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8 Semaphores

Remember file locking? Well, semaphores can be thought of as really generic advisory locking mechanisms. You can use them to control access to files, shared memory, and, well, just about anything you want. The basic functionality of a semaphore is that you can either set it, check it, or wait until it clears then set it (“test-n-set”). No matter how complex the stuff that follows gets, remember those three operations.

This document will provide an overview of semaphore functionality, and will end with a program that uses semaphores to control access to a file. (This task, admittedly, could easily be handled with file locking, but it makes a good example since it’s easier to wrap your head around than, say, shared memory.)

8.1 Grabbing some semaphores

With System V IPC, you don’t grab single semaphores; you grab sets of semaphores. You can, of course, grab a semaphore set that only has one semaphore in it, but the point is you can have a whole slew of semaphores just by creating a single semaphore set.

How do you create the semaphore set? It’s done with a call to semget(), which returns the semaphore id (hereafter referred to as the semid):

#include <sys/sem.h>

int semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflg);

What’s the key? It’s a unique identifier that is used by different processes to identify this semaphore set. (This key will be generated using ftok(), described in the Message Queues section.)

The next argument, nsems, is (you guessed it!) the number of semaphores in this semaphore set. The maximum number is system dependent, but it’s probably around 32000. If you’re needing more (greedy wretch!), just get another semaphore set. You may pass 0 if you’re connecting to an existing semaphore set, but you must specify a positive number if you’re creating a new semaohore set.

Finally, there’s the semflg argument. This tells semget() what the permissions should be on the new semaphore set, whether you’re creating a new set or just want to connect to an existing one, and other things that you can look up. For creating a new set, permissions can be bitwise-OR’d with IPC_CREAT.

Here’s an example call that generates the key with ftok() and creates a 10 semaphore set, with 666 (rw-rw-rw-) permissions:

#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>

key_t key;
int semid;

key = ftok("/home/beej/somefile", 'E');
semid = semget(key, 10, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);

Congrats! You’ve created a new semaphore set! After running the program you can check it out with the ipcs command. (Don’t forget to remove it when you’re done with it with ipcrm!)

Wait! Warning! ¡Advertencia! ¡No pongas las manos en la tolva! (That’s the only Spanish I learned while working at Pizza Hut in 1990. It was printed on the dough roller.) Look here:

When you first create some semaphores, they’re all uninitialized; it takes another call to mark them as free (namely to semop() or semctl()—see the following sections.) What does this mean? Well, it means that creation of a semaphore is not atomic (in other words, it’s not a one-step process). If two processes are trying to create, initialize, and use a semaphore at the same time, a race condition might develop.

One way to get around this difficulty is by having a single init process that creates and initializes the semaphore long before the main processes begin to run. The main process just accesses it, but never creates nor destroys it.

Stevens refers to this problem as the semaphore’s “fatal flaw”. He solves it by creating the semaphore set with the IPC_EXCL flag. If process 1 creates it first, process 2 will return an error on the call (with errno set to EEXIST.) At that point, process 2 will have to wait until the semaphore is initialized by process 1. How can it tell? Turns out, it can repeatedly call semctl() with the IPC_STAT flag, and look at the sem_otime member of the returned struct semid_ds structure. If that’s non-zero, it means process 1 has performed an operation on the semaphore with semop(), presumably to initialize it.

For an example of this, see the demonstration program semdemo.c34, below, in which I generally reimplement Stevens’s code.

In the meantime, let’s hop to the next section and take a look at how to initialize our freshly-minted semaphores.

8.2 Controlling your semaphores with semctl()

Once you have created your semaphore sets, you have to initialize them to a positive value to show that the resource is available to use. The function semctl() allows you to do atomic value changes to individual semaphores or complete sets of semaphores.

int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, ... /*arg*/);

semid is the semaphore set id that you get from your call to semget(), earlier. semnum is the ID of the semaphore that you wish to manipulate the value of. cmd is what you wish to do with the semaphore in question. The last “argument”, “arg”, if required, needs to be a union semun, which will be defined by you in your code to be one of these:

union semun {
    int val;               /* used for SETVAL only */
    struct semid_ds *buf;  /* used for IPC_STAT and IPC_SET */
    ushort *array;         /* used for GETALL and SETALL */

(Note that union semun is now defined in the header files of modern Linux systems. However, I don’t know what feature test macro to use to determine this, so only define this union if your system doesn’t already. Read the docs for semctl() for more information.)

The various fields in the union semun are used depending on the value of the cmd parameter to semctl() (a partial list follows—see your local man page for more):

cmd Effect
SETVAL Set the value of the specified semaphore to the value in the val member of the passed-in union semun.
GETVAL Return the value of the given semaphore.
SETALL Set the values of all the semaphores in the set to the values in the array pointed to by the array member of the passed-in union semun. The semnum parameter to semctl() isn’t used.<
GETALL Gets the values of all the semaphores in the set and stores them in the array pointed to by the array member of the passed-in union semun. The semnum parameter to semctl() isn’t used.
IPC_RMID Remove the specified semaphore set from the system. The semnum parameter is ignored.
IPC_STAT Load status information about the semaphore set into the struct semid_ds structure pointed to by the buf member of the union semun.

For the curious, here are the (abbreviated) contents of the struct semid_ds that is used in the union semun:

struct semid_ds {
    struct ipc_perm sem_perm;  /* Ownership and permissions
    time_t          sem_otime; /* Last semop time */
    time_t          sem_ctime; /* Last change time */
    unsigned short  sem_nsems; /* No. of semaphores in set */

We’ll use that sem_otime member later on when we write our initsem() in the sample code, below.

8.3 semop(): Atomic power!

All operations that set, get, or test-n-set a semaphore use the semop() system call. This system call is general purpose, and its functionality is dictated by a structure that is passed to it, struct sembuf:

/* Warning! Members might not be in this order! */

struct sembuf {
    ushort sem_num;
    short sem_op;
    short sem_flg;

Of course, sem_num is the number of the semaphore in the set that you want to manipulate. Then, sem_op is what you want to do with that semaphore. This takes on different meanings, depending on whether sem_op is positive, negative, or zero, as shown in the following table:

sem_op What happens
Negative Allocate resources. Block the calling process until the value of the semaphore is greater than or equal to the absolute value of sem_op. (That is, wait until enough resources have been freed by other processes for this one to allocate.) Then add (effectively subtract, since it’s negative) the value of sem_op to the semaphore’s value.
Positive Release resources. The value of sem_op is added to the semaphore’s value.
Zero This process will wait until the semaphore in question reaches 0.

So, basically, what you do is load up a struct sembuf with whatever values you want, then call semop(), like this:

int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops,
          unsigned int nsops);

The semid argument is the number obtained from the call to semget(). Next is sops, which is a pointer to the struct sembuf that you filled with your semaphore commands. If you want, though, you can make an array of struct sembufs in order to do a whole bunch of semaphore operations at the same time. The way semop() knows that you’re doing this is the nsop argument, which tells how many struct sembufs you’re sending it. If you only have one, well, put 1 as this argument.

One field in the struct sembuf that I haven’t mentioned is the sem_flg field which allows the program to specify flags to further modify the effects of the semop() call.

One of these flags is IPC_NOWAIT which, as the name suggests, causes the call to semop() to return with error EAGAIN if it encounters a situation where it would normally block. This is good for situations where you might want to “poll” to see if you can allocate a resource.

Another very useful flag is the SEM_UNDO flag. This causes semop() to record, in a way, the change made to the semaphore. When the program exits, the kernel will automatically undo all changes that were marked with the SEM_UNDO flag. Of course, your program should do its best to deallocate any resources it marks using the semaphore, but sometimes this isn’t possible when your program gets a SIGKILL or some other awful crash happens.

8.4 Destroying a semaphore

There are two ways to get rid of a semaphore: one is to use the Unix command ipcrm. The other is through a call to semctl() with the cmd set to IPC_RMID.

Basically, you want to call semctl() and set semid to the semaphore ID you want to axe. The cmd should be set to IPC_RMID, which tells semctl() to remove this semaphore set. The parameter semnum has no meaning in the IPC_RMID context and can just be set to zero.

Here’s an example call to torch a semaphore set:

int semid; 
semid = semget(...);
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);

Easy peasy.

8.5 Sample Programs

There are two of them. The first, semdemo.c, creates the semaphore if necessary, and performs some pretend file locking on it in a demo very much like that in the File Locking document. The second program, semrm.c is used to destroy the semaphore (again, ipcrm could be used to accomplish this.)

The idea is to run run semdemo.c in a few windows and see how all the processes interact. When you’re done, use semrm.c to remove the semaphore. You could also try removing the semaphore while running semdemo.c just to see what kinds of errors are generated.

Here’s semdemo.c35, including a function named initsem() that gets around the semaphore race conditions, Stevens-style:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>

#define MAX_RETRIES 10

/* Defined in sys/sem.h as required by POSIX now */
union semun {
    int val;
    struct semid_ds *buf;
    ushort *array;

** initsem() -- more-than-inspired by W. Richard Stevens' UNIX Network
** Programming 2nd edition, volume 2, lockvsem.c, page 295.
int initsem(key_t key, int nsems)  /* key from ftok() */
    int i;
    union semun arg;
    struct semid_ds buf;
    struct sembuf sb;
    int semid;

    semid = semget(key, nsems, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0666);

    if (semid >= 0) { /* we got it first */
            sb.sem_op = 1; sb.sem_flg = 0;
            arg.val = 1;

            printf("press return\n"); getchar();

            for(sb.sem_num = 0; sb.sem_num < nsems; sb.sem_num++) { 
                    /* do a semop() to "free" the semaphores. */
                    /* this sets the sem_otime field, as needed below. */
                    if (semop(semid, &sb, 1) == -1) {
                            int e = errno;
                            semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID); /* clean up */
                            errno = e;
                            return -1; /* error, check errno */

    } else if (errno == EEXIST) { /* someone else got it first */
            int ready = 0;

            semid = semget(key, nsems, 0); /* get the id */
            if (semid < 0) return semid; /* error, check errno */

            /* wait for other process to initialize the semaphore: */
            arg.buf = &buf;
            for(i = 0; i < MAX_RETRIES && !ready; i++) {
                    semctl(semid, nsems-1, IPC_STAT, arg);
                    if (arg.buf->sem_otime != 0) {
                            ready = 1;
                    } else {
            if (!ready) {
                    errno = ETIME;
                    return -1;
    } else {
            return semid; /* error, check errno */

    return semid;

int main(void)
    key_t key;
    int semid;
    struct sembuf sb;
    sb.sem_num = 0;
    sb.sem_op = -1;  /* set to allocate resource */
    sb.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;

    if ((key = ftok("semdemo.c", 'J')) == -1) {

    /* grab the semaphore set created by seminit.c: */
    if ((semid = initsem(key, 1)) == -1) {

    printf("Press return to lock: ");
    printf("Trying to lock...\n");

    if (semop(semid, &sb, 1) == -1) {

    printf("Press return to unlock: ");

    sb.sem_op = 1; /* free resource */
    if (semop(semid, &sb, 1) == -1) {


    return 0;

Here’s semrm.c36 for removing the semaphore when you’re done:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>

int main(void)
    key_t key;
    int semid;
    union semun arg;

    if ((key = ftok("semdemo.c", 'J')) == -1) {

    /* grab the semaphore set created by seminit.c: */
    if ((semid = semget(key, 1, 0)) == -1) {

    /* remove it: */
    if (semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID, 0) == -1) {

    return 0;

Isn’t that fun! I’m sure you’ll give up Quake37 just to play with this semaphore stuff all day long!

8.6 Summary

I might have understated the usefulness of semaphores. I assure you, they’re very very very useful in a concurrency situation. They’re often faster than regular file locks, too. Also, you can use them on other things that aren’t files, such as Shared Memory Segments! In fact, it is sometimes hard to live without them, quite frankly.

Whenever you have multiple processes running through a critical section of code, man, you need semaphores. You have zillions of them—you might as well use ’em.

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