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17 Multifile Projects

So far we’ve been looking at toy programs that for the most part fit in a single file. But complex C programs are made up of many files that are all compiled and linked together into a single executable.

In this chapter we’ll check out some of the common patterns and practices for putting together larger projects.

17.1 Includes and Function Prototypes

A really common situation is that some of your functions are defined in one file, and you want to call them from another.

This actually works out of the box with a warning… let’s first try it and then look at the right way to fix the warning.

For these examples, we’ll put the filename as the first comment in the source.

To compile them, you’ll need to specify all the sources on the command line:

# output file   source files
#     v            v
#   |----| |---------|
gcc -o foo foo.c bar.c

In that examples, foo.c and bar.c get built into the executable named foo.

So let’s take a look at the source file bar.c:

// File bar.c

int add(int x, int y)
    return x + y;

And the file foo.c with main in it:

// File foo.c

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("%d\n", add(2, 3));  // 5!

See how from main() we call add()—but add() is in a completely different source file! It’s in bar.c, while the call to it is in foo.c!

If we build this with:

gcc -o foo foo.c bar.c

we get this error:

error: implicit declaration of function 'add' is invalid in C99

(Or you might get a warning. Which you should not ignore. Never ignore warnings in C; address them all.)

If you recall from the section on prototypes, implicit declarations are banned in modern C and there’s no legitimate reason to introduce them into new code. We should fix it.

What implicit declaration means is that we’re using a function, namely add() in this case, without letting C know anything about it ahead of time. C wants to know what it returns, what types it takes as arguments, and things such as that.

We saw how to fix that earlier with a function prototype. Indeed, if we add one of those to foo.c before we make the call, everything works well:

// File foo.c

#include <stdio.h>

int add(int, int);  // Add the prototype

int main(void)
    printf("%d\n", add(2, 3));  // 5!

No more error!

But that’s a pain—needing to type in the prototype every time you want to use a function. I mean, we used printf() right there and didn’t need to type in a prototype; what gives?

If you remember from what back with hello.c at the beginning of the book, we actually did include the prototype for printf()! It’s in the file stdio.h! And we included that with #include!

Can we do the same with our add() function? Make a prototype for it and put it in a header file?


Header files in C have a .h extension by default. And they often, but not always, have the same name as their corresponding .c file. So let’s make a bar.h file for our bar.c file, and we’ll stick the prototype in it:

// File bar.h

int add(int, int);

And now let’s modify foo.c to include that file. Assuming it’s in the same directory, we include it inside double quotes (as opposed to angle brackets):

// File foo.c

#include <stdio.h>

#include "bar.h"  // Include from current directory

int main(void)
    printf("%d\n", add(2, 3));  // 5!

Notice how we don’t have the prototype in foo.c anymore—we included it from bar.h. Now any file that wants that add() functionality can just #include "bar.h" to get it, and you don’t need to worry about typing in the function prototype.

As you might have guessed, #include literally includes the named file right there in your source code, just as if you’d typed it in.

And building and running:


Indeed, we get the result of \(2+3\)! Yay!

But don’t crack open your drink of choice quite yet. We’re almost there! There’s just one more piece of boilerplate we have to add.

17.2 Dealing with Repeated Includes

It’s not uncommon that a header file will itself #include other headers needed for the functionality of its corresponding C files. I mean, why not?

And it could be that you have a header #included multiple times from different places. Maybe that’s no problem, but maybe it would cause compiler errors. And we can’t control how many places #include it!

Even, worse we might get into a crazy situation where header a.h includes header b.h, and b.h includes a.h! It’s an #include infinite cycle!

Trying to build such a thing gives an error:

error: #include nested depth 200 exceeds maximum of 200

What we need to do is make it so that if a file gets included once, subsequent #includes for that file are ignored.

The stuff that we’re about to do is so common that you should just automatically do it every time you make a header file!

And the common way to do this is with a preprocessor variable that we set the first time we #include the file. And then for subsequent #includes, we first check to make sure that the variable isn’t defined.

For that variable name, it’s super common to take the name of the header file, like bar.h, make it uppercase, and replace the period with an underscore: BAR_H.

So put a check at the very, very top of the file where you see if it’s already been included, and effectively comment the whole thing out if it has.

(Don’t put a leading underscore (because a leading underscore followed by a capital letter is reserved) or a double leading underscore (because that’s also reserved.))

#ifndef BAR_H   // If BAR_H isn't defined...
#define BAR_H   // Define it (with no particular value)

// File bar.h

int add(int, int);

#endif          // End of the #ifndef BAR_H

This will effectively cause the header file to be included only a single time, no matter how many places try to #include it.

17.3 static and extern

When it comes to multifile projects, you can make sure file-scope variables and functions are not visible from other source files with the static keyword.

And you can refer to objects in other files with extern.

For more info, check out the sections in the book on the static and extern storage-class specifiers.

17.4 Compiling with Object Files

This isn’t part of the spec, but it’s 99.999% common in the C world.

You can compile C files into an intermediate representation called object files. These are compiled machine code that hasn’t been put into an executable yet.

Object files in Windows have a .OBJ extension; in Unix-likes, they’re .o.

In gcc, we can build some like this, with the -c (compile only!) flag:

gcc -c foo.c     # produces foo.o
gcc -c bar.c     # produces bar.o

And then we can link those together into a single executable:

gcc -o foo foo.o bar.o

Voila, we’ve produced an executable foo from the two object files.

But you’re thinking, why bother? Can’t we just:

gcc -o foo foo.c bar.c

and kill two boids118 with one stone?

For little programs, that’s fine. I do it all the time.

But for larger programs, we can take advantage of the fact that compiling from source to object files is relatively slow, and linking together a bunch of object files is relatively fast.

This really shows with the make utility that only rebuilds sources that are newer than their outputs.

Let’s say you had a thousand C files. You could compile them all to object files to start (slowly) and then combine all those object files into an executable (fast).

Now say you modified just one of those C source files—here’s the magic: you only have to rebuild that one object file for that source file! And then you rebuild the executable (fast). All the other C files don’t have to be touched.

In other words, by only rebuilding the object files we need to, we cut down on compilation times radically. (Unless of course you’re doing a “clean” build, in which case all the object files have to be created.)

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