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20 The Link Layer and Ethernet

We’re getting down to the guts of the thing: The Link Layer.

Layer Responsibility Example Protocols
Application Structured application data HTTP, FTP, TFTP, Telnet, SSH, SMTP, POP, IMAP
Transport Data Integrity, packet splitting and reassembly TCP, UDP
Internet Routing IP, IPv6, ICMP
Link Physical, signals on wires Ethernet, PPP, token ring

The link layer is where all the action happens, where bytes turn into electricity.

This is where Ethernet lives, as we’ll soon see.

20.1 A Quick Note on Octets

We’ve been using “byte” as a word meaning 8 bits, but now it’s time to get more specific.

Historically, see, a byte didn’t have to be 8 bits. (Famously, the C programming language doesn’t specify how many bits are in a byte, exactly.) And there’s nothing preventing computer designers from just making things up. It only so happens that basically every modern computer uses 8 bits for a byte.

In order to be more precise, people sometimes use the word octet to represent 8 bits. It’s defined to be exactly 8 bits, period.

When someone casually says (or writes) “byte”, they probably mean 8 bits. When someone says “octet” they most definitely mean exactly 8 bits, end of story.

20.2 Frames versus Packets

When we get to the Link Layer, we’ve got a bit more terminology to get used to. Data sent out over Ethernet is a packet, but within that packet is a frame. It’s like a sub-packet.

Conversationally, people use Ethernet “frame” and “packet” interchangeably. But as we’ll see later, there is a differentiation in the full ISO OSI layered network model.

In the simplified Internet layered network model, the differentiation is not made, thus leading to the confusing terminology.

More on this captivating tale later in this chapter.

20.3 MAC Addresses

Every network interface device has a MAC (Media Access Control) address. This is an address that’s unique on the LAN (local area network) that’s used for sending and receiving data.

An Ethernet MAC address comes in the form of 6 hex bytes (12 hex digits) separated by colons (or hyphens or periods). For example, these are all ways you might see a MAC address represented:


MAC address must be unique on the LAN. The numbers are assigned at manufacturer and are not typically changed by the end user. (You’d only want to change them if you happened to get unlucky and buy two network cards that happened to have been assigned the same MAC address.)

The first three bytes of an Ethernet MAC address are called the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) that is assigned to a manufacturer. This leaves each manufacturer three bytes to uniquely represent the cards they make. (That’s 16,777,216 possible unique combinations. If a manufacturer runs out, they can always get another OUI–there are 16 million of those available, too!)

Funny Internet rumor: there was once a manufacturer of knockoffs of a network card called the NE2000, itself already known as a “bargain” network card. The knockoff manufacturer took the shortcut of burning the same MAC address into every card they made. This was discovered when a company bought a large number of them and found that only one computer would work at a time. Of course, in a home LAN where someone was only likely to have one of these cards, it wouldn’t be a problem–which is what the manufacturer was banking on. To add insult (or perhaps injury) to injury, there was no way to change the MAC address in the knockoff cards. The company was forced to discard them all.

Except one, presumably.

20.4 We’re All In The Same Room (Typically)

Lots of modern link layer protocols that you’ll be directly exposed to operate on the idea that they’re all broadcasting into a shared medium and listening for traffic that’s addressed to them.

It’s like being in a room full of talkative people and someone shouts your name–you get the data that’s addressed to you and everyone else ignores it.

This works in real life and in protocols like Ethernet. When you transmit a packet on an Ethernet network, everyone else on the same Ethernet LAN can see that traffic. It’s just that their network cards ignore the traffic unless it’s specifically addressed to them.

Asterisks: there are a couple handwavey things in that paragraph.

One is that in a modern wired Ethernet, a device called a switch typically prevents packets from going out to nodes that they’re not supposed to. So the network isn’t really as loud as the crowded-room analogy suggests. Back before switches, we used things called hubs, which didn’t have the brains to discriminate between destinations. They’d broadcast all Ethernet packets to all destinations.

Not every link layer protocol works this way, however. The common goal of all of them is that we’re going to send and receive data at the wire level.

20.5 Multiple Access Method

Ready for some more backstory?

If everyone on the same Ethernet is in the same room yelling at other people, how does that actually work on the wire? How do multiple entities access a shared medium in a way that they don’t conflict?

When we’re talking “medium” here, we mean wires (if you’ve plugged your computer into the network) or radio (if you’re on WiFi).

The method particular link layer protocols use to allow multiple entities access the shared medium is called the multiple access method, or channel access method.

There are a number of ways of doing this. On the same medium:

Let’s again use Ethernet as an example. Ethernet is most like the “timesharing” mode, above.

But that still leaves a lot of options open for exactly how we do that.

Wired Ethernet uses something called CSMA/CD (Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection). Easy for you to say.

This method works like this:

  1. The Ethernet card waits for quiet in the room–when no other network card is transmitting. (This is the “CSMA” part of CSMA/CD.)

  2. It starts sending.

  3. It also listens while it’s sending.

  4. If it receives the same thing that it sent, all is well.

    If it doesn’t receive the same thing it sent, it means that another network device also started transmitting at the same time. This is a collision detection, the “CD” part of CSMA/CD.

  5. To resolve the situation, the network card transmits a special signal called the “jam signal” to alert other cards on the network that a collision has occurred and they should stop transmitting. The network card then waits a small, partly random amount of time, and then goes back to step 1 to retry the transmission.

WiFi (wireless) Ethernet uses something similar, except it’s CSMA/CA (Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance). Also easy for you to say.

This method works like this:

  1. The Ethernet card waits for quiet in the room–when no other network card is transmitting. (This is the “CSMA” part of CSMA/CA.)

  2. If the channel isn’t quiet, the network card waits a small, random amount of time, then goes back to step 1 to retry.

There are a few more details omitted there, but that’s the gist of it.

20.6 Ethernet

Remember with the layered network model how each layer encapsulates the previous layer’s data into its own header?

For example, HTTP data (Application Layer) gets wrapped up in a TCP (Transport Layer) header. And then all of that gets wrapped up in an IP (Network Layer) header. And then all of that gets wrapped up in an Ethernet (Link Layer) frame.

And recall that each protocol had its own header structure that helped it perform its job.

Ethernet is no different. It’s going to encapsulate the data from the layer above it.

Now, I want to get a little picky about terminology. The whole chunk of data that’s transmitted is the Ethernet packet. But within it is the Ethernet frame. As we’ll see later, these correspond to two layers of the ISO OSI layered network model (that have been condensed into a single “Link layer” in the Internet layered network model).

Though I’ve written the frame “inside” the packet here, note that they are all transmitted as a single bitstream.

The Payload Length/EtherType field is used for the payload length in normal usage. But other values can be put there that indicate an alternate payload structure.

The largest payload that can be transmitted is 1500 octets. This is known as the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of the network. Data that is larger must be fragmented down to this size.

Ethernet hardware can use this 1500 number to differentiate the Payload Length/EtherType header field. If it’s 1500 octets or fewer, it’s a length. Otherwise it’s an EtherType value.

After the frame, there’s an end-of-frame marker. This is indicated by loss of carrier signal on the wire, or by some explicit transmission in some versions of Ethernet.

Lastly, there’s a time gap between Ethernet packets which corresponds to the amount of time it would take to transmit 12 octets.

20.6.1 Two Layers of Ethernet?

If you recall, our simplified layer model is actually a crammed-down version of the full ISO OSI 7-Layer model:

ISO OSI Layer Responsibility Example Protocols
Application Structured application data HTTP, FTP, TFTP, Telnet, SMTP, POP, IMAP
Presentation Encoding translation, encryption, compression MIME, SSL/TLS, XDR
Session Suspending, terminating, restarting sessions between computers Sockets, TCP
Transport Data integrity, packet splitting and reassembly TCP, UDP
Network Routing IP IPv6, ICMP
Data link Encapsulation into frames Ethernet, PPP, SLIP
Physical Physical, signals on wires Ethernet physical layer, DSL, ISDN

What we call the Internet “Link Layer” is the “Data Link” layer and the “Physical” layer.

The Data Link layer of Ethernet is the frame. It’s a subset of the entire packet (outlined above) which is defined at the Physical Layer.

Another way to consider this is that the Data Link Layer is busy thinking about logical entities like who has what MAC address and what the payload checksum is. And that that Physical Layer is all about figuring out which patterns of signals to send that correspond to the start and end of the packet and frame, when to lower the carrier signal, and how long to delay between transmissions.

20.7 Reflect

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