


Moria characters have several attributes that affect how they their character can survive in the dungeon and interact with monsters. Many of these have cryptic relationships to their actual function. Below is a list of all the attributes and their contribution to the character.

The following six attributes, which are the most important, are on a scale of 3-18, with an additional 'exceptional' value after 18, designated by a slash, like 18/29. The maximum value of any attribute is 18/100. A plain 18 is the same as 18/00. If a second number is displayed next to the attribute (like STR: 18 18/29) the second number is your original value before it was drained by a attribute draining creature.

STR: Character strength.

+-------------------------------------------+   Carry capacity is:
|  STR Range   | +HIT bonus | +Damage bonus |   
|  3           |     -3     |      -2       |   STR * 13.0 + Weight
|  4           |     -2     |      -1       |
|  5   - 7     |     -1     |       0       |   Maximum of 300.0 lbs.
|  8   -15     |      0     |       0       |
| 16           |     +0     |      +1       |   Weapon limit
| 17           |     +0     |      +2       |
| 18   -18/74  |     +1     |      +3       |   STR * 1.5 < Weapon Wt.
| 18/75-18/90  |     +2     |      +4       |   then hit it str*1.5-wt
| 18/91-18/99  |     +3     |      +5       |
| 18/100       |     +4     |      +6       |
DEX: Character Dexterity and Agility:
|  DEX Range   | +HIT bonus | +AC Bonus | +Disarm Bonus |
|  3           |     -3     |    -4     |      -8       |
|  4           |     -2     |    -3     |      -6       |
|  5           |     -2     |    -2     |      -4       |
|  6           |     -1     |    -1     |      -2       |
|  7           |     -1     |     0     |      -1       |
|  8   -12     |      0     |     0     |       0       |
| 13   -15     |      0     |     0     |      +1       |
| 16           |     +1     |    +1     |      +2       |
| 17           |     +2     |    +1     |      +2       |
| 18   -18/49  |     +3     |    +2     |      +4       |
| 18/50-18/90  |     +4     |    +3     |      +5       |
| 18/91-18/99  |     +4     |    +4     |      +6       |
| 18/100       |     +5     |    +5     |      +8       |
The number of attacks/round it determined by the weight of the weapon, the STR, and DEX attributes. S/W = Str divided by the weight of the weapon in pounds. Exceptional strength, is added to the 18. (18/29 = 47)
| S/W\DEX | 3-9 | 10-18 | 18/01-18/49 | 18/50-18/89 | 18/89-18/99 | 18/100 |
|  0-1.99 |  1  |   1   |      1       |     1      |      1      |   1    |
|  2-2.99 |  1  |   1   |      1       |     1      |      2      |   2    |
|  3-3.99 |  1  |   1   |      1       |     2      |      2      |   3    |
|  4-4.99 |  1  |   1   |      2       |     2      |      3      |   3    |
|  5-6.99 |  1  |   2   |      2       |     3      |      3      |   4    |
|  7-8.99 |  1  |   2   |      2       |     3      |      4      |   4    |
|  9-     |  2  |   2   |      3       |     3      |      4      |   4    |
INT and WIS: These determine your spell casting ability. For Mages, Rangers and Rogues, use the INT stat, and for priests and paladins, use the WIS stat.

Also, INT gives you a bonus for using devices, as shown in the table below. Note: This is for the INT stat, no matter what the class is. See the wand and staff section for a complete formula for the chance to use a device sucessfully.

|   INT/WIS   |  Mana Mult | Fail adjust | Device use | Spell/lv |
|  3   - 7    |      0     |  No spells  |     0      |   None   |
|  8   -14    |      1     |    - 3%     |     1      |     1    |
| 15   -17    |      1     |    - 6%     |     2      |     1    |
| 18   -18/49 |     3/2    |    - 9%     |     3      |     1    |
| 18/50-18/69 |      2     |    -12%     |     4      |    3/2   |
| 18/70-18/89 |     5/2    |    -15%     |     5      |    3/2   |
| 18/90-18/99 |      3     |    -18%     |     6      |     2    |
| 18/100      |      4     |    -21%     |     7      |    5/2   |
CON: States how healthy the character is.
|    CON      |  HP Bonus  | HP/turn poison damage |
|  3          |     -4     |         4             |
|  4          |     -3     |         3             |
|  5          |     -2     |         3             |
|  6          |     -1     |         2             |
|  7   -16    |      0     |         1             |
| 17          |     +1     |        1/2            |
| 18   -18/74 |     +2     |        1/2            |
| 18/75-18/99 |     +3     |        1/2            |
| 18/100      |     +4     |        1/3            |
CHA: Charisma. Describes you looks, personality, likeability. The only thing this effects is the prices in the ship. Unlike the other stats, nothing except a potion of Ugliness can lower your charisma.
|     CHA     |  % Base  |
|  3          |  130%    |
|  4          |  125%    |
|  5          |  122%    |
|  6          |  120%    |
|  7          |  118%    |
|  8          |  116%    |
|  9          |  114%    |
| 10          |  112%    |
| 11          |  110%    |
| 12          |  108%    |
| 13          |  106%    |
| 14          |  104%    |
| 15          |  103%    |
| 16          |  102%    |
| 17          |  101%    |
| 18          |  100%    |
| 18/01-18/49 |   98%    |
| 18/50-18/69 |   96%    |
| 18/70-18/89 |   94%    |
| 18/90-18/99 |   92%    |
| 18/100      |   90%    |


There are 8 races in standard moria. All but humans get modifiers to their attributes and many are limited in what classes they can become.

Classes is a bitmap of WMPRRP (Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, Paladin)

| Race     | STR | INT | WIS | DEX | CON | CHR | Classes | Exp Penalty |
| Human    |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  | WMPRRP  |    0%       |
| Half-Elf | -1  | +1  |  0  | +1  | -1  | +1  | WMPRRP  |   10%       |
| Elf      | -1  | +2  | +1  | +1  | -2  | +1  | WMPRR   |   20%       |
| Halfling | -2  | +2  | +1  | +3  | +1  | +1  | WM R    |   10%       |
| Gnome    | -1  | +2  |  0  | +2  | +1  | -2  | WMPR    |   25%       |
| Dwarf    | +2  | -3  | +1  | -2  | +2  | -3  | W P     |   20%       |
| Half-Orc | +2  | -1  | +0  | +0  | +1  | -4  | W PR    |   10%       |
| Half-Trl | +4  | -4  | -2  | -4  | +3  | -6  | W P     |   20%       |

| Race     | Disarm | Search | Stealth | Precept | Fight | Bows | Device | 
| Human    |   0    |    0   |    0    |    0    |   0   |   0  |    0   |
| Half-Elf |   2    |    6   |    1    |   -1    |  -1   |   5  |    3   |
| Elf      |   5    |    8   |    1    |   -2    |  -5   |  15  |    6   |
| Halfling |  15    |   12   |    4    |   -5    |  -10  |  20  |   18   |
| Gnome    |  10    |    6   |    3    |   -3    |  -8   |  12  |   12   |
| Dwarf    |   2    |    7   |   -1    |    0    |  15   |   0  |    9   |
| Half-Orc |  -3    |    0   |   -1    |    3    |  12   |  -5  |   -3   |
| Half-Trl |  -5    |   -1   |   -2    |    5    |  20   | -10  |   -8   |
Note: Lower perception is better. Saving throw ability is the same as Device use.
| Race     |   Age   | Height (M) | Weight (M) | Height (F) | Weight (F) |
| Human    | 14+1d6  |    72+1d6  |  180+1d25  |   66+1d4   |  150+1d20  |
| Half-Elf | 24+1d16 |    66+1d6  |  130+1d15  |   62+1d6   |  100+1d10  |
| Elf      | 75+1d75 |    60+1d4  |  100+1d6   |   54+1d4   |   80+1d6   |
| Halfling | 21+1d12 |    36+1d3  |   60+1d3   |   33+1d3   |   50+1d3   |
| Gnome    | 50+1d40 |    42+1d3  |   90+1d6   |   39+1d3   |   50+1d3   |
| Dwarf    | 35+1d15 |    48+1d3  |  150+1d10  |   46+1d3   |  120+1d10  |
| Half-Orc | 11+1d4  |    67      |  150+1d5   |   63       |  120+1d5   |
| Half-Trl | 20+1d10 |    96+1d10 |  255+1d50  |   84+1d8   |  225+1d40  |

| Race     | Infravision | Hitdie |
| Human    |      0'     |  10    |
| Half-Elf |     20'     |   9    |
| Elf      |     30'     |   8    |
| Halfling |     40'     |   6    |
| Gnome    |     40'     |   7    |
| Dwarf    |     50'     |   9    |
| Half-Orc |     30'     |  10    |
| Half-Trl |     30'     |  12    |


There are six classes in Moria. The Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, and Paladin. All of these classes get modifiers on their stats at the beginning and develop skills at a different rate per level. All but the warrior also gets spells. These spells are described in the Spells section at the end of this file.
| Class   | STR | INT | WIS | DEX | CON | CHA | Spells | Exp Pen. | HitDie |
| Warrior | +5  | -2  | -2  | +2  | +2  | -1  | NONE   |    0%    |  9     |
| Mage    | -5  | +3  | +0  | +1  | -2  | +1  | MAGE   |   30%    |  0     |
| Priest  | -3  | -3  | +3  | -1  | +0  | +2  | PRIEST |   20%    |  2     |
| Rogue   | +2  | +1  | -2  | +3  | +1  | -1  | MAGE   |    0%    |  6     |
| Ranger  | +2  | +2  | +0  | +1  | +1  | +1  | MAGE   |   40%    |  4     |
| Paladin | +3  | -3  | +1  | +0  | +2  | +2  | PRIEST |   35%    |  6     |

| Class   | Disarm | Search | Stealth | Percept | Fight | Bows | Save |
| Warrior |   25   |   14   |   1     |   38    |  70   |  55  |  18  |
| Mage    |   30   |   16   |   2     |   20    |  34   |  20  |  36  |
| Priest  |   25   |   16   |   2     |   32    |  48   |  35  |  30  |
| Rogue   |   45   |   32   |   5     |   16    |  60   |  66  |  30  |
| Ranger  |   30   |   24   |   3     |   24    |  56   |  72  |  30  |
| Paladin |   20   |   12   |   1     |   38    |  68   |  40  |  24  |
Each level, the fighting, bows, device use, disarm, and saves go up. This chart describes the increase per level of the above numbers
| Class   | Fight | Bows | Device | Disarm | Save | 
| Warrior |  4    |   4  |   2    |   2    |  3   |
| Mage    |  2    |   2  |   4    |   3    |  3   |
| Priest  |  2    |   2  |   4    |   3    |  3   |
| Rogue   |  3    |   4  |   3    |   4    |  3   |
| Ranger  |  3    |   4  |   3    |   3    |  3   |
| Paladin |  3    |   3  |   3    |   2    |  3   |


All characters receive experience during the game. Experience determines your level, which determines hit points, mana points, spells, abilities, etc. The amount of experience required to advance a level is a base value (shown below) plus a penalty for race and class.

Base Experience

| Lv |  Exp to Adv  | Lv |  Exp to Adv  | Lv |  Exp to Adv |
|  1 |     10       | 14 |   1,400      | 27 |     35,000  |
|  2 |     25       | 15 |   1,800      | 28 |     50,000  |
|  3 |     45       | 16 |   2,300      | 29 |     75,000  |
|  4 |     70       | 17 |   2,900      | 30 |    100,000  |
|  5 |    100       | 18 |   3,600      | 31 |    150,000  |
|  6 |    140       | 19 |   4,400      | 32 |    200,000  |
|  7 |    200       | 20 |   5,400      | 33 |    300,000  |
|  8 |    280       | 21 |   6,800      | 34 |    400,000  |
|  9 |    380       | 22 |   8,400      | 35 |    500,000  |
| 10 |    500       | 23 |  10,200      | 36 |    750,000  |
| 11 |    650       | 24 |  12,500      | 37 |  1,500,000  |
| 12 |    850       | 25 |  17,500      | 38 |  2,500,000  |
| 13 |  1,100       | 26 |  25,000      | 39 |  5,000,000  |
Maximum level is 40 and maximum experience is 9,999,999

There are penalties to experience to help balance out the classes and races. These are listed above and are used to figure out your actual experience required.

For example: For a 10'th level Gnomish Mage to achieve 11'th level needs:

           500 *  1.25 * 1.30 = 812.5
         (base) (gnome) (mage)
Note: Even for the worst case (Gnomish Ranger) it is still possible to achieve the 40th level. (5,000,000*1.25*1.40=8,750,000 experience) (Note: A Gnomish Ranger can't exist, this was just a worst cast scenario)

The program internally keeps experience out to the second decimal place even though it only displays the integer portion on the screen.

There are many ways to gain experience. This list shows a few.

  1. Defeating monsters
  2. Disarming traps
  3. Picking locks
  4. Using a scroll, potion, staff, wand, or rod for the first time and discovering what it did.
  5. Casting a spell successfully for the first time.
  6. Drinking a potion of gain experience
Identifying objects will give (item level + char level/2) /char level experience points.

Each experience level has a title which is displayed under your name and class. Below is a listing of all the titles for each level and class.

   Warrior      Mage         Priest       Rogue        Ranger       Paladin
 1 Rookie       Novice       Believer     Vagabond     Runner(1st)  Gallant
 2 Private      Apprentice   Acolyte(1st) Footpad      Runner(2nd)  Keeper(1st)
 3 Soldier      Trickster-1  Acolyte(2nd) Cutpurse     Runner(3rd)  Keeper(2nd)
 4 Mercenary    Trickster-2  Acolyte(3rd) Robber       Strider(1st) Keeper(3rd)
 5 Veteran(1st) Trickster-3  Adept(1st)   Burglar      Strider(2nd) Keeper(4th)
 6 Veteran(2nd) Cabalist-1   Adept(2nd)   Filcher      Strider(3rd) Keeper(5th)
 7 Veteran(3rd) Cabalist-2   Adept(3rd)   Sharper      Scout(1st)   Keeper(6th)
 8 Warrior(1st) Cabalist-3   Priest(1st)  Magsman      Scout(2nd)   Keeper(7th)
 9 Warrior(2nd) Visionist    Priest(2nd)  Common Rogue Scout(3rd)   Keeper(8th)
10 Warrior(3rd) Phantasmist  Priest(3rd)  Rogue(1st)   Scout(4th)   Keeper(9th)
11 Warrior(4th) Shadowist    Priest(4th)  Rogue(2nd)   Scout(5th)   Protector-1
12 Swordsman-1  Spellbinder  Priest(5th)  Rogue(3rd)   Courser(1st) Protector-2
13 Swordsman-2  Illusionist  Priest(6th)  Rogue(4th)   Courser(2nd) Protector-3
14 Swordsman-3  Evoker(1st)  Priest(7th)  Rogue(5th)   Courser(3rd) Protector-4
15 Hero         Evoker(2nd)  Priest(8th)  Rogue(6th)   Courser(4th) Protector-5
16 Swashbuckler Evoker(3rd)  Priest(9th)  Rogue(7th)   Courser(5th) Protector-6
17 Myrmidon     Evoker(4th)  Curate(1st)  Rogue(8th)   Tracker(1st) Protector-7
18 Champion-1   Conjurer     Curate(2nd)  Rogue(9th)   Tracker(2nd) Protector-8
19 Champion-2   Theurgist    Curate(3rd)  Master Rogue Tracker(3rd) Defender-1
20 Champion-3   Thaumaturge  Curate(4th)  Expert Rogue Tracker(4th) Defender-2
21 Superhero    Magician     Curate(5th)  Senior Rogue Tracker(5th) Defender-3
22 Knight       Enchanter    Curate(6th)  Chief Rogue  Tracker(6th) Defender-4
23 Superior Knt Warlock      Curate(7th)  Prime Rogue  Tracker(7th) Defender-5
24 Gallant Knt  Sorcerer     Curate(8th)  Low Thief    Tracker(8th) Defender-6
25 Knt Errant   Necromancer  Curate(9th)  Thief(1st)   Tracker(9th) Defender-7
26 Guardian Knt Mage(1st)    Canon(1st)   Thief(2nd)   Guide(1st)   Defender-8
27 Baron        Mage(2nd)    Canon(2nd)   Thief(3rd)   Guide(2nd)   Warder(1st)
28 Duke         Mage(3rd)    Canon(3rd)   Thief(4th)   Guide(3rd)   Warder(2nd)
29 Lord(1st)    Mage(4th)    Canon(4th)   Thief(5th)   Guide(4th)   Warder(3rd)
30 Lord(2nd)    Mage(5th)    Canon(5th)   Thief(6th)   Guide(5th)   Warder(4th)
31 Lord(3rd)    Wizard(1st)  Low Lama     Thief(7th)   Guide(6th)   Warder(5th)
32 Lord(4th)    Wizard(2nd)  Lama-1       Thief(8th)   Guide(7th)   Warder(6th)
33 Lord(5th)    Wizard(3rd)  Lama-2       Thief(9th)   Guide(8th)   Warder(7th)
34 Lord(6th)    Wizard(4th)  Lama-3       High Thief   Guide(9th)   Warder(8th)
35 Lord(7th)    Wizard(5th)  High Lama    Master Thief Pathfinder-1 Warder(9th)
36 Lord(8th)    Wizard(6th)  Great Lama   Executioner  Pathfinder-2 Guardian
37 Lord(9th)    Wizard(7th)  Patriarch    Low Assassin Pathfinder-3 Chevalier
38 Lord Gallant Wizard(8th)  High Priest  Assassin     Ranger       Justiciar
39 Lord Keeper  Wizard(9th)  Great Priest High AssassinHigh Ranger  Paladin
40 Lord Noble   Wizard Lord  Noble Priest Guildmaster  Ranger Lord  High Lord