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15 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

If you like to keep things simple and are a positive thinker, UDP is for you. It’s the near-ultimate in lightweight data transfer over the Internet.

You fire UDP packets off and hope they arrive. Maybe they do, or maybe someone put a backhoe through a fiber optic cable, or there were cosmic rays, or a router got too congested or irate and just dropped it. Unceremoniously.

It’s living on the Internet data edge! Virtually all the pleasant and reliable guarantees of TCP–gone!

15.1 Goals of UDP

That’s about it.

The following are not goals of UDP:

If those are needed, TCP is a better choice. UDP offers zero protection against lost or misordered data. The only guarantee is that if the data arrives, it will be correct.

But what it does give you is really low overhead and quick response times. It doesn’t have any of the packet reassembly or flow control or ACK packets or any of the stuff TCP does. As a consequence, the header is much smaller.

15.2 Location in the Network Stack

Recall the layers of the Network Stack:

Layer Responsibility Example Protocols
Application Structured application data HTTP, FTP, TFTP, Telnet, SSH, SMTP, POP, IMAP
Transport Data Integrity, packet splitting and reassembly TCP, UDP
Internet Routing IP, IPv6, ICMP
Link Physical, signals on wires Ethernet, PPP, token ring

You can see UDP in there at the Transport Layer. IP below it is responsible for routing. And the application layer above it takes advantage of all the features UDP has to offer. Which isn’t a lot.

15.3 UDP Ports

UDP uses ports, similar to TCP. In fact, you can have a TCP program using the same port number as a different UDP program.

IP uses IP addresses to identify hosts.

But once on that host, the port number is what the OS uses to deliver the data to the correct process.

By analogy, the IP address is like a street address, and the port number is like an apartment number at that street address.

15.4 UDP Overview

UDP is connectionless. You know how TCP takes the packet-switched network and makes it look like it’s a reliable connection between two computers? UDP doesn’t do that.

You send a UDP datagram to an IP address and port. IP routes it there and the receiving computer sends it to the program that’s bound to that port.

There’s no connection. It’s all on an individual packet basis.

When the packet arrives, the receiver can tell which IP and port it came from. This way the receiver can send a response.

15.5 Data Integrity

There are a lot of things that can go wrong. Data can arrive out of order. It can be corrupted. It might be duplicated. Or maybe it doesn’t arrive at all.

UDP barely has any mechanisms to handle all these contingencies.

In fact, all it does is error detection.

15.5.1 Error Detection

Before the sender sends out a segment, a checksum is computed for that packet.

The checksum works exactly the same way as with TCP, except the UDP header is used. Compared to the TCP header, the UDP header is dead simple:

 0      7 8     15 16    23 24    31  
|     Source      |   Destination   | 
|      Port       |      Port       | 
|                 |                 | 
|     Length      |    Checksum     | 
|          data octets ...            
+---------------- ...                 

When the receiver gets the packet, it computes its own checksum of that packet.

If the two checksums match, the data is assumed to be error-free. If they differ, the data is discarded.

That’s it. The receiver never even knows that there was some data aimed at it. It just vanishes into the ether.

The checksum is a 16-bit number that is the result of piping all the UDP header and payload data and the IP addresses involved into a function that digests them down.

This works the same way as the TCP checksum. (Jon Postel wrote the first RFCs for both TCP and UDP so it’s no surprise they use the same algorithm.)

The details of how the checksum works are in this week’s project. Just substitute the UDP header for the TCP header.

15.6 Maximum Payload Without Fragmentation

It’s a little ahead of schedule, but lower layers can decide to split a UDP packet up into smaller packets. Maybe there’s a part of the internet the UDP packet has to pass through that can only handle sending data of a certain size.

We call this “fragmentation”, when a UDP packet is split among multiple IP packets.

The maximum size packet that can be sent on any particular wire is called its MTU (maximum transmission unit). The smallest possible MTU on the Internet (IPv4) is 576 bytes. The biggest IP header is 60 bytes. And the UDP header is 8 bytes. So that leaves 576-60-8 = 508 bytes of payload that you can guarantee won’t be fragmented[^If you’re sending through a VPN, it might be less than this, but we’ll ignore that for sake of simplicity.]. Since the IP header is sometimes smaller than 60 bytes, lots of source say 512 bytes is the limit.

Is fragmentation bad? Some routers might drop fragmented UDP packets. So staying under the minimum MTU is often a good idea with UDP.

15.7 What’s the Use?

If UDP can drop packets all over the place, why ever use it?

Well, the performance gain is notable, so that’s a draw.

There are a number of circumstances you would use UDP:

  1. If you don’t care if you lose a few packets. If you’re transmitting voice or video or even game frame information, it might be OK to drop a few packets. The stream will just glitch out for a moment and then continue when the next packets arrive.

    This is the most common use. Multiplayer high-framerate games use this from frame-by-frame updates, and also use TCP for lower bandwidth needs like chat messages and player inventory changes.

  2. If you can’t have packet loss, you can implement another protocol on top of UDP. The TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) does this. It puts a sequence number in each packet, and waits for the other side to respond with a TFTP ACK packet before sending another. It’s not fast because the sender has to wait for an ACK before sending the next packet, but it’s really simple to implement.

    This is a rarer use. TFTP is used by diskless computers that don’t have an OS installed. They transfer the OS over the network on boot, and need a small built-in network stack to make that happen. It’s a lot easier to implement an Ethernet/IP/UDP stack than an Ethernet/IP/TCP stack.

  3. You want to multiplex different data “streams” without having multiple TCP connections. You could tag each UDP packet with an identifier so that they all go in the right buckets upon arrival.

  4. Early processing is possible. Maybe you can start processing packet 4 even if packet 3 hasn’t arrived yet.

  5. Etc.

15.8 UDP (Datagram) Sockets

With UDP sockets, there are some differences from TCP:

15.8.1 Server Procedure

The general procedure for a server is to make a new socket of type SOCK_DGRAM, which is a datagram/UDP socket. (We have been using the default of SOCK_STREAM which is a TCP socket.)

Then the server calls bind() to bind to a port. This port is where the client will send packets.

After that, the server can loop receiving data and sending responses.

When it receives data, recvfrom() will return the host and port the data was sent from. This can be used to reply, sending data back to the sender.

Here’s an example server:

# UDP Server

import sys
import socket

# Parse command line
    port = int(sys.argv[1])
    print("usage: udpserver.py port", file=sys.stderr)

# Make new UDP (datagram) socket
s = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

# Bind to a port
s.bind(("", port))

# Loop receiving data
while True:
    # Get data
    data, sender = s.recvfrom(4096)
    print(f"Got data from {sender[0]}:{sender[1]}: \"{data.decode()}\"")

    # Send a reply back to the original sender
    s.sendto(f"Got your {len(data)} byte(s) of data!".encode(), sender)

15.8.2 Client Procedure

It’s about the same as the server procedure, except it’s not going to bind() to a specific port. It’ll let the OS choose bind port for it the first time it calls sendto().

Remember: UDP is unreliable, so there’s a chance the data might not arrive! If it doesn’t, just try again. (But it will almost certainly arrive running on localhost.)

Example client that can communicate with the above server:

# UDP Client

import socket
import sys

# Parse command line
    server = sys.argv[1]
    port = int(sys.argv[2])
    message = sys.argv[3]
    print("usage: udpclient.py server port message", file=sys.stderr)

# Make new UDP (datagram) socket
s = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

# Send data to the server
print("Sending message...")
s.sendto(message.encode(), (server, port))

# Wait for a reply
data, sender = s.recvfrom(4096)
print(f"Got reply: \"{data.decode()}\"")


15.9 Reflect

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