foo.py aa bb cc
['foo.py', 'aa', 'bb', 'cc']

So at runtime, we can look in sys.argv and make decisions about what we want to do!

Let’s put it to use in the next section.

12.6 Printing Calendars

Print a calendar for any month and year!

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Your first thought should have been something like, “Holy cow, Beej—how am I supposed to figure all that out? Was November 12, 1955, a Friday or a Saturday? I don’t know!”

Luckily, we don’t have to know! There’s a module, calendar, that we can use to do all the dirty work for us.

If you pop to the instructions119, you’ll see pages and pages of material. It’s intimidatingly impenetrable.

Reading docs is one of the things you’ll get better at with practice. At first, it’s a bit of a slog, but you’ll improve.

First of all, start skimming down and looking for anything that has to do with text calendars. If it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with that, keep skimming.

I’ll wait. Go for it.

Spoilers coming! Really go scan them and find it yourself! Practice makes perfect!

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

OK—so hopefully you got about halfway down the page and found the TextCalendar class. It says:

This class can be used to generate plain text calendars.

That sounds promising. In fact, just below that, it mentions there’s a prmonth() method on the class that you can use to print a calendar for a given month and year.


Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

We can code it up like this:

import calendar

tc = calendar.TextCalendar()   # Make a new TextCalendar object

tc.prmonth(1970, 1)  # Print January 1970

and this will present us with a nice text calendar that looks like this:

    January 1970
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
          1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8  9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

Problem-solving step: Looking Back.

We found what we wanted halfway down the documentation, so we’re good right?

Well, it might be worth skimming the rest of the documentation just to see what else the calendar module can do.

And, in fact, if we look down farther, the docs say:

For simple text calendars this module provides the following functions.

And one of those functions is prmonth(). We can just call it directly without making an intermediate object!

import calendar

calendar.prmonth(1970, 1)

gets us the same output as before—and it’s simpler!

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

Let’s mod this. Right now, it’s hardcoded to print out a January, 1970 calendar. Let’s change it so that you could run it from the command line and pass in the arguments you need, like this:

python cal.py 1970 1


python cal.py 1955 11

to print out the January, 1970 or November, 1955 calendars, respectively.

That makes it more flexible—we get all kinds of new behavior without changing the code. Much more usable.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

We saw in this section how to print a calendar, and we saw in the previous section how to get command-line arguments into a list.

Let’s get the year and month from sys.argv and pass them into calendar.prmonth().

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

Let’s do exactly that:

import sys
import calendar

year = sys.argv[1]
month = sys.argv[2]

calendar.prmonth(year, month)

When we run it with:

python cal.py 1970 1

though, something bad happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cal.py", line 7, in <module>
    calendar.prmonth(year, month)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/calendar.py", line 350, in prmonth
    print(self.formatmonth(theyear, themonth, w, l), end='')
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/calendar.py", line 358, in formatmonth
    s = self.formatmonthname(theyear, themonth, 7 * (w + 1) - 1)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/calendar.py", line 341, in formatmonthname
    s = month_name[themonth]
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/calendar.py", line 59, in __getitem__
    funcs = self._months[i]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str


Let’s take this error apart and see if we can tell what’s up. It’s not really being that forthcoming, is it?

Start at the top. It tells you what file the error is in on the first line: cal.py on line 7. And it shows us the line below that… it’s where we’re calling calendar.prmonth().

But that looks fine, right?

Going farther down, it’s showing us the call stack, that is, the path of function calls that culminated in the error. And those are in the calendar.py file, which is the calendar module.

We didn’t even write that code! How dare there be an error in it!

Well, it’s not an error—it’s the module telling us, in a roundabout way, we’re not using it right.

Finally, at the bottom, we see the error itself: TypeError. And the description:

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

We don’t have any lists in our code, so what’s it even talking about lists for? Well, who knows how the stuff is implemented in the library, but scan that error message and see if there’s anything in there that hints toward what we have to do.

It says “must be integers or slices, not str”. Hmmm.

When we called it with

calendar.prmonth(1970, 1)

it was fine, but now it’s not? Wait—when we called it that way, we passed integers in… but now we’re passing in sys.argv[1]. Is that an integer?

There’s a built-in function called type() we can use. Let’s add this code:

import sys
import calendar

year = sys.argv[1]
month = sys.argv[2]

print(type(year))    # <-- Add this
print(type(month))   # <-- Add this

calendar.prmonth(year, month)

Running it again, we get the same error, but before that, we see some output:

<class 'str'>
<class 'str'>

That’s telling us sys.argv[1] and sys.argv[2] are strings! And we were passing ints before. Let’s convert those to ints before we pass them in. The error message did say we needed ints, not strings.

import sys
import calendar

year = int(sys.argv[1])
month = int(sys.argv[2])

calendar.prmonth(year, month)

And now when we run it:

$ python cal.py 2038 1
    January 2038
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
             1  2  3
 4  5  6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Problem-solving step: Looking Back.

Not too shabby. What else can we make better?

It’s time to think like a villain. What can you do to this program as a user to break it?

How about passing in a negative year? (Hey, that works!)

What about a negative month?

That crashes with a big ugly stack trace.

We could fix that by checking the values of month and making sure the user-specified 1-12, or print an error otherwise. Something like this:

if month < 1 or month > 12:
    print("Month must be 1-12!")
    sys.exit()  # call this to stop running the program here!

What if the user specifies a year, but no month? Another crash.

We could check the length of sys.argv and make sure it was the right value (namely 3, since it includes the name of the program along with the year and month). If it wasn’t, we could print an error message and exit.

Here’s the complete code with error checking:

import sys
import calendar

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print("usage: cal.py year month")
    sys.exit()  # stop running

year = int(sys.argv[1])
month = int(sys.argv[2])

if month < 1 or month > 12:
    print("Month must be 1-12!")
    sys.exit()  # stop running

calendar.prmonth(year, month)   

Ship it!

12.7 Importing Specific Attributes

There’s an alternate syntax for import that you can use to bring attributes from a module directly into the global namespace.

What do I mean by that?

Well, the upshot is that if you’re tired of typing the module name followed by a dot to access a particular function or piece of data, you can bring that in to use directly, instead.

Let’s do an example.

The time modules have a function called ctime() that prints the time out in a classic format.

import time

print(time.ctime())  # "Sun Feb  9 13:37:00 2020"

But if you’re going to call it repeatedly, it might make the code look worse to have “time.” all over the place.

We can do this, instead:

# Bring in ctime() explicitly:

from time import ctime

print(ctime())  # Look, ma! No "time."!

If a module has multiple things you want to import, you can bring them in with a comma list:

# import all three!

from time import ctime, localtime, monotonic

Or, if you’re feeling bold, you can import it all!

from time import *

But I generally recommend against that. It takes time for Python to do it, and if you only need a few things, pick them explicitly.

Furthermore, a lot of devs rely on the module name being a visual cue that we’re talking about a function in a module, here. If we come across some code that says:


Is that a function that the programmer-defined, or is it something that we from imported from somewhere? By putting the name of the module first, it helps mitigate that ambiguity:


So in general, I don’t use import from unless it makes the code decidedly more readable to do so.

Remember: readable code is high-value code!

12.8 Learning All The Modules

If you check out the list of modules120 you get with Python, it looks pretty intimidating. I mean, there’s a lot there.

How do you deal with it?

This is one of the toughest parts of learning a new language: learning the standard library (the bundled modules) that comes with it. Each language has its own way of doing things, and those ways are legion.

Step one: give up now. You’re not going to memorize all this.

The best thing to do is skim it at the level of the contents. Just try to remember that there exists a module for dealing with times. And a module for dealing with calendars. And for dealing with network communication. And so on.

Don’t worry about the details. You can always look them up later. But if you don’t know that there even is a module that handles reading and writing of CSV121 files, then you won’t know to look it up when you need it.

All devs, even experienced ones, look things up. All the time.

12.9 Chapter Project

If you need to, review the specification at the top of the chapter.

You might be thinking, “This is kind of a big jump, don’t you think, Beej? I mean, we haven’t even talked about how to open a file, and here you want me to somehow gaze magically inside a ZIP file and extract the contents?”

Well… yes. By “magically”, though, I mean something in particular. As you might have guessed, there’s a module for opening ZIP files122. We can import this and make it do the heavy lifting for us!

Easy, right?

Well, not so fast. If you follow the link to the docs, above, you’ll find pages and pages and pages of material with no clear indication of where to start. (Bring up that URL now, because we’re about to go through it.)

It’s nice that the module is there for us to use, but we have to sift through all this to use it?

Pretty much.

There is a shortcut that you can take. You can Google for “python print zip archive example”, and you’ll get some hits. This can be super powerful, and we do this kind of thing all the time in development, but for this project try not doing this.

Let’s just look at the docs and try to make sense of them, because this is a skill in itself, and is worth practicing.

Problem-solving step: Understanding the Problem.

This one’s pretty straightforward. We have a ZIP file from the examples, and we want to print out the files that are compressed within it.

In fact, this can be done in three lines of Python. Just… what three lines?

We just have to plan it out.

Problem-solving step: Devising a Plan

Here’s where we start digging. Start skimming the docs, and take note of anything that sounds remotely like what you want to do. Ignore anything you don’t understand. We want to get information about the contents of the ZIP file.

Keep your eyes peeled for example code.

Let’s skim!

I want you to come up with a list of functions or data in the docs that sound promising. As we learned earlier in this chapter, it can pay to skim the entire document so you don’t miss anything.

Go for it.

I’ll wait.

I’m about to share my list of candidates, now, so run get yours to see how it compares.

Spoiler alert!

Here are things that I thought sounded like they might get me my table of contents for the ZIP file.

Here are the first few I found. As I go, I’m keeping track in my head about which one sounds the most promising:

ZipInfo            # Class containing info about a ZIP file member
ZipFile.getinfo()  # Return a ZipInfo object for a file member
ZipFile.infolist() # Return ZipInfo objects for all file members
ZipFile.namelist() # Return list of file members by name

Let’s keep looking.

ZipFile.open()     # Access member of the archive
ZipFile.printdir() # Print a table of contents to sys.stdout (!!!!)

Now that sounds promising.

sys.stdout is a file stream that represents what we call standard output. For now, when you hear stdout or standard output, replace it with “the screen”.

So printdir() prints the table of contents to the screen, which sounds exactly like what we’re after.

But let’s keep looking, just to be sure.

ZipFile.read()     # Read bytes from a member of the archive
ZipFile.filename   # Name of the ZIP file

ZipInfo.filename   # Name of an archive member
ZipInfo.date_time  # Modification time of an archive member
ZipInfo.file_size  # File size of an archive member

And that’s the end of my skim. How did it compare with your list?

Now… Those last three look interesting. If we could get the ZipInfo object for each item in the archive, we could use those attributes to print out our directory listing.

But that sounds like it’s just going to get us what the printdir() function would do, and printdir() looks easier to use.

Maybe we’re wrong, but let’s pursue printdir(), and if it doesn’t pan out, we can go to Plan B and try the ZipInfo fields.

So… How do we use it? Let’s read the docs again.

{.py} ZipFile.printdir()

Print a table of contents for the archive to sys.stdout.

So we need a ZipFile object that represents the ZIP file example.zip.

That is, we know the ZIP is named example.zip, and we need to go from that to a ZipFile object. Once we have the ZipFile object for example.zip, we can call printdir().

OK. So how do we do that? Time to get back to skimming docs! How do I create a ZipFile object?

Skim now!

We saw earlier this was the class:


And a bit farther down, we have:

{.py} class zipfile.ZipFile(file, mode='r', compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=True, compresslevel=None, *, strict_timestamps=True) Open a ZIP file, where file can be a path to a file (a string), a file-like object or a path-like object.

Recognize that? It’s a constructor!! That’s what we want! We want to construct a ZipFile object from the string example.zip, and that’s exactly what this does for us.

Continuing down, I’m not seeing anything else that helps us make a ZipFile object, so let’s pursue this plan.

  1. Import the ZIP file functionality.
  2. Create a ZipFile object from example.zip.
  3. Print the table of contents with printdir() on that ZipFile object.

Let’s go!

Problem-solving step: Carrying Out the Plan

import zipfile


Okay—now we need to do something with that ZipFile constructor. Recall that since it’s in the zipfile module, we have to refer to it as zipfile.ZipFile when we use it.

But, man, the docs are thick for the constructor. What is all that stuff?

Remember that any keyword argument with something after an equal sign is optional. We don’t have to pass arguments for mode, compression, or any of those.

What we do have to pass in in the file, which is the filename to read. Let’s do that, and we’ll save the newly-constructed object in the variable zf:

# Important: make sure example.zip is in the same directory
# as this program!

zf = zipfile.ZipFile('example.zip')


And now that we have that object, let’s print its directory:


And that gives us this output:

File Name                         Modified             Size
hello.txt                  2020-02-09 15:12:20            6
world.txt                  2020-02-09 15:12:24            7


Problem-solving step: Looking Back.

What else can we do with this to improve it?

One easy thing to do would be to use sys.argv to get the name of the archive to print out the listing for.

Another thing that you might have noticed in the docs is there is all kinds of additional info about members of the archive. In addition to name, time, and size, there’s also comments, compression type, compressed size, CRC123, and other things to print.

By adding up all the uncompressed sizes, the compressed sizes, and then dividing one by the other, you can get the compression ratio—how much smaller the files got by putting them in the archive.

(Solution124, example zipfile125.)

12.10 Exercises

Remember: to get your value out of this book, you have to do these exercises. After 20 minutes of being stuck on a problem, you’re allowed to look at the solution.

Use any knowledge you have to solve these, not only what you learned in this chapter.

Always use the four problem-solving steps to solve these problems: understand the problem, devise a plan, carry it out, look back to see what you could have done better.

  1. Every process running on your system is represented by a numeric process ID. When you run a program, it gets a unique process ID (PID) that exists until the process exits.

    Write a program to print out its current process ID. Check out the docs for the os module126 for hints. You might want to search that page for anything to do with “current process ID”… :)

    Don’t forget to import the module!

    When you run it, run it multiple times to see that the PID changes from run to run.


  2. Write a program to generate random UUIDs. A UUID (pronounced “YOU-id”) is a random string of letters and digits that looks like this:


    (Well, yours will be different because it’s very, very, very unlikely that you’ll ever generate the same random one twice.)

    It’s short for Universally Unique ID. That means it’s unique in the universe, forever. Very, very probably.

    Using the UUID module128, generate a random UUID.

    Actually, generate several. Have the user enter a number on the command line. Generate that many UUIDs.

    For example:

    $ python ex_uuidgen.py 5

    Eagle-eyed readers might notice that the 13th digit is always 4. That’s because there are different types of UUIDs, and this digit indicates the type. (This case it’s type 4, meaning random. Except for the 4.)

    You might also have noticed that, in addition to the numerals, only the letters “a” through “f” make an appearance. Surprise! UUIDs, except for the hyphens, are actually numbers! They’re written in a base-16 numbering system called hexadecimal. More on that in another chapter.

    UUIDs are good any time you want to create an ID that you can be confident isn’t already used by anyone, anywhere.

    You might wonder how you can be sure? I mean, there’s a chance someone else will choose that number, right?

    Yes, there is a chance. It’s:

    1 in 21,267,647,932,558,653,966,460,912,964,485,513,216.

    For comparison, the odds of winning the Mega Millions lottery jackpot are:

    1 in 258,900,000.

    So unless you’re worried about winning the lottery jackpot 82,146,187,456,773,479,978,605,303,068 times, you shouldn’t be worried about someone choosing a duplicate UUID.

    And I wouldn’t say I’m worried I’d win the lottery that many times. More like disappointed.


  3. You’re given the following string in Python—go ahead and paste it into a new source file:

    matrix = """The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even
    now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window,
    or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to
    work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes."""

    That’s a big multi-line string.

    I want you to print it out, but reformat it so that it’s only 40 columns wide, maximum:

    The Matrix is everywhere. It is all
    around us. Even now, in this very room.
    You can see it when you look out your
    window, or when you turn on your
    television. You can feel it when you go
    to work, when you go to church, when you
    pay your taxes.

    There’s a handy module called textwrap130 that has some functionality that you can use to make your life easier.


  4. Print a random integer between 0 and 1000, inclusive.

    It should print a different number every run, for example:

    $ python ex_rand1000.py 
    $ python ex_rand1000.py 
    $ python ex_rand1000.py 

    See the random module132 for help.


  5. Print out the current date in the form:

    Mon Feb 10

    See the time module134 for help.

    In case it happens to come up, locale refers to the human language spoken in the physical location where the program is running, e.g. English or French or Chinese or Esperanto, etc.


  6. Write a program called zipextract.py that extracts files from a ZIP archive.

    The command line should accept the name of the ZIP file as the first argument, and, optionally, the name of the file in the archive to extract.

    If the second argument is left off, extract all the files.

    To extract all files:

    python zipextract.py example.zip

    To extract a specific file, run:

    python zipextract.py example.zip hello.txt


12.11 Summary

Modules make the world go around… a lot more easily than it would have if you had to write all that stuff yourself.

In this chapter, we learned what modules were and how to find them in the official Python docs.

Also, we learned how to import entire modules and individual components from within modules.

Later we’ll learn to write and import our own modules.

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