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31 Domain Name System (DNS)

We’ve learned that IP is responsible for routing traffic around the Internet. We’ve also learned that it does it with IP addresses, which we commonly show in dots-and-numbers format for IPv4, such as

But as humans, we rarely use IP addresses. When you use your web browser, you don’t typically put an IP address in the address bar.

Even in our projects, we tended to type localhost instead of our localhost address of

The general process for converting a name like www.example.com that humans use into an IP address that computers use is called domain name resolution, and is provided by a distributed group of servers that comprise the Domain Name System, or DNS.

31.1 Typical Usage

From a user standpoint, we configure our devices to have a “name server” that they contact to convert those names to IP addresses. (Probably this is configured with DHCP, but more on that later.)

When you try to connect to example.com, your computer contacts that name server to get the IP address.

If that name server knows the answer, it supplies it. But if it doesn’t, then a whole bunch of wheels get put into motion.

Let’s start diving down into that process.

31.2 Domains and IP Addresses

If haven’t ever registered a domain (such as example.com or oregonstate.edu or google.com or army.mil), the process is something like this:

  1. Contact a domain registrar (i.e. some company that has the authority to sell domains).
  2. Choose a domain no one has picked yet.
  3. Pay them some money annually to use the domain.
  4. Profit!

But doing this is completely disconnected from the idea of an IP address. Indeed, domains can exist without IP addresses–they just can’t be used.

Once you have your domain, you can contact a hosting company that will provide you with an IP address on a server that you can use.

Now you have the two pieces: the domain and the IP address.

But you still have to connect them so people can look up your IP if they have your domain name.

To do this, you add a database record with the pertinent information to a server that’s part of the DNS landscape: a domain name server.

31.3 (Domain) Name Servers

Usually called name servers for short, these servers contain IP records for the domain in which they are an authority. That is, a name server doesn’t have records for the entire world; it just has them for a particular domain or subdomain.

A subdomain is a domain administered by the owner of a domain. For example, the owner of example.com might make subdomains sub1.example.com and sub2.example.com. These aren’t hosts in this case–but they can have their own hosts, e.g. host1.sub1.example.com, host2.sub1.example.com, somecompy.sub2.example.com.

Domain owners can make as many subdomains as they want. They just have to make sure they have a name server set up to handle them.

A name server that’s authoritative for a specific domain can be asked about any host on that domain.

The host is often the first “word” of a domain name, though it’s not necessarily.

For example with www.example.com, the host is a computer called www on a domain example.com.

A single name server might be authoritative for many domains.

But even if a name server doesn’t know the IP address of the domain it’s been asked to provide, it can contact some other name servers to figure it out. From a user perspective, this process is transparent.

So, easy-peasy. If I don’t know the domain in question, I’ll just contact the name server for that domain and get the answer from them, right?

31.4 Root Name Servers

We have an issue, though. How can I connect to the name server for a domain if I don’t know what the name server is for a domain?

To solve this, we have a number of root name servers that can help us on our way. When we don’t know an IP, we can start with them and ask them to tell us the IP, or tell us which other server to ask. More on that process in a minute.

Computers are preconfigured with the IP addresses of the 13 root name servers. These IPs rarely ever change, and only one of them is needed to work. Computers that perform DNS frequently retrieve the list to keep it up to date.

The root name servers themselves are named a to m:


31.5 Example Run

Let’s start by doing a query on a computer called www.example.com. We need to know its IP address. We don’t know which name server is responsible for the example.com domain. All we know is our list of root name servers.

  1. Let’s choose a random root server, say c.root-servers.net. We’ll contact it and say, “Hey, we’re looking for www.example.com. Can you help us?”

    But the root name server doesn’t know that. It says, “I don’t know about that, but I can tell you if you’re looking for any .com domain, you can contact any one of these name servers.” It attaches a list of name servers who know about the .com domains:

  2. So we choose one of the .com name servers.

    “Hey h.gtld-servers.net, we’re looking for www.example.com. Can you help us?”

    And it answers, “I don’t know that name, but I do know the name servers for example.com. You can talk to one of them. It attaches the list of name servers who know about the example.com domain:

  3. So we choose one of those servers.

    “Hey a.iana-servers.net, we’re looking for www.example.com. Can you help us?”

    And that name server answers, “Yes, I can! I know that name! Its IP address is!”

So for any lookup, we start with root name server and it directs us on where to go to find more info. (Unless the information has been cached somewhere, but more on that later.)

31.6 Zones

The Domain Name System is split into logical administrative zones. A zone is, loosely, a collection of domains under the authority of a particular name server.

But that’s an oversimplification. There could be one or more domains in the same zone. And there could be a number of name servers working in that same zone.

Think of the zones as all the domains and subdomains some administration is responsible for.

For example, in the root zone, we saw there were a number of name servers responsible for that lookup. And also in the .com zone, there were a number of different name servers there with authority.

31.7 Resolver Library

When you write software that uses domain names, it calls a library to do the DNS lookup. You might have noticed that in Python when you called:

s.connect(("example.com", 80))

you didn’t have to worry about DNS at all. Behind the scenes, Python did all that work of looking up that domain in DNS.

In C, there’s a function called getaddrinfo() that does the same thing.

The short of it is that there’s a library that we can use and we don’t have to write all that code ourselves.

The OS also has a record containing its default name server to use for lookups. (This is sometimes configured by hand, but more commonly is configured through DHCP.) So when you request a lookup, your computer first goes to this server.

But wait a minute–how does that tie into the whole root server hierarchy thing?

The answer: caching!

31.8 Caching Servers

Imagine all the DNS lookups that are happening globally. If we had to go to the root servers for every request, not only would that take a long time for repeated requests, but the root servers would get absolutely hammered.

To avoid this, all DNS resolver libraries and DNS servers cache their results.

As it is, the root servers handle literally trillions of requests per day.

This way we can avoid overloading the root servers with repeated requests.

So we’re going to have to amend the outline we already went over.

  1. Ask our resolver library for the IP address. If it has it cached, it will return it.

  2. If it doesn’t have it, ask our local name server for the IP address. If it has it cached, it will return it.

  3. If it’s not cached and if this name server has another upstream name server (that is, another nameserver it can appeal to for answers), it asks that name server for the answer.

  4. If it’s not cached and if this name server does not have another upstream name server, it goes to the root servers and the process continues as before.

With all these possible opportunities to get a cached result, it really helps take the load off the root name servers./

Lots of WiFi routers you get also run caching name servers. So when DHCP configures your computer, your computer uses your router as a DNS server for the computers on your LAN. This gives you a snappy response for DNS lookups since you have a really short ping time to your router.

31.8.1 Time To Live

Since the IP address for a domain or host might change, we have to have a way to expire cache entries.

This is done through a field in the DNS record called time to live (TTL). This is the number of seconds a server should cache the results. It’s commonly set to 86400 seconds (1 day), but could be more or less depending on how often a zone administrator thinks an IP address will change.

When a cache entry expires, the name server will have to once again ask for the data from upstream or the root servers if someone requests it.

31.9 Record Types

So far, we’ve talked about using DNS to map a host or domain name to an IP address. This is one of the types of records stored for a domain on a DNS server.

The common record types are:

There are a lot of DNS record types.

31.10 Dynamic DNS

Typical users of the Internet don’t have a static IP address (that is, dedicated or unchanging) at their house. If they reboot their modem, their ISP might hand them a different IP address.

This causes a ruckus with DNS because any DNS records pointing to their public IPs would be out of date.

Dynamic DNS (DDNS) aims to solve this problem.

In a nutshell, there are two mechanisms at play:

  1. A way for a client to tell the DDNS server what their IP address is.

  2. A very short TTL on the DDNS server for that record.

While DNS defines a way to send update records, a common other way is for a computer on your LAN to periodically (e.g. every 10 minutes) contact the DDNS provider with an authenticated HTTP request. The DDNS server will see the IP address it came from and use that to update its record.

31.11 Reverse DNS

What if you have a dots-and-numbers IP address and want the host name for that IP? You can do a reverse DNS lookup.

Note that not all IP addresses have such records, and often a reverse DNS query will come up empty.

31.12 Reflect

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