The Glowing Sphere Thingey

Created using POV-Ray, the free ray-tracing package.

[Sphere Image]

#include "" #include "" #include "" background { color Black } #declare base1 = difference { box { <0,-1,0> <1,1,1> texture { T_Stone8 } translate <-0.5, -0.5, -0.5> } box { <0,-1.1,0> <1.1,1.1,1.1> texture { T_Stone8 } translate <-0.55, -0.55, -0.55> rotate y*45 } } #declare base2= difference { object { base1 } sphere { <0,0.5,0> 0.75 texture { T_Stone8 } } } camera { location <2, 2, -3> look_at <0,0,0> } #declare base= union { object { base2 } box { <0,0,0> <1.2,0.2,1.2> texture { T_Stone8 } translate <-0.6,-1.2,-0.6> } cylinder { <0,0,0> <0,0.2,0> 0.95 texture { T_Stone8 } translate <0,-1.4,0> } } light_source { <10,10,-10> White rotate y*-30} light_source { <0,0.5,0> White } object { base } sphere { <0,0.5,0> 0.55 pigment { color rgbf <0.7,0.7,1,0.8> } finish { reflection 0.7 phong 0.3 } } box { <0,0,0> <10,1,10> texture { T_Wood2 } translate <-5,-2.4,-5> }