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Over the years I've accumulated much information on many different
things, and I enjoy taking a crack at explaining them to other people.
If you're lucky, that's you! The time I spend working on these projects
ebbs and flows, but check back some time in the future, and you might
find some entirely new stuff. |
Buy Beej's Guide to Network Programming as an actual
The Guides! Free downloads!
- Beej's Guide to Network
This is a beginner's guide to socket programming with Internet
sockets. It is meant to be a springboard that will launch you into the
exciting world of TCP/IP programming. This document has earned a fair
amount of praise.
- Beej's Guide to C—Tutorial
Do you already know another language and want to learn C? This is the
Guide for you. This starts with the easy stuff (and pointers) and
gradually adds more content as you progress. (Right now this still
includes the library reference, but that is in process of being moved to
its own volume, below.)
- Beej's Guide to C—Library
This is the second volume of Beej's Guide to C:
the standard library reference, complete with examples. (Inspired by the
incomparable Turbo C Bible.)
- Beej's Guide to Network Concepts
What? Another network guide? Yes, it is! This one's not about C, but is
more about networking in general. It uses the rather-more-approchable
Python for its network code, but also digs into other utilities and
tools for working with networks.
- Beej's Guide to Git
If you're suddenly needing to use Git for something, hopefully this is
the Guide for you. Starting from zero, it builds up your Git mental
model so that you can more easily make your way around. This isn't a
cheat-sheet—the idea is that you'll form a foundation to build toward
expert use!
- Beej's Guide to Unix Interprocess Communication
Now that you have extra-process communication going on with sockets,
why not try your hand at some interprocess communication, eh? Shared
memory, semaphores, signals, and memory mapped files await you!
- Beej's Guide to Learning Computer Science
This is a short primer aimed at new computer science students. It's not
about how to program, but rather about how to approach programming
problems in general. These are some techniques for setting yourself up
for success! (This is a beta document—corrections and enhancements
- Beej's Guide to Python Programming
An alpha release of a programming book for absolute beginners. No
experience necessary!
- Beej's Guide to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
This is a quick introduction to using GDB, GNU's famous debugger, from
the command line.
- Beej's Guide to Killing
If you play Moria, this will help
you slay Ancient Multi-Hued Dragons from the safety of your own
- Beej's Bit Bucket
This is my programming-and-tech-related blog where I scribble down
various pieces of information, as well as short programming tutorials.
It's basically my outlet when I don't feel like writing an entire book.
Visit: Beej's Home Page.