The Internet Pizza Server

Something good for your nerve endings, since 1994

You are visitor number: 2570838

*The Pizza Server Ordering Area *

* Order and view a pizza over the Web!
* Peek in the dining room--and see what people have ordered recently

General information and documents

* What is this Pizza Server thing, anyway?
* Help with ordering pizza over the Web
* What are "Beej-Bux", anyway?
* How to use Domino's Pizza for something useful
* View a sample pizza
* The current topping menu
* Pizza Hut's been SUED!
* Read our Declaration of War posted to billions of newsgroups around the planet
* Additional information and credits

Other Services Provided by the Pizza Server

* The IPS Magical Site of the Moment!--The sites we think are COOL!
* Other Pizza Sites

The Internet Pizza Server Gift Shop

* View the New Pizza Server Logo
* View the New Pizza Server animated logo
* Desktop wallpapers: 800x600 | 1280x1024 | 1600x1200
* Download the Pizza Server logo POV-Ray Source Code used to render the Pizza Server logo
* View the Classic Pizza Server Logo
* View the Classic Pizza Server animated logo

Pizza Server In The News

* Read the Dallas Morning News column that mentions the Pizza Server
* Read the Raleigh News & Observer report that mentions the server
* Read a class assignment that uses the pizza server as an example!

The Internet Pizza Server is maintained by Beej ( and The Internet Pizza Server Elves

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