The Pizza Server Corewar Home Page

Core War is a game played by two or more programs (and vicariously by their authors) written in an assembly language called Redcode and run in a virtual computer called MARS (for Memory Array Redcode Simulator). The object of the game is to cause all of the opposing programs to terminate, leaving your program in sole posession of the machine.

King of the Hill (KotH) is an ongoing Core War tournament available to anyone with email. You enter by submitting a Redcode program via email with special comment lines. You will receive a reply indicating how well your program did against the current top twenty-five programs "on the hill".

The Corewar FAQ

plain text FAQ

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The Current Status of you favorite Pizza Hill

The Pizza Core War KotH Server closed on 22 June 2001 and the hills have since moved to either or KOTH@SAL. Here are the final standings:

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These pages and the Pizza Hills are maintained by   [Blue Ribbon]