Beej's Computer Desk
This is one of my first experiments using POV-Ray, the free ray-tracing package.
As you can tell, I'm very new to this.
// Beej's Desk
// povray +A0.3 -Idesk.pov +W640 +H480
// Render time: 83 seconds (Linux Pentium 133)
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
camera {
location <7, 35, -85>
look_at <11, -20, 15>
light_source { <-10, 20, 15> White }
light_source { <40, 40, -180> White }
// declare 28" legs:
#declare leg =
union {
box {
pigment { P_Chrome1 }
box {
<0.8, -0.3, 0.8>
pigment { rgb <0.5,0.5,0.5> }
translate <0.1, -28, 0.1>
#declare table =
union {
// The wooden top:
box {
texture { T_Wood1 rotate 90*y scale 8}
translate <-30,0,0>
// The white underside sans drawer:
difference {
box {
pigment { White }
finish { specular 1 }
translate <-30,-2.5,0>
box {
pigment { White }
finish { specular 1 }
translate <-12,0,0>
// The legs:
object { leg translate <-29.9, 0, 0.1> }
object { leg translate <28.9, 0, 0.1> }
object { leg translate <-29.9, 0, 28.9> }
object { leg translate <28.9, 0, 28.9> }
// The drawer:
union {
// The front
box {
pigment { White }
finish { specular 1 }
// The main drawer inside
difference {
box {
pigment { White }
finish { specular 1 }
box {
pigment { White }
finish { specular 1 }
// The pen rack
difference {
box {
pigment { White }
finish { specular 1 }
cylinder {
pigment { White }
finish { specular 1 }
translate <0.6,0,0.4>
//translate <-12,-2,0.2>
translate <-12,-2,-11>
} // End of table
object { table rotate 20*y scale 2 }