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11 File States

We’ve talked about this quite a bit in passing already.

If you create a new file, you have to git add it to the stage before you commit.

If you modify a file, you have to git add it to the stage before you commit.

If you add a file foo.txt to the stage, you can remove it from the stage before you commit with git restore --staged foo.txt.

So clearly files can exist in a variety of “states” and we can move them around between those states.

To figure out what state a file is in and get a hint on how to “undo” it from that state, git status is your best friend (except in the case of renaming, but more on that mess soon).

11.1 What States Can Files in Git Be In?

There are four of them: Untracked, Unmodified, Modified, and Staged.

A file typically goes through this process to be added to a repo:

  1. The user creates a new file and saves it. This file is Untracked.

  2. The user adds the file with git add. The file is now Staged.

  3. The user commits the file with git commit. The file is now Unmodified and is part of the repo and ready to go.

After it’s in the repo, the typical file life cycle only differs by the first step:

  1. The user changes the file and saves it. The file is now Modified.

  2. The user adds the file with git add. The file is now Staged.

  3. The user commits the file with git commit. The file is now Unmodified and is part of the repo and ready to go.

Keep in mind that often a commit is a bundle of different changes to different files. All those files would be added to the stage before the single commit.

Here’s a partial list of ways to change state:

Again, git status will often give you advice of how to undo a state change.

11.2 Renaming Files

You can use the OS rename command to rename files, but if they’re in a Git repo, it’s better to git mv them so that Git has total awareness.

Git is confusingly unhelpful with this.

Let’s rename foo.txt to bar.txt and get a status:

$ git mv foo.txt bar.txt
On branch main
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
    renamed:    foo.txt -> bar.txt

So it knows the file is renamed, and the file has been moved to the stage. Like so:

And if we look, we see the file has actually been renamed in the directory to bar.txt, as well.

If we make a commit at this point, the file will be renamed in the repo. Done.

But what if we want to undo the rename?

Git suggests git restore --staged to the rescue… But which file name to use, the old one or new one? And then what? It turns out that while you can use git restore to undo this by following it with multiple other commands, you should, in this case, ignore Git’s advice.

Just remember this part: the easiest way to undo a Staged rename is to just do the reverse rename.

Let’s say we renamed and got here:

$ git mv foo.txt bar.txt    # Rename foo.txt to bar.txt
$ git status

On branch main
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
    renamed:    foo.txt -> bar.txt

This easiest way to revert this change is to do this:

$ git mv bar.txt foo.txt    # Rename it back to foo.txt
$ git status

On branch main
nothing to commit, working tree clean

And there you go.

In summary, the way to rename a file is:

And the way to back out of a Staged rename is to rename them back the way they were:

11.3 Removing Files

You can use the OS remove command to remove files, but if they’re in a git repo, it’s better to git rm them so that Git has total awareness.

And what happens might seem a little strange.

Let’s say we have a file foo.txt that has already been committed. But we decide to remove it.

$ git rm foo.txt
rm 'foo.txt'         # This is Git's output

This actually removes the file—if you look in the directory, it’s gone.

But let’s check the status:

$ git status
On branch main
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
    deleted:    foo.txt

So the now-deleted file is in Staged State, as it were.

If we do a commit here, the file is deleted. Done.

But what if we want to undo the staging of the now-deleted file? There’s a hint for how to get it back with git restore --staged, as per usual.

Let’s try it:

$ git restore --staged foo.txt
$ git status
On branch main
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    deleted:    foo.txt

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Hmmm. “Changes not staged for commit” are files in Modified State. This means that foo.txt has been “modified”, which is, in this context, a friendlier way of saying “deleted”.

So we’ve backed up from Staged State to Modified State. But looking around, the file is still gone! I want my file back!

We want to move it back to Unmodified State, which Git once again hints how to do in the status: git restore. Let’s try:

$ git restore foo.txt
$ git status
On branch main
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Git’s telling us there are no Modified files here. Let’s look and see:

$ ls foo.txt

There it is, back safe and sound.

So the process for deleting a committed file is a variant of what we’ve already seen:

And you can undo a deleted file (as long as the delete hasn’t yet been committed) in the same way you can undo any other file states:

Later we’ll talk about ways to recover a deleted file from an earlier commit. But one way you already know: check out the earlier commit where the file exists, copy the file into a new Untracked file, checkout the branch where the file will be restored to, rename the Untracked file to the name of the restored file, then add it and commit.

Note: Just because you remove a file and push your changes doesn’t mean the file is permanently gone. It’s still in the repo, part of whatever commits it was previously seen with.

If you accidentally commit something that should be secret, you should consider that secret compromised and change it where it is used. It will be visible to anyone who clones the repo and sees that commit.

There are ways around this if you haven’t yet pushed, but that’s beyond the scope of this guide.

11.4 Unmodified to Untracked

A variation of git rm tells Git to remove the file from the repo but leave it intact in the working tree. Maybe you want to keep the file around but don’t want Git to track it any longer.

To make this happen, you use the --cached switch.

Here’s an example where we remove the file foo.txt from the repo but keep it around in our working tree:

$ ls


$ git rm --cached foo.txt

rm 'foo.txt'

$ git status

On branch main
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
    deleted:    foo.txt

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

$ ls

There you see in the status output that Git has staged the file for deletion, but it’s also mentioning that the file exists and is untracked. And a subsequent ls shows that the file still exists.

At this point, you can commit and the file would then be in Untracked state.

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